Gu Jingyan was stunned.

He had never thought about this issue.

He had seen Keke's mother when she was pregnant with Keke. It was not easy. As long as the mother and baby were safe, he liked everything.

In the more than twenty years before getting married, he had never thought about raising children.

His mother was not a responsible person, and his father passed away too early. He could not understand what kind of state children in a normal family grew up in. He learned everything quickly, but as a parent, he could not understand anything. He had no success stories to refer to.

Therefore, raising offspring was something that he would not consider at all in his past life.

Even when he took Han Ruoxing to see a doctor, the most fundamental reason was to make her happy, because he knew that she liked children.

This life came too suddenly, catching him off guard. When he realized that there was a life with their mutual blood flowing in her belly, the feeling was indescribable.

Happy, excited, hesitant, scared, but also grateful.

Not only are they connected by blood, but also the continuation of their emotions.

He still doesn't have an answer to the question whether he likes boys or girls.

He only liked her the most, and he was just looking forward to the process of raising a life with her.

She brought him to experience the preciousness of life and the responsibility of being a parent. When he thought of this, he felt a subtle touch in his heart.

It takes so long to think about whether you like a boy or a girl?

Han Ruoxing glanced at him speechlessly, like a piece of wood!

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and said after a long time, I like them all.

Han Ruoxing chuckled and murmured in a low voice, It's quite greedy. Anyway, no matter whether you like a boy or a girl, I will only suffer this once. Don't expect me to answer the call to have a second or third child again.

Gu Jingyan seemed to laugh, but when Han Ruoxing turned to look, there was no smile on his face.

When she went to bed at night, Han Ruoxing felt itchy on her face, then a big hand reached into her quilt, lifted up her pajamas, and gently caressed her belly.

The hand was warm and dry, and she couldn't help but move forward and rub it.

The hand paused for a moment, then took her into his arms and murmured, Both men and women are good, just don't be a mud monkey, Father Fei.

Han Ruoxing...

On the sixth day of the lunar month, before the holiday was over, Gu Jingyan started running to the company.

The new manager of Qiyuji sent someone to deliver a set of packaged jewelry.

Han Ruoxing was washing up, and Gu Jingyang took the shower.

After she got it, she put it on the coffee table. Han Ruoxing went downstairs, opened it, checked it, and called Mrs. Chen back.

Sister Siyin, where are you?

The set of wedding jewelry you ordered for your daughter is ready. I'll send it to you.

Gu Jingyang paused and pricked up his ears.

It's okay. I just have to go there to do some work. I'll take you there.

You said you want me to take it to you on the wedding day? Why don't you try it in advance? If you don't like it then, I won't be able to refund it to you.

Okay, see you tomorrow night.

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and found Gu Jingyang standing behind him at some point.

Han Ruoxing was startled and frowned, Why are you standing behind someone and not saying anything?

Gu Jingyang frowned, Mrs. Chen's daughter is getting married, are you going?

Yeah, is there a problem?

Gu Jingyang's expression changed slightly, I haven't invited you, why are you going?

Han Ruoxing was confused, I'm going to make money. She ordered jewelry and the balance hasn't been paid yet.

There's something wrong with you if you go to make money on someone's wedding day.

Han Ruoxing's eyelids twitched, Is it possible that I have to wait until her daughter gets married before I collect the money? What if she wants to cancel after getting married?

Gu Jingyang was anxious, Do you only think about money? Don't look at you now -

She paused for a moment, then gritted her teeth and continued, You are now Uncle Song's daughter. He lacks food and drink for you, so you have to focus on money?

Han Ruoxing looked at the extremely abnormal Gu Jingyang, was silent for a moment and said, What you said, who would think it's too much money?

Gu Jingyang was blocked by these words and gritted his teeth and said, Anyway, I'll stop here. If something happens, don't cry!

Han Ruoxing's eyes darkened and she said in a deep voice, What happened?

Gu Jingyang paused, pursed his lips and said, I was just making an analogy.

After that, he went upstairs.

Han Ruoxing stared at her back, thoughtfully.

Mrs. Chen's daughter's wedding was held on Valentine's Day.

I heard that the other party is the only son of a deputy bureau. He works in the tobacco industry. He is a third-generation official and has a high family background.

Mrs. Chen's husband, Chen Yeping, was promoted to the mayor's secretary at the end of the year. It can be said that his future is unlimited. This wedding is strictly speaking a marriage of power.

The wives in the circle are saying that Mrs. Chen has made it through, her husband has become successful, and her daughter has found an in-law with such a strong backing, and she is waiting to enjoy the blessings in the future.

But from the time Mrs. Chen's daughter got engaged to now, Han Ruoxing had never heard Mrs. Chen mention her son-in-law.

This made Han Ruoxing extremely curious, because Mrs. Chen was not a low-key person. She wanted to publicize the good things she thought so that everyone would know about them, so she was very curious about this son-in-law whom she never mentioned a word about.

She was quite looking forward to the wedding.

Han Ruoxing originally planned to ride in Shen Qingchuan's car. Shen Qingchuan, a social butterfly, was full of gossips and thieves. He must know something.

As a result, Gu Jingyan came back from get off work and said he wanted to go with her. Shen Qingchuan would save fuel and immediately asked Gu Jingyan to pick him and Tang Xiaoxiao up.

On the way, Han Ruoxing was curious and asked Shen Qingchuan about Mrs. Chen's son-in-law.

Shen Qingchuan is indeed a jack-of-all-trades, That kid Jiang Ye, I don't hesitate to mess around with him.

Han Ruoxing perked up, What should I say?

Tang Xiaoxiao also came over. Everyone likes to hear gossip.

Shen Qingchuan leaned forward and said, Jiang Ye is a loser. He eats, drinks, whores, gambles, and smokes. He used to work in the national tax department. His parents spent a lot of effort when he was caught as a prostitute. Son, they kept this matter secret. The work unit only persuaded him to quit. Their family told the outside world that he was ill and needed to take care of himself. They just kept it quiet for more than a year, and they used connections to get him into tobacco. .”

Tang Xiaoxiao looked like he was about to vomit, It turned out to be a prostitute.

No wonder Mrs. Chen doesn't want to mention this person.

Shen Qingchuan continued, It's so easy in the tobacco company. He works for less money and is decent, but no matter how good the job is, he can't stand others doing it. He fishes for three days and works on the net for two days, and he was promoted twice because of his absenteeism. Too many were brushed off.”

He only needs to go to work on time to get what others work hard for. However, he can't support the wall with mud, and he can't even do this. The officials in his family have been as big as the previous two generations. As long as he With a little effort, you can rise to great heights, but this bitch got infected with that.”

Shen Qingchuan made a gesture and everyone understood.

Pornography, gambling, and drugs do not separate families, it is a matter of time.

His family was so angry that they locked him up for a period of time, but it's so easy to quit. What's more, he was a mess and had no self-control at all. So he was locked up for a while and then released. Then something even more outrageous came.”

He has a doctor at home who gives him a daily dose of injections to ensure that he does not have attacks in front of others and looks like a normal person. However, his body has long been damaged by his own actions and he cannot even have normal sex. Well, his parents also knew that he was dead, so they wanted to have a grandson to entrust the Jiang family lineage to the next generation.

Many people in their circle know about this, and they don't know why Chen Yeping agreed to marry his good daughter to such a loser.

(None today) (End of chapter)

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