Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 540: I'm obsessed with him whenever I have a chance

After coming out of the presidential palace, Su Zhixi returned to Wanhe Qianfeng Park.

The sunny days in a row for a few days have made a heavy snowfall not long ago clean.

The sky was just right, Su Zhixi sat under the porch of the front yard, staring at the high-rise buildings in the distance in a daze.

Since she knew He Jingyao's condition, she could not help but daze when she was alone, as if the whole person was empty.

Sometimes she feels that she is really selfish, not only selfish, but also vicious.

Knowing that Jing Yao would not live long with her, but she could pretend to have nothing, but instead she was obsessed with him whenever she had the chance, which was even worse than before.

He Jingyao has made his choice, but what about her?

She really can feel at ease to do so, besides hoping that his illness can be cured, does she do nothing?

But... she could not imagine what her life would be like without He Jingyao.

Fate made a huge joke with her.

Because she can approach him, she can be with him.

However, her approach will hurt him, so they are destined to not last long.

Thinking of this, Su Zhixi suddenly closed her eyes hard. The sadness and unwillingness in my heart almost overwhelmed her.

When it opened again, there was already a tall figure in front of him.

The man just got out of the car and walked towards her. The dark and deep eyebrows are the same as before, under the bridge of the handsome nose, the thinned lips always have a somewhat arc of smile, but Su Zhixi is clear, most of the time, the smile is warm and Affectionate and dazzling.

The sky of Hongxia can't divide his charm, he is born to be the pride of heaven, destined to be looked up to.

So he should have had a more wanton and richer life.

Thinking of this, Su Zhixi suddenly laughed.

He Jingyao had come to her and leaned over to hold her hand: "What are you doing sitting here? Your hands are frozen."

Su Zhixi jumped off the bench, holding his arm and said with a smile: "Because I want to see you soon."

"Su Zhixi." He stopped suddenly and gave her a meaningful look. "I found you are a bit sticky lately."

Su Zhi was a little nervous, opened her eyes and said, "Don't... do you think I'm scorned?"

He hooked her chin and looked at it with a smile for a while, before slowly spitting out a sentence: "Good, keep up the good work."

Su Zhixi immediately smiled and said: "I tried a new dessert, do you want to try it!"

"It's dessert again? Can you change a pattern?" The man's voice was slightly disgusted.

"Uh... everything else is too difficult... I'll learn later." Su Zhixi acted coquettishly.


The two men ate half of the dessert and Ning Yichen suddenly visited.

He Jingyao frowned unpleasantly and said to Li Bo, "What is he doing here?"

"He said, talk to Mrs. Young," Li Bo said helplessly.

Su Zhixi suddenly remembered something and said to Li Bo: "Yes, let him come in."

After he was pleased, he glanced at He Jingyao: "Well, let me entertain."

He Jingyao gave her a deep look, smiling like: "When do you have something to discuss with him? Why don't I know?"

"Jing Yao, isn't it a celebration in a few days? Both Mr. President and his wife need to be present, and I will also be in public." Su Zhixi explained, "Ning Yichen should have come for this matter."

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