Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 591: It seems that you have forgotten how you just asked me

Gu Zhixi listened to his slightly mocking tone, and his tears were almost coming out.

No matter it was four years ago or now, this man has such a skill, he is always strategic and easy to deal with, and easily blocks all her retreat, so that she has to obey his arrangement.

It wasn’t even four years ago, but now she is clearly not the Su Zhixi who had no one to rely on. Why did she still take him for nothing?

He also determined this, so he would act so arrogantly!

"Is Mr. He really afraid that I will sue you?" she said coldly.

The man smiled lowly, as if mocking her sternness.

"I'm looking forward to it," he said, getting closer to her, and the distance was close enough that he could kiss her next second.

Zhixi was messed up by his breath!

"I... do you think I dare not? My father is Leslie, and even Mr. President does not dare to neglect him. If you violate my case, it may cause disputes between the two countries!" Zhi Xi gritted his teeth. Talking.

"Well...I think Mr. President will be very happy to let me marry Miss Gu home. After all, your father has only you one daughter, eh? In the future, his property can only be inherited by you, once you become my wife..." he With a low smile, "In that situation, our Mr. President is absolutely happy to see it done, so I promise he will work hard to make it happen."

Gu Zhixi sorted out this relationship and found that he was speechless... Gu Bingjun's status in Country S was important. In case all of his huge family property was taken by her to Country Z, it was almost devastating to Country S. Combat...

Could it be that this man even thought of this?

In this way, even if she really wanted to sue him, she would be the same!

Thinking of this, she was even trembling with anger.

"Or, is Miss Gu happy to form Qin Jin with me?" He raised an eyebrow. "If Miss Gu had this intention, I would not object."

"No, I don't want it at all!" Gu Zhixi's eyelashes tremble violently. "Mr. Hee is clever, I am ashamed! I haven't happened today, I hope you will respect yourself in the future!"

He Jingyao laughed.

After four years of absence, the woman's temper has gone up. It seems that as the daughter of the Grand Duke, she is gradually getting a little arrogant.

"Or, Miss Gu can consider my proposal that day?" He smiled lazily, "I said I can make you very comfortable, how does Miss Gu experience?"

Zhi Xi blushed and turned his head bitterly: "Awful!"

"You didn't say that just now." He raised an eyebrow. "It seems that you have forgotten how you just asked me. Do you want to recall it?"

"He Jingyao, you're enough!" She glared at him hard, and then pushed away fiercely, holding the quilt and rolling to the side--

It's a pity that although she smoothly rolled out of the man's arms, the quilt slipped completely from her body, feeling that her body was cold, and she realized that something was wrong, and when she looked down, she didn't have an inch.

Behind him came the low laugh of the man.

She was so embarrassed and angry that she tried to drag the quilt to try to cover herself, but she didn't know what the quilt was too heavy or what was going on. She couldn't move it. She had to roll under the bed, which barely blocked her.

This tossing, the sour body had no strength at all, she knelt on the ground and gasped for a long time, her eyes did not forget to stare at someone fiercely.

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