Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 515: At least she is still by his side

Su Zhixi felt very hurt.

But even though she was trembling with pain, she clenched her teeth and refused to make the slightest sound.

I don't know how long after that, He Jingyao finally stopped with a grunt, gasping heavily.

He reached out and clasped her chin, looked at her forbearing face, sighed, and kissed her lips comfortably: "I'm sorry, I hurt you."

Su Zhixi shook his head and hugged him tightly.

I don’t know why. The man’s brutal and urgent action just made her feel a sense of sadness and despair...

"Jing Yao..." She shouted his name a little hesitantly.

"Huh?" The man's dark eyes met her with a little smile, "Also want?"

Su Zhixi shook his head with a red face, trying to speak, but didn't know what to say.

She always felt that the man had concealed her, but what could be the reason for him?

"Don't think about it." He Jingyao raised her chin and her voice was low, "I'm just worried that you can't eat enough, so I give you a good rest for a few days."

Su Zhixi nodded obediently.

The man laughed and hugged her and left the bathroom.

After returning to bed, he asked her again, but this time it was much gentler.

Amidst confusion, He Jingyao looked at her charming and flushed face, and suddenly felt that those were not problems.

If there is a day, at least she is still with him.

This is enough.


A week later.

Su Zhixi wandered aimlessly at a large shopping mall in Yangdong City.

Li Bo and a bodyguard were by her side, responsible for swiping and carrying her bags, but both of them were empty-handed, because Su Zhixi was just looking at things like a horse, and had not bought anything until now.

Su Zhixi stood at the door of a certain brand store, but his expression was a bit dazed.

During this time, He Jingyao seemed to return to normal again, but there was something different.

For example, he started to get off work on time and off work, no longer avoiding her all day, but he would not work at home as before, accompanying him by the way.

For example, at night, he will definitely pull her to do some loving sports, but not more than twice, not to make her wake up every day with back pain.

But otherwise, the man is still gentle with her and still finds an opportunity to tease her.

She seems to have nothing to worry about.

Su Zhixi thumped her head and warned herself not to be too greedy.

"Young lady, what's the matter with you?" Li Bo asked promptly.

Su Zhixi hurriedly dropped her right hand: "Nothing..."

After she finished, she took a suit of clothes: "I'll try it in the fitting room."

Su Zhixi took her clothes to the fitting room, but she saw a middle-aged woman described as haggard. She was carrying a few brand bags and was looking down.

"Lin Shuyue?" Su Zhixi couldn't help saying.

Lin Shuyue looked up blankly, seeing Su Zhixi, his expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

"It's you." She ripped her lips, avoiding her gaze and seemed to be going out.

Su Zhixi didn't intend to manage it, but seeing Lin Shuyue's former arrogance became so daunting, she unconsciously opened her mouth: "...What happened to Lian Xi?"

Seeing her look, is it possible that Su Lianxi really has something wrong?

Lin Shuyue's body suddenly shivered and looked back at her fiercely; "What do you pretend to be!"

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