The manager was also confused and quickly asked the staff on duty on these two floors.

After asking around, everyone said they didn't know.

Gu Jingyan asked Mrs. Chen to open a room first, and asked Gao Lan to take Han Ruoxing in to check her body first.

Zhong Meilan was not surprised when she saw this scene.

They had been hiding Han Ruoxing's pregnancy from the outside world, and they definitely didn't want to tell the outside world at this time.

But after shedding so much blood, even if she was pregnant with Nezha, she should throw it away.

Thinking of this, Zhong Meilan was in a good mood.

She stepped forward and said warmly, Jingyan, today is Mrs. Chen's daughter's happy day. The auspicious time is coming soon. Ruoxing doesn't look too serious. Maybe some careless person didn't pay attention and accidentally knocked over the oil bottle. , you might as well put this matter aside for now and check it later, don’t miss the auspicious time of the wedding because of this.”

When Tang Xiaoxiao heard this, he suddenly got angry and said, Are you talking in human language? What does it mean that it doesn't look too serious? It's not you who shed so much blood, right? If this oil was accidentally spilled, it should also spray. Look at it, it’s obviously someone who applied it on purpose, and it was applied so evenly! This is man-made!”

Zhong Meilan glanced at Tang Xiaoxiao, Okay, who would put oil on the floor? There are so many people going up and down the steps, why didn't anyone fall down? Who is responsible for the delay on someone's wedding day?

Tang Xiaoxiao jumped up and down in anger, You see it was you who did it. You didn't want others to investigate, so you just wanted to keep the matter quiet!

Zhong Meilan's face darkened, If you keep talking nonsense, get out of here! This is not a place for you to run wild!

Shen Qingchuan grabbed the excited Tang Xiaoxiao, curled up the corners of his lips and smiled, the smile did not reach his eyes, Aunt Zhong, this is too much. We are attending Miss Chen's wedding today with an invitation letter. Tim Gifts and blessings, what’s your position on telling us to get out?”

Zhong Meilan said with a cold face, Qingchuan, when you met your elders before, you were polite and courteous. Now you are with such a dishonest woman with no family education. Even the elders dare to contradict you. Look at you. How degenerate have you become? Your parents would be so chilled if they saw you like this!

Shen Qingchuan smiled, Aunt Zhong, I used to be polite to you because of the sake of Jingyan and grandma. At that time, you were a member of the Gu family, so I had to respect you somewhat. Now you are not even a member of the Gu family. Okay, what do I respect you for? I'm really not that familiar with the Zhong family, so please don't scold me like an elder. Although my elders don't have a formal appearance, they still want to be embarrassed.

Zhong Meilan was startled, her face suddenly turned ugly, Who are you calling shameless?

Shen Qingchuan shrugged, looking innocent, Did I curse?


That's enough! Gu Jingyan interrupted them with a stern face.

Zhong Meilan couldn't get rid of her anger, but thinking that the purpose of her trip was basically achieved, she calmed down again. She considered her tone and was about to persuade Gu Jingyan not to cause trouble here, but Gu Jingyan spoke before her.

Mrs. Chen, it happened in your hotel. Whether it was an accident or man-made, I want an explanation. Otherwise, I will call the police.

Although Zhong Meilan was confident, she was still a little nervous. She raised her eyes and looked at Mrs. Chen, who gave her a reassuring look.

The incident happened in our hotel, of course we are responsible. I asked the manager to adjust the monitoring. Everyone will take a look at it later. I am also afraid that it was caused by the lax management of our hotel. If this is the case, I will definitely give Han the money today. Miss, please give me an explanation.

Not long after, the manager came over with a copy of the video.

Mrs. Chen went directly to a small banquet hall downstairs and used the projection equipment there to show everyone the surveillance footage at that time.

The surveillance camera was installed near the stairs. At first, a few figures flashed sporadically in the picture, but none of them came to the stairs. It was not until more than half an hour ago that Gu Jingyang came out of the banquet hall with a bag and walked directly Entered the stairwell.

Then the scene switched to the staircase entrance on the first floor upstairs, and Gu Jingyang came out of it.

Gu Jingyang stayed for about ten minutes between entering from downstairs and exiting from upstairs.

This time is too suspicious.

Everyone looked at Gu Jingyang.

Gu Jingyang's face turned pale. She thought of the exact same bag Zhong Meilan gave her before leaving, and turned her head to look directly at Zhong Meilan.

The latter did not look at her, but frowned and stared at the screen, seemingly as nervous as everyone watching the video.

After Gu Jingyang came out of the stairs, he went to a room. After staying there for a short time, he came out.

She was still holding the bag in her hand, but instead of going down the stairs she had taken before, she went to the stairs on the other side.

As soon as Gu Jingyang came downstairs, Han Ruoxing came out of the bathroom and went down the stairs that Gu Jingyang took when he came up. After a while, a huge sound came from the surveillance camera, mixed with a woman's scream...

After watching this video, everyone looked up at Gu Jingyang.

Gu Jingyang's face turned pale. She met Gu Jingyan's scrutinizing eyes and said in a panic, Brother, it's not me, it's really not me. I didn't do that kind of thing...

Gu Jingyan frowned and asked in a low voice, Then you stayed in the stairwell for so long, what were you doing?

I'm waiting for someone, Gu Jingyang stuttered, Mom said she had something to say to me and asked me to wait in the stairwell, so I waited for her there, but after waiting for a long time she didn't come, so I gave her After calling her, my mother asked me to go upstairs and talk in the room, so I went up.

Then what's in the bag you're holding? Why did you throw it away when you came out of the room?

That was the dessert my mother asked me to bring her. She said that Ms. Chen had been putting on makeup for too long and was hungry. She asked me to bring something to eat, so I went up and threw away the garbage that my mother asked me to bring out of the room. .”

Garbage? Mrs. Chen smiled, took what the manager handed over and threw it on the ground, Is this garbage?

The bag fell to the ground, and a bottle rolled out. It was the bottle containing tung oil.

Gu Jingyang's face turned pale, This is not my thing.

Tang Xiaoxiao was furious, Gu Jingyang, you are a wolf-hearted person, I know you are not a good bird with a stubborn heart! Fortunately, Ah Xing is still thinking about you after making delicious food. Do you deserve it? Do you believe these lies you made up? Miss Chen is Mrs. Chen’s daughter. This is their own hotel. They won’t let the kitchen help deliver what they want to eat. Who wants you to deliver it? And put it in a special bag? Is the plate touching your hands?

Gu Jingyang looked at Zhong Meilan with red eyes, Mom, tell me, you asked me to bring the dessert upstairs, you asked me to put it in a bag...

Zhong Meilan looked in disbelief and said sadly, Jingyang, how could you do such a thing.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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