Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 499: The woman I like is really different

If it was for Su Lianxi’s sudden madness yesterday, Su Zhixi believes that the presidential palace must have been clarified. She should know that she is innocent, and she can never suspect that she did it.

"Reject if you don't want to go." He Jingyao looked at her seriously. "It's no big deal."

"Why is it no big deal! The wife of the President has to give her face!" Su Zhixi suddenly had a fighting spirit, "I will go now, Jingyao, don't worry! I can do it!"

"Huh." He Jingyao's eyes showed a bit of teasing, "You are my virtuous helper."

Su Zhixi smiled embarrassedly, not daring to let the female officer wait for a long time, and quickly went downstairs with a light makeup.

After Li Bo sent Su Zhixi to the car, he returned to the living room and walked to He Jingyao: "Master, does Mrs. Shao really..."

"The woman I like is really different." He ticked the corner of his lips.

Li Bo twitched a corner of his mouth, silently resisting the urge to vomit.


The presidential palace tonight is much quieter than the night before, and at this time the sun has not completely set, Su Zhixi can see the structure inside.

Not luxurious, but the atmosphere is calm and people dare not make it.

Su Zhixi followed behind the female officer and walked in a few turns. The female officer finally stopped and smiled and said to her, "Young lady, here you are."

"Thank you." Su Zhixi took a deep breath, and then found the courage to go inside.

At a small table, the president's wife, Chu Jinyu, sat there with a smile, looking like she was waiting for her.

"Ma'am." Su Zhixi smiled and greeted her, and she couldn't help sweating.

"Come?" Chu Jinyu smiled, "Sit down."

... Su Zhixi was so embarrassed that she was so familiar.

She sat down opposite Chu Jinyu and summoned the courage to look up at her.

To her surprise, the eyes of the President's wife are simply worthy

"Your name is Su Zhixi?" Chu Jinyu asked gently.

"Yes, ma'am." Su Zhixi nodded.

Chu Jinyu nodded slowly, looked at her seriously, and did not speak for a while.

"Ma'am?" Su Zhixi was nervous when she looked at her, and she flushed.

Chu Jinyu's eyes became soft and sad.

"You are fine." Chu Jinyu's voice was slightly hoarse, "Thank you for lending me your shoes yesterday."

Su Zhixi was a little embarrassed: "I didn't think about it until I went back, it might be you..."

Chu Jinyu smiled: "Our yardage is the same, coincidence right?"

It really happened... Su Zhixi thought so, and nodded subconsciously.

"Your birthday is February 24?" Chu Jinyu then asked.

Su Zhixi was surprised and continued to nod.

Chu Jinyu smiled when she saw her face puzzled: "Good boy, just the two of us today, what do you like to eat? I let them serve."


After a meal, Su Zhixi was still confused.

She has never figured out the intention of the President’s wife, but what is certain is that this meal is by no means a great feast.

In fact, the President’s wife was kind and gentle, Su Zhixi even thought of her mother in a trance... No one had looked at her with such a gentle and loving eyes for a long time.

During this period, the wife of the President was only a family member with her, and she focused on her relationship with He Jingyao.

Seeing Su Zhixi face shy, she seemed relieved.

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