Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 571: Miss Gu is very similar to my wife

This voice...

Zhi Xi trance, then, the whole person froze there!

The man seemed to be bathed in the morning light, walking slowly towards her.

Zhixi felt her heart beating wildly, and she knew she should turn around and leave here immediately, pretending not to see him, but she could not move a step after she tried her best.

So, she could only watch the man standing in front of her.

His tall suit looked more and more slender and tall. The handsome facial features were a little deeper. The heavy charm came to her face, making her almost unbearable.

Compared with four years ago, this man's temperament became calm and restrained. The pair of black eyes always contain a little smile, but now they are dark and unpredictable.

Zhi Xi's nose was sour, and he subconsciously avoided his gaze, trying to restrain the trembling of his voice: "You are..."

"It turns out that Miss Gu has forgotten me." He tickled the corner of his lips, but there was no slight smile in his eyes. "We saw it last night, eh?"

Zhi Xi took a step back subconsciously, her eyelashes trembling violently: "It turned out to be...Mr. Hee."

He gave an unclear smile: "Yes, it's me."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the sales manager. The other party woke up as if dreaming and didn't dare to greet him, and hurried away with his assistant.

In order to sell the house to her, the manager opened the front and back doors deliberately just now. This large living room runs back and forth, but there is no one left—except for the two of them.

Zhi Xi bit her lip, and while the Six Gods had no master, the man suddenly reached out and clasped her chin accurately.

She almost jumped up in shock: "You..."

He raised her chin extremely hard, and held her shoulder with the other hand, not allowing her to move.

"Mr. Hey, what are you going to do!" She was furious, but her eyes were full of consternation, and she looked stern.

The man didn't speak, but pursed his lips and looked at her deeply.

Or, look at her.

Starting from the hairline, to the eyebrows, to the nose, to the mouth...he looked very serious.

Zhixi couldn't calm down, her nervous body was trembling, her nose flapped, her lower lip was whitish by her bite... The familiar and strange atmosphere surrounded her, and she almost lost her ability to think.

After a long time, He Jingyao suddenly smiled hoarsely: "Miss Gu and my wife are very similar."


Hearing these two words, Zhi Xi's tears almost came out.

"Is... is it?" she replied subconsciously.

"Yes." His fingertips ran softly across her face, and her low voice seemed to contain too much emotion. "Unfortunately she is dead."

Zhi Xi's breath suffocated.

"So I was surprised to see you, Miss Gu, there would be two people like this in the world." He chuckled and slowly released her, "Sorry, offended."

"No... it's okay." She lowered her eyes. "I... look like your wife, it's my pleasure."

He Jingyao chuckled a little, and his voice was a bit ambiguous: "Miss Gu said that, I will misunderstand."

Gu Zhixi blushed: "I don't mean this... sorry, I still have trouble, I'm out of company."

After talking, she turned and walked away.

She was still useless after all, except that she had no power to fend off the desert, and the clamoring voice in her head was about to drive her crazy.

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