Mr. He’s Daily Affections

Chapter 1229: Reunion

The blond woman smiled brightly.

After the two got into the car, she smiled and looked at the man around her: "This is the first time I came to country Z. What fun is there in Yangdong? Honey, are you going to accompany me?"

She speaks Chinese very well, although with a little accent, it is not surprising.

"I don't know." The man's tone was a little cold. There was only a driver in the car, and the driver didn't understand Chinese, and he was too lazy to pretend, "If you want to go out and play, let Doug stay with you."

There was a hint of displeasure in the woman's eyes, but the next second she smiled again: "But you are my husband."

"Yes." The smile on the corner of the man's mouth was somewhat ironic, "but I just don't want to be with you, what should you do as a wife?"

The smile on the woman's face finally disappeared.

"Ludwig, you are a gentleman." Her voice was sweet. "As a gentleman, you should try to meet your wife's unreasonable demands."

The man smiled coldly: "Ludwig is a gentleman, but I am not."

"You..." The woman's perfect mask was slightly cracked, and she lowered her voice. "You will, William will be angry."

The man snorted, the meaning of sarcasm was very obvious.

The woman clenched her lips.

She understood that even if she sued William, William would only let her calm down. After all, the more times they appear in front of outsiders, the more flaws they have. Therefore, every interaction between their "husband and wife" must be practiced in advance.

But, due to her beauty, does this man need to practice to show affection for her?

Thinking of this, the anger at the bottom of the woman's heart was even more burning.

......Sure enough, it is an illegitimate child with no education and no gentlemanly manner.

She thought so and gave him a blank expression.

The man has closed his eyes, and the lines on his profile are beautiful and uncast.

He and Ludwig are really two completely different people.

Although equally handsome, Ludwig’s handsomeness is fragile and pale, as if it may disappear in the wind at any time, but the man around him is healthy and wild, even his stern smile and the chill of the alienated eyes All formed a strange temptation-deception.

Thinking of being attracted by this uncultivated illegitimate child, the woman's cheeks rose with embarrassment.

After a while, the car arrived at the hotel.

The two got out of the car and walked in, surrounded by bodyguards.

The woman took his arm and smiled softly: "Ludwig, this hotel is so beautiful."

"Just like it." The man raised his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes.

The two stood at the elevator door, and the bodyguard pressed the up button.

After a while, the elevator doors opened slowly.


In the elevator, Zi Yi lowered his head and looked at his floor dreamily.

They arrived at the hotel 20 minutes ago. A Yuan and her live in a suite, and Jin Baiyan lives next door.

Jin Baiyan was already waiting for them in the restaurant downstairs. She and A Yuan were one step behind, and this was about to meet him in the past.

At this time, the elevator stopped with a jingle.

"Miss, here." A Yuan Shen Sheng reminded her.

Zi Yi yelled, raised his head, and the elevator door was already open.

She saw the handsome and handsome face of the man.

Ziyi heard a buzz in his mind, and then, his heart beat wildly.

"Uncle Xiaobao..." she murmured uncontrollably.

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