Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 503: You will die

Su Zhixi was sober all at once, staring at the man next to him with wide eyes!

He Jingyao smirked and put her in her arms, her voice still a little husky: "What's wrong?"

"You haven't even started yet!" Su Zhixi's tone seemed to have discovered the New World.

You must know that every time Su Zhixi wakes up, the bed around him is empty.

What must have happened!

He Jingyao squeezed her chin like a smile: "Why, only let yourself fall on the bed?"

"If you don't toss me at night, I must be good." Su Zhi said hummingly.

She used to be a good student who went to bed early and got up early in school.

Since being with He Jingyao, she has slept more and more late, and of course, the time to wake up is also forced to be delayed...

"I can keep you out of bed for three days." His voice seemed to be hot, and his right hand was on her still bare waist, ambiguously caressing, "Do you want to try?"

Su Zhiximin-She couldn't stand the slightest touch, she struggled to lift his hand, her face flushed: "Don't..."

He Jingyao smiled, did not insist, but grabbed her hand and put a soft kiss on her lips.

His eyebrows were dark and focused, and his pale lips were soft and hot, and Su Zhi looked at him staring blankly, and suddenly there was an urge to cry.

It's just that she doesn't know where this impulse comes from.

"Jingyao..." She said suddenly and gently.

"Huh?" He raised his eyes and looked at her with a smile.

"We will always be together, right?" she murmured.

He Jingyao's eyes fell dark, he paused briefly, and then smiled softly: "Of course. What are you thinking about again?"

"Nothing..." She put out her tongue, "I'm going to get up."

After she finished, she found a nightdress from the bedside table and stuffed it under the bed.

He Jingyao raised an eyebrow: "Su Zhixi, I haven't seen any place on your body?"

"Not the same..." she said cautiously, putting on her nightdress and lifting the quilt out of bed.

It was a dangerous thing to be naked in front of this man, she had already learned the lesson.

He Jingyao looked at her thin and thin back, her lips slightly raised.

Just thinking of the medical report, his eyes became deeper again.

After a while, there was a loud sound of water in the bathroom.

He Jingyao got up and walked out of the room and came downstairs.

Li Bo saw him like he saw a savior, and said with a bitter smile: "Young Master, Master has made dozens of calls..."

As soon as his voice fell, the phone in the villa rang again. Li Bo hurried over to pick it up, and said, "Hey," and said, "Yes, the young master has already woken up..."

"Give me." He Jingyao walked to his side and reached out to him.

Li Bo quickly handed the phone to his hand.

"Dad." He Jingyao's tone was very weak.

"He Jingyao, do you know what you are doing?" He Yirong suppressed his anger. "Did you read the medical report?"

"I watched it," He Jingyao said quietly. "But I don't think it's a big deal."

"It's a big deal?" He Yirong just roared. "You will die! You said it's a big deal?"

"Everyone will die." He Jingyao said lightly.

"But can death at the age of forty and death at the age of eighty be the same!" He Yirong continued to shout, "Don't confuse me!"

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