Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 983 It is impossible to have a harmonious relationship with Zhong Meilan

Zhong Meilan's eyes wandered over the two of them, and she said, Ruoxing, today is Mrs. Chen's daughter's happy day. Don't look for trouble here. It's obvious that she didn't make sure it was done, and the goods went bad before they were delivered to the customer. Well, that’s your problem. You can’t bear the responsibility of affecting other people’s weddings for such a small amount of money.”

Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't hold it any longer, Don't fart here. When Ah Xing gave something to you just now, his back was turned to you. Which of your eyes saw that Ah Xing threw it? Why do you still want to pay for this little money? It's true for you It’s small money, but the blood you sucked from Gu Jingyan’s body is big money.”

Zhong Meilan looked ugly, Who are you? What nonsense are you talking about here?

I - I am your father!

Before she could say this, she was interrupted by Han Ruoxing, Ms. Zhong wants to sell favors and use her own money to sell them. The things in our store are everyone's hard-earned money. Today's debt is unsettled. Let me see who can start from makeup. Get out now!

He tilted his head and smiled at Tang Xiao and said, Xiao Xiao, call the police. Just say that someone bought something without paying, and ask the police to come and deal with it.

Mrs. Chen's expression changed, Han Ruoxing, are you sick? Did you call the police on my daughter's wedding?

Han Ruoxing sneered, It's none of my business. I'm just here to collect money. If I can't receive the money, of course I'll call the police.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately took his mobile phone to call the police.

Perhaps because she was afraid that the police would come and embarrass her on the wedding day, Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth and said reluctantly, Okay! I'm in trouble! How much does it cost?

Han Ruoxing said calmly, Four hundred and twenty thousand.

Mrs. Chen gave the money to Han Ruoxing with a sullen face, and then sarcastically said, You can't afford to live.

Han Ruoxing curled her lips and smiled, not angry at all. She even said, I wish you all your wishes will come true.

After that, he pulled Tang Xiaoxiao and left.

Mrs. Chen also had a sullen face, obviously very angry.

Zhong Meilan said at the right time, Don't be angry because of this unlucky guy. Today is a happy day for Jinxiu. You have to go on stage later. Stay in a good mood.

Mrs. Chen took a deep breath and whispered, I'm sorry, Sister Lan, for making you angry too.

Zhong Meilan sighed, It's okay. I've been her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for so many years. I know her character very well. I always only have interests in my eyes.

Mrs. Chen didn't answer, but when she mentioned Han Ruoxing, the expression on her face was not pretty.

Zhong Meilan pondered for a moment and said, Siyin, there is something I want to ask you.


This Mrs. Chen is really a loser! Tang Xiaoxiao couldn't help cursing when she came out of the dressing room, She helped you solve the problem at the wedding banquet before. I thought she had changed her past, but I didn't expect that she would Gao Zhier turned around and became arrogant.

As soon as Zhong Meilan returned to the Gu family, the friendship between the two was immediately established again. She doesn't make friends based on people. She makes friends based on status. If I had known, I wouldn't have given so many gifts. What the hell!

She talked for a long time, and when Han Ruoxing didn't respond, she called out, Axing, why don't you speak?

Han Ruoxing came to her senses and whispered, Mrs. Chen is probably putting on a show for Zhong Meilan.


Tang Xiaoxiao didn't understand, Are you two okay?

Han Ruoxing shook his head.

Then how do you know she was deliberately acting?

Han Ruoxing said, No matter who Mrs. Chen has a good relationship with, she can't have a good relationship with Zhong Meilan.

How to say?

Han Ruoxing told Tang Xiaoxiao about the fact that Chen Yeping raised his mistress's illegitimate son and Zhong Meilan helped him hide it.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, Let me go, she is too useless, isn't she? Mrs. Chen was so kind to her before.

Mrs. Chen's husband is also very kind to Mrs. Chen, but he knows people well but doesn't know her heart.

All Mrs. Chen's thoughts are on her husband and daughter. Behind the happy marriage he has maintained for Mrs. Chen is full of devastation. Mrs. Chen will never be able to swallow this breath no matter what. She will never get along with Zhong Meilan again.

Han Ruoxing paused and lowered his voice, And didn't you notice when we just entered?

Tang Xiaoxiao lowered her voice, What did you find?

Mrs. Chen's daughter's eyes are very red. She must have cried before, and so did Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen may not be happy with this marriage, but when Zhong Meilan said how good the Jiang family was, Mrs. Chen did not refute.

Tang Xiaoxiao disagreed, How can there be a daughter who doesn't cry when she gets married? Those who don't cry are those who marry a daughter-in-law.

Han Ruoxing was choked. This seemed to make sense.

I can't explain it in a sentence or two. Anyway, I think Mrs. Chen must have her own intentions for doing this today.

If Mrs. Chen doesn't like her, there's no need to do this.

He respectfully asked his second daughter to invite her over, and when he arrived, he did it in front of Zhong Meilan. It felt more like sending a signal to Zhong Meilan.

Did Mrs. Chen realize what Zhong Meilan wanted to do?

Han Ruoxing was puzzled and thought it would be better to just wait and see.

The wedding ceremony was held at 7:15 in the evening, which was said to be an auspicious day calculated by someone specially for the Jiang family.

It's only six o'clock now, it's still early.

Jiang Ye's mother is the chairman of a certain group, and many of his relatives on his father's side work for the government and have deep roots and connections, so eighty-eight banquet tables were prepared just for the guests.

Eighty-eight tables, nearly a thousand people, the scene was very grand.

It was still some time before we left the table. Everyone was chatting and drinking, and the atmosphere was very lively.

From time to time, people would come over to propose a toast to her or Gu Jingyan, but both of them declined and offered tea instead of wine.

Han Ruoxing glanced at Gu Jingyan, You secretly drank at my house that day. Why don't you drink when others are toasting today?

The word steal made Gu Jingyan choke, glared at her and said, What stealing? I was thirsty and thought it was water!

Oh~ Han Ruoxing's voice was drawn out, I thought you had a guilty conscience and wanted to cover up your crime with alcohol.

Gu Jingyan...

Just as Gu Jingyan was about to speak, Mo Mingxuan's voice came from the side, Ruoxing, you are here too.

Han Ruoxing paused, turned around, and greeted with a smile, Lawyer Mo.

Then he noticed Yang Yuwei next to Mo Mingxuan and was a little surprised, Weiwei? You two came together.

Yang Yuwei said, Those who met downstairs came up together.

The two sat down opposite each other. What was awkward was that Yang Yuwei sat on Mo Mingxuan's left and Gu Jingyang sat on his right.

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes, as if he had no reaction to this.

Shen Qingchuan looked at Mo Mingxuan and Yang Yuwei, smiled, and said to Gu Jingyan, Don't tell me, Mingxuan and Miss Yang are a good match together. Mr. Yang kept asking me about you at that time, and I thought Miss Yang I’ve fallen in love with you and come to me to inquire about your character.”

Gu Jingyan's voice was calm and seemed to be explaining, Mr. Yang is worried about Miss Yang's marriage. He will ask young people of the right age when he sees her. He has no other meaning.

Mo Mingxuan paused and said, Jingyan, do you remember Miss Yang? (End of Chapter)

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