Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 573: My technique is good, it will definitely make you very comfortable

Gu Zhixi's eyes widened and he suspected that he had misheard.

It must not be what she understood!

"My technique is still good." He smiled and raised his lips, "It will definitely make you very comfortable. Would you like to give it a try?"

"You..." Zhi Xi looked at him in disbelief!

He actually... really means that! Let her be his bed partner?

"I don't mean to disrespect Miss Gu, everyone is an adult, and I am not inexperienced in seeing Miss Gu." His eyes are somewhat explicit, "Miss Gu think about it?"

Zhi Xi blushed: "Don't think about it! I won't agree!"

The man didn't seem to be surprised by the answer. He chuckled and suddenly stepped forward, grabbing her waist and closing her lips hard.

Zhi Xi shuddered fiercely!

His kiss was not fierce at first, but it was unusually lingering. He forced her to open her teeth to greet his lips and tongue, rubbing hard, sucking... until she was completely paralyzed in his arms before finally letting go. Lost her.

Zhi Xi gasped for a long time, her wet and hot lips still felt, she tried to condemn him several times, but she completely defeated the dark and ambiguous eyes of the man.

"Is Miss Gu satisfied?" He said lowly, and he leaned in again and took a bite on her chin.

She woke up like a dream, and pushed her away hard. As a result, the man was motionless, but she was staggered by her own reactionary force.

The man raised his eyes and looked at her with all his leisure.

"No...not satisfied." Gu Zhixi said fiercely. "Mr. He's technology is just that...I think it's okay!"

The man didn't seem to expect that she would say such a tough word, his eyes became a little meaningful.

"Miss Gu, remember what you said today." His tone was firm and husky. "You will pay for this sentence just now."

It seemed that she was destined to escape his palm...

Zhi Xi was sour at the bottom of her heart, and she was a little bit confused about the unknown.

No, it cannot be shaken!

She gritted her teeth and turned away quickly.

The driver was waiting for her outside. When she saw her look was wrong, she was shocked: "Miss, what's wrong?"

Zhi Xi shook his head: "It's okay... let's go quickly."

After talking, she hurried into the car and closed the door heavily. But his eyes turned involuntarily.

The man had come out and stood on the steps, staring condescendingly at her direction.

She quickly drew back her gaze, her heart beating wildly, almost jumping out of her mouth. Fortunately, the driver quickly started the car, and threw that terrible gaze behind him.


He Jingyao watched the car driving away from his sight and chuckled for a long time.

The phone rang suddenly.

He took out his phone and glanced at it, then picked it up.

"Yan Zhao?"

"Jing Yao, tell you good news." Huo Yanzhao's voice was tired but pleased. "The gene therapy I mentioned last time is already in sight. If everything goes well, you will be able to contact women normally without worrying. Short-lived."

"Working hard, I will give you three more days." He Jingyao said with a smile.

"What?" Huo Yanzhao's voice rose suddenly. "Don't you say let me slow down last time?"

The man's throat rolled, and his voice was low and hoarse: "The situation has changed."

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