Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 537: Wait till the day you appear beside me

He Jingyao caressed the delicate body trembling under his palm, and a laugh came from his throat.

Then his kiss rolled to her earlobe, licking and biting ambiguously.

"Don't..." Su Zhixi groaned in a low voice, and his voice was hoarse, "Say... I'll dominate..."

"Okay, you go on." He chuckled softly, and took another bite on her chin.

Su Zhixi glared at him, but unfortunately she was soft all over now, this one was really powerless, but it was almost coquettish.

He Jingyao's throat knot rolled, the ink on his eyes churned, and his voice was slightly dangerous: "Su Zhixi."

"Okay, don't worry..." Her voice was soft and she lowered her head to bite on his chest.



Su Zhixi soon discovered that the most important thing he needed to dominate in bed was physical strength.

In this regard, she was simply crushed by someone!

Although He Jingyao was happy to have fun with her, but when she moved awkwardly, but could not use her strength, the man under the control of *** had completely lost her mind. After the end, Su Zhixi even fingered He couldn't lift his head and lay softly on his body.

He Jingyao brushed off her hair, sighed in her ears, and chuckled, "Yes, there is progress."

Su Zhixi glanced at him resentfully, clearly she was on top, but the person who was finally tossed was still herself.

"He Jingyao, don't be complacent." She gritted her teeth and said, "When you are old and can't move in bed, you can call me to laugh at you!"

The man's hand was originally placed on her waist, and she massaged her carelessly.

"Don't worry." His smile was low. "Even if I die the next day, I won't get out of bed the day before."

Su Zhixi was buried in his chest, and Wen Yan stiffened slightly.

"Braught!" she sneered disdainfully.

He Jingyao chuckled and did not speak again. The burning big palm was still walking above her, without any ambiguous tease.

Su Zhixi's hand, I don't know when to put it gently on his chest, under his hand is the man's beating heart.

The sound of a slow and heavy heartbeat indicates that this is a young and powerful body.

Su Zhixi couldn't help but leaned into this place, opened his mouth, and took a soft bite.

He Jingyao grunted, holding her head: "Why, want it again?"

"No." Su Zhixi's voice was slightly hoarse, "Jing Yao, if the person you met was not me, would you be so good to her? For example, the first woman you met was Ye Shutong?"

"How come I suddenly thought of asking this?" He chuckled, "Jestered again?"

"No..." She looked at him with a smile on her face. "You talk about it, I'm just curious."

"Okay." The man tickled the corner of his lips, with a clear and joking, "If it is not you but someone else, I will definitely not look at them more, I will wait for you until you appear in The day around me."

Su Zhixi laughed: "I know you are coaxing me, but I love to listen."

He smirked and held her closer, his eyes deep: "Well, I'm coaxing you."

Su Zhi was stunned for a moment, looking at the deep affection and seriousness in the man's dark pupil, and suddenly felt that his throat was blocked by something.

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