Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 659: Since you are not willing, why not try hard

Zhuo Yuwei didn't stay long before leaving.

Gu Bingjun personally sent him and the Minister of the Interior away.

Zhi Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and the charming and charming smile disappeared almost instantly, and was wiped off like a mask.

Ning Yichen stretched out his hand to support her, and there was a trace of helplessness in his tone: "Who are you gambling with?"

"No." She bit her lip and her tone was a little tough, "I just want to do my own job."

She is now Miss Leslie, and her words and deeds must conform to this status.

"Since Mr. President is gone, you don't have to stay here." Ning Yichen said decisively, "Go, I will send you back."

But Zhixi shook her head: "No, today's dinner was reported for my father and I, and I can't go anyway."

"Your father will be there, Zhi Xi, you don't have to be forced..."

"I'm not reluctant at all!" She interrupted him suddenly and suddenly, her expression was even more stubborn and cold.

She bypassed Ning Yichen, strode to the long table, and poured herself a glass of high-degree wine.

She was about to drink it, and suddenly a hand traversed over, grabbing her cup with a split hand.

She looked up the slender and slender hand, and He Jingyao's cold brows fell into her eyes.

Her eyes suddenly sour, her voice hoarse: "Give me back the wine!"

"Miss Gu, with your amount of wine, after drinking this glass, I woke up and was on my bed." The man's lips smirked, "Are you sure you want to give it a try?"

Zhi Xi's face suddenly turned red: " are shameless!"

He Jingyao's expression suddenly converged, and her dark eyebrows were stained with warmth that made her heart palpitate.

"Why?" His voice fell low into her ears, "My illness is cured, and it has hit you so hard, eh? Does this mean that you still have what you expected in your heart?" , But now, do you think all your expectations might be missed?"

Zhi Xi shuddered gently, and when she understood it, the blush on her face quickly faded away, leaving only a pale!

"He Jingyao, you..." She wanted to argue and deny, but found that she couldn't say anything.

Yeah, why is she so sad?

At the time he said those desperate words to himself, she didn't have the pain and despair like today.

Perhaps it was because at that time she could comfort herself that they should not have been together, but now, the reason that prevented them from being together no longer exists, and she lost all excuses.

Therefore, he no longer loves her reality, and it is extremely cruel to present in front of her.

Four years of pain and struggle, like a joke, she was dizzy.

He Jingyao looked at her pale and blank face and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hold her in her arms.

Zhi Xi wanted to struggle subconsciously, but the man's arm buckled her waist firmly, making her unable to move.

"Boom, boom, boom..." She listened to his heavy and powerful heartbeat, and the whole person suddenly tranced.

At the dinner, countless eyes focused on the two of them, but He Jingyao turned a blind eye.

"Su Zhixi." His breath fell to her ears, like a whisper between lovers, "You are not without opportunities, I am still free. Since you are not willing, why not try hard, eh?"

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