Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 531: That child is gone

parking lot.

Yun Xuefei stooped into the car and was about to pull out the seat belt. A slender hand took the lead in pulling out the seat belt, bypassing her body and snapping it with a click.

She looked at the man's focused and silent profile, and her heart was sour that she quickly looked away.

Huo Yanzhao glanced at her, smiled faintly, retreated to close the door, walked to the other side of the car, and pulled the door to sit.

When he started the car, he suddenly said, "That child is gone."

Yun Xuefei didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"That child..." Huo Yanzhao's voice was dumb. "The child in Sun Qiaoran's stomach is gone. Now that she has returned to her hometown, she won't step on the land of Yanzhou again."

Yun Xuefei said for a time that he was unclear about his feelings.

She said casually, "Is... really unfortunate..."

"It's not my hands and feet." Huo Yanzhao's voice was calm and cold, "but I am really looking forward to this result."

Yun Xuefei bit her lip: "Is it all about me?"

"But she is the cause of our divorce after all." Huo Yanzhao smiled hoarsely, "I promised to give you an explanation."

"Is that kid really..."

"No." Huo Yanzhao resolutely answered.

Yun Xuefei didn't speak.

In fact, she knew in her heart that even Huo Yanzhao was not sure, but since the child was no longer there, these were not important.

Moreover, they have been divorced.

Thinking of this, Yun Xuefei's subconsciously put his hand on his lower abdomen. Now for her, the baby is the most important.


Soon Huo Yanzhao sent her to Shanglin Bay.

Yun Xuefei whispered and opened the door to get off.

But Huo Yanzhao also got out of the car, and there was a tendency to enter the house with her.

"Yan Zhao, you..."

"I have something to tell you." Huo Yanzhao looked at her with a hint of pleading in his eyes, "up to ten minutes."

Yun Xuefei's lips moved, not knowing whether the thin man's figure stung her, or the pleading and fragility in his eyes hit her, and finally she nodded involuntarily.

The two walked into the front yard, and the huge bouquet of roses at the door immediately attracted Huo Yanzhao's eyes.

There was still water dripping on the petals, and the color was glamorous, it seemed that it had just been delivered.

His voice was dumb: "Strictly listening to the wind again?"

Yun Xuefei glanced at the bouquet of roses, his expression did not fluctuate, and he faintly said.

"You are pregnant, you can't smell the fragrance of flowers." Huo Yanzhao easily sentenced the bouquet of roses to death. "Let Wu Ma handle it, and don't put it in front of you in the future."

"I think it's okay..." Yun Xuefei frowned unhappy.

"I am a doctor." Huo Yanzhao said coldly, revealing a smell that he could not refuse.

Yun Xuefei was helpless, although she didn't believe it, but for the baby, she didn't want to take any risks.

So after the two were seated, she instructed Wu to take away the rose at the door.

The corner of Huo Yanzhao's mouth slightly tilted.

"What's the matter, you say it." Yun Xuefei looked at him with a cup of hot water.

"Sun Qiaoran will appear in front of you, arranged by Yan Lingfeng." Huo Yanzhao said softly, "It is also Yan Lingfeng who has been communicating with my mother, so she will know that Sun Qiaoran is pregnant."

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