Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 1255: Did a man bully you

Jin Baiyan came home for the second time, ten days later.

When He Yirong was away, Liu Minjun still received him warmly.

"Zi Yi is in the room, I will call her down." Liu Minjun said.

"No, I came to see your aunt." Jin Baiyan smiled.

Rao is that Liu Minjun knows that he is just a polite, and he is in a good mood.

"Auntie, you've already seen it. I'll let you see Ziyi." Liu Minjun said with a smile, and went upstairs to find Ziyi.

Today is the weekend, Zi Yi is not in class, so she sleeps until now.

This girl seems to like lazy bed more and more recently.

Liu Minjun smiled and shook his head, walked to the bed and lifted off Ziyi's quilt: "Lazy worm, can't get up."

Zi Yi curled up, making a low hum.

"Why, are you uncomfortable?" Liu Minjun's face slightly changed, reaching for her cheek and muttering, "It's not very hot, doesn't it have a fever?"

"Mom..." Zi Yi said hoarsely, sitting up reluctantly, "I'm fine, just a little tired."

"His face is so white..." Liu Minjun tiger's face, "Are you staying up all night again?"

Zi Yi quickly shook his head: "No, really not..."

"Jin Baiyan is here, get up quickly." Liu Minjun touched her forehead and said to herself, "I have to take you to the hospital tomorrow..."

Ziyi heard that Jin Baiyan was coming, so he didn't dare to delay any more and quickly got up to freshen up and change clothes.

When she saw Jin Baiyan, she was a little embarrassed: "I don't know you are coming. I accidentally slept late."

"It's okay." He smiled gently. "I'm too presumptuous to come to the door without saying hello."

"I'm going to have breakfast first. Would you like to eat with me?" Zi Yi said with a smile.

Jin Baiyan was good at her: "Good."

The two were seated in the restaurant.

Zi Yi smiled, took a sip of porridge, and put a small dumpling in his mouth.

She chewed a few times, and suddenly her face changed slightly, suddenly stood up and rushed to the bathroom.

"Zi Yi?" Jin Baiyan didn't know, so he quickly followed.

Zi Yi hugged the pool, and "vomited..." and spit out all the food he had just eaten.

Jin Baiyan's face changed greatly, and he was about to step forward, but Zi Yi stretched out a hand in front of him, beckoning him not to approach.

Jin Baiyan had no choice but to turn to Liu Minjun.

When Liu Minjun arrived, Ziyi had finished vomiting and was gargle.

She wiped her face with a towel, and when Liu Minjun was worried, she said a little: "Mom, I'm fine..."

Liu Minjun's eyes flickered, grabbed Ziyi's wrist, and led her to the room.

"Missed." She said to Jin Baiyan in a hurry.

Jin Baiyan paused and looked at them, frowning slightly.

Zi Yi was dragged into the room by Liu Minjun.

She didn't know why: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Liu Minjun closed the door, then faced her, her face extremely serious: "Zi Yi, did you come last month?"

Zi Yi's eyes widened: "Mom, why do you ask this..."

"Quick answer me." Liu Minjun took a deep breath, "This problem is very serious!"

Ziyi quickly opened the phone's calendar and glanced at him, surprised, "Huh", "I haven't come in two months!"

Liu Minjun took a breath and stared at her: "Did this time, have any men bullied you?"

Ziyi's cheeks were a little bit red, and her head glanced down.

She remembered the last night she spent with Pei Yuanchen in Yangdong...

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