Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 484: Dinner at the Presidential Palace (11)

It is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Su Zhixi's eyes were red: "Su Lianxi, it's you again!"

"Yes, it's me." Su Lianxi was very happy to see her red eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense with her." Ning Ruixin grabbed Su Zhixi's wrist with a languid tone. "If you don't look at her well, let Yichen beat her up. You can rest assured that our Ning family is absolutely no disagreement."

Su Lianxi's face changed and she gritted her teeth and said, "Sister, I am still the daughter-in-law of Ning's family..."

"Really?" Ning Rui's heart was cool. "Do you think I won't dare to move you with the wife of the President? Oh, I can't do it. I let my two men secretly start dealing with you. Who did it, do you think the wife would anger our Ning family?"

Su Lianxi's face suddenly turned pale, her lips flicked, she dared not say anything, and turned away with hate.

For Ning Ruixin, she always had a little fear in her heart.

"Immortal," Ning Rui snorted softly, catching Su Zhixi and said, "Okay, the dinner is about to begin, don't worry, the big things are all yours."

Wen Yan Su Zhixi was even more sad: "I just wanted to help her, not only did he not help him, but also made things worse..."

Perhaps it was really she who took the lead, thinking that this matter was very simple, but in fact, she knew nothing about politics, and probably made mistakes without knowing it. This feeling is too bad.

Ning Rui really didn't know how to comfort her, so she had to say: "Then you have to compensate him more in bed."

Su Zhixi: "..."


Su Lianxi strode to the long table, remembering Ning Rui's threatening words, she was still shaking with anger!

She bit her lip, and suddenly saw a glass of black currant juice remaining in the tray on the table, and suddenly laughed.

When she was a child, she and Su Zhixi liked black currant juice best, but every time the servant made freshly squeezed black currant juice, Su Lianxi always got the best drink, and only when she couldn't drink it. Only turn to get Su Zhixi.

Therefore, she knew that Su Zhixi could never refuse a glass of black currant juice, and because of her character, she would definitely choose the glass closest to herself, preferably the relatively small glass.

Sure enough, Su Zhixi finally drank that glass of black currant juice...Look at the time, maybe she should have a seizure in a few minutes, and the wife of the President will definitely be disgusted with Su Zhixi!

Su Lianxi thought of this, and suddenly became interested in the glass of juice in front of her. She picked it up and inspected it to make sure there was no mark. Then she put on a straw and drank.

But the taste of this glass of juice is a little weird. She frowned and put down the glass with a small half of the juice left.


The female officers came in and invited the guests to the lounge, because the dinner was about to start, and the banquet hall needed to be rearranged.

Ning Rui saw Su Zhixi's expression as if he were not as good as you go home early?

Su Zhixi pursed her lips and cheered up: "No, if I leave early, my wife might think I have a complaint, it will be worse... Anyway, I have already come, I will wait until The dinner is over."

Ning Rui nodded and was about to go to the lounge with her. Suddenly, there was a sharp laugh in the banquet hall!

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