Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 518: I will win you right

"Mom, help me get the laptop!" Su Lianxi said suddenly.

Lin Shuyue froze for a moment, panicked and handed her the notebook from the side.

Su Lianxi quickly put her laptop on her lap, opened the login mailbox, and quickly withdrew one of the emails that had been sent.

After the successful withdrawal, she was relieved. Since it can be withdrawn, it means that the other party has not opened this email.

Lin Shuyue couldn't help but ask, "Lian Xi, what's wrong?"

Su Lianxi paused, shaking her head: "Nothing."

After that, she repeated it again: "Mom, I won't be finished."

"Lian Xi..."

"So you don't have to talk about it anymore." Su Lianxi's tone was tired, "Don't cry in front of me either, I'm not dead. Big deal, I won't marry anymore, can't I still survive alone?"

Lin Shuyue was shocked: "Do not marry someone? But..."

"Enough! I look like this, what other serious men would want me?" Su Lianxi sneered, "I wouldn't give a man a continuation string, waiting for his family, just to eat a meal."

Lin Shuyue was so speechless for a long time, but suddenly, she felt the lotus was different.

A few days ago, Lian Xi was all wood and wood, and she was always afraid that Lian Xi would find shortsighted.

But Su Zhixi came to talk about such a call, but Lian Xi suddenly seemed to have vitality...

"Also, as long as I eat a bite in the future, I will not care about you and my dad." Su Lianxi pursed her lips, "You don't have to worry about me."

Even if this happened, she was still Su Lianxi.

She will not rob other things that should not belong to her, and will not harm others, but this does not mean that she has become a soft egg.

Su Zhixi, I will win you in an upright manner, you wait and see!

She gritted her teeth thinking.


When Su Zhixi walked into the parking lot, he suddenly asked Li Bo: "Yes, have you arrested the people who started Su Lianxi?"

Li Bo nodded: "These young masters of the Ning family have already dealt with them. Don't worry."

Su Zhixi couldn't help smiling lightly.

Even if Ning Yichen dislikes Su Lianxi, she can't really let her go.

Because he is such a person.

She was suddenly curious. Ning Yichen knew that the girl he had saved was Su Lianxi.

But now, these are not important.

Su Zhixi smiled and bent down to get in the car.

When he returned to Wanhe Qianfeng Garden, it was still early. Su Zhixi went back to the room and watched a movie with his computer alone. When he saw the high tide, He Jingyao returned.

So when a big palm touched the top of her head, she stood up in shock.

Looking back, the man's eyes were dark and unpredictable.

She quickly took off the headset and smiled into his arms: "Jing Yao, you are back!"

But she took off the headphones a little, and dragged the end connected to the computer all at once, so the sound of the movie turned out.

A not-so-harmonic "umhhhhhhhhhhhhh" sound was floating in the room.

Su Zhixi froze suddenly!

He Jingyao put her arms around her waist, seemingly smiling: "What movie are you watching, eh?"

Su Zhixi smirked and closed his computer with a quick backhand snap: "It's just ordinary love movies, ordinary love movies!"

It's definitely not love-love-making, she swears!

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