Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 594: Do it again, I will let you go

She turned her head and looked exactly at the dark eyes of the man.

Gu Zhixi's heart was chaotic, and he quickly looked away and hurried to the bed to pick up his clothes.

Even if her clothes are torn, it is better than wearing this man's clothes...

She finally found her trousers. Suddenly, a hand was crossed on her waist and her back hit a stiff chest.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, but waiting for her to struggle, her back pressed against the cold wall.

The man pressed her against the wall with no expression on her face, but her eyes suppressed a certain emotion, which made her tremble.

"Her Jingyao..." she started tremblingly.

He didn't speak, one hand touched the corner of her eyes, and his breathing became heavy.

Gu Zhixi's nervous and stiff body, this look of He Jingyao, made her more afraid than he just...

"Do you know?" He suddenly smiled lowly and looked at her eyes. "When my wife was alive, I never told her the word love."

Zhi Xi stared at him in a daze.

"I always feel that this word is too frivolous." His voice was low and deep, "And, I don't know if I can afford the weight of this word."

Zhi Xi opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but then remembered that she was Miss Gu now, not Su Zhixi.

"It wasn't until I left that I understood what it meant to be memorable." He clasped her hands and smiled hoarsely. "She always told me that she couldn't imagine the days when she wasn't with me. But, it turned out that I There is no way to imagine."

Gu Zhixi shuddered, staring at her stunned.

"But she did not hesitate to leave, leaving me alone, thinking that it was for me, but never thinking about what I really needed." The man laughed and pressed her forehead. "You think , Should I praise her for being selfless, or should I accuse her of being selfish?"

"...I don't know." Zhi Xi finally couldn't help choking.

This problem also tormented her countless times. She didn't know how to choose what was really good for him, so she was so contradictory, and repeated, even she felt nasty.

He Jingyao's throat rolled.

He looked at her gradually red eyes and chuckled abruptly.

"Miss Gu." He still called her like this, with a slightly smirking voice, "I will let you go again if I do it again, how?"

She was stunned: "What?"

The man stared at her deeply, and his scorching big palm burned on her hip.

Zhi Xi shivered: "You..."

"Who made you dress like this-seduce me." He whispered, his hot body clinging tightly to hers.

"...You only have shirts in your closet!" Gu Zhixi was ashamed and angry. If she found the pants, she would definitely put them on, and how could she come out like that.

"Huh..." He bowed his earlobe, "all excuses."

She blushed: "...Is that what you said is true?"


"...Do it again, just let me go?" Her voice was still trembling, and it seemed that having said this already made her extremely ashamed.

The man seemed to ponder a little: "Three times."

"No! At most twice!" She immediately cast aside shame and glared at him with her teeth.

He thought for a while and smiled: "Okay, then twice."

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