Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 589: Stop, stop

"You're welcome." Lu Qixi smiled and waved to the little guy, "Xiaobao, goodbye."

"Goodbye Tanabata." He said reluctantly, "Can I still play with you next time?"

"Of course." Lu Qixi smiled and pinched on the little guy's face.

Xiao Bao's eyes waved to her.

Pei Yuanchen walked away with him in his arms before asking: "You kid... Where did your mother go, do you know?"

"Where did my mother go?" he asked, his gaze still watching the landing on the seventh day of the moon, waving hard with her from time to time.

"Don't you know?" Pei Yuanchen frowned, "I called her several times, and no one answered...Forget it, let's go back and see."

When he returned home, Pei Yuanchen pressed the doorbell for half a day and no one answered. Fortunately, he had a key here. After opening the door, he saw a take-out lunch on the ground and a mobile phone on the sofa, but the room was empty.

Where did this woman go?

Pei Yuanchen squeezed Xiaobao's cheek: "You really don't know where my mother is?"

Xiao Bao shook his head blankly.

Pei Yuanchen rolled his eyes: "Neither of you mother and son have a worry... She can't be kidnapped?"

He thought about it, tuned out the surveillance video, and Xiao Bao also got together and watched with interest.

"Hey, is this dad?" Xiao Bao was suddenly excited.

Pei Yuanchen looked at the slender black figure on the monitor, frowning and knotting: "It was really kidnapped..."

Threw his son to a stranger, and ran to fool around with the man himself. Gu Zhixi, you are really getting better!

"Uncle, what did Dad and Mom do?" Xiao Bao asked innocently.

Pei Yuanchen laughed lazily: "When your mother comes back, you should ask her yourself."


Gu Zhixi felt like he was in the sea.

The sea water was warm, with a touch of salty taste... The tide was suddenly high and low, but it didn't make people panic, but made her feel at ease from the heart.

But gradually, the calm and warm sea water gradually began to reveal its untidy side. The tide was getting bigger and bigger, and she was lifted to the head again and again, making her start to panic.

"Don't..." she murmured subconsciously.

Stop, stop now, no, woo...

However, her mouth was quickly blocked by a soft and hot object, blocking all her begging and sobbing.


I don't know when the sea turned into a blaze again. She burned all over, and her mouth was dry.

She gasped heavily, struggling, but her hands were caught and she couldn't move.

No, not the sea, nor the fire, but...

The sense of touch below the waist finally became clear, giving her a sense of panic as her soul pulled away.

"Um..." She couldn't help making a sound, seeming painful and contented.

A low-pitched laugh came from her ears, which made her consciousness clear.

"Are you comfortable?" A low voice sounded in my ears.

Comfortable...what comfortable...she tried to open her eyes but failed.

Then, her ears were bitten, and a slight pain struck her, causing her to tremble slightly.

Like a signal, all senses finally returned.

The fire faded away, the sea faded away... It became clear that it was a feeling that the body was possessed...

She finally opened her eyes...

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