Su Wanqin pursed her lips and said, Old Song, do you still remember that when Caline was first founded, the first version of the perfume formula prepared by Sister Yalan was leaked?

Song Wanqian paused, frowning and saying nothing.

It happened a long time ago. Gu Jingyang and his group of juniors had no memory of this matter, but Song Wanqian knew about it.

The recipe was originally leaked because of an intern.

When the internship period of the other party expired, he took the first version of the formula and moved to another company. Therefore, the first version of the formula had to be scrapped, and all the manpower and material resources invested were in vain. It was not until Caline's classic model [Mission] came out a year later that the company started to move from there. Turn over from the first blow.

Su Wanqin said warmly, It's not that I'm unreasonable, it's just a lesson learned from the past. Because of that incident, Sister Yalan made a rule in the company to never recruit interns. This rule has not been broken for so many years. If an exception is made because of this, there is nothing we can do Talk to the people in the company.

Su Wanqin wasn't lying. Because of this incident, Hanyalan was indeed frightened by the interns and was unwilling to provide another internship position.

Han Ruoxing laughed after hearing this.

Everyone was quite serious, but her smile seemed a bit abrupt, and everyone looked at her.

Han Ruoxing plucked the red dates in the cup and said calmly, Aunt Su, our company's employment manual also states that people with respiratory diseases will not be hired. Sister Jiayu has asthma, wouldn't she also be admitted? The Human Resources Department will review her Did you not pay attention when reading the information, or did you make a special case?

Su Wanqin was choked.

Song Jiayu didn't think it was anything, she raised her eyes and said, Then how can it be the same? Caline is our own company, how can our own people be held to the same standards as outsiders?

That's good, Han Ruoxing agreed very much, Caline was founded by my mother. As a partner, Aunt Su can open a back door for her daughter, so as the daughter of the founder, I can also make it easier for this sister, right? Can we and outsiders still have the same standards?

Song Jiayu frowned and frowned, You are just changing the concept. How can she be considered one of your own? The broken windshield is a natural disaster, and the insurance company can pay for it. Our family is already doing the best of justice by adding another pension. Is it possible? Because someone died, do we have to take care of her for the rest of her life?

Song Wanqian was startled and looked at her in disbelief, Do you think you are right? Even if the accident was due to an accident, it was because something happened when sending Tianjun off. Why are we not responsible?

Probably because Song Jiayu's indifference exceeded his imagination, Song Wanqian got angry at her face to face for the first time.

Han Ruoxing was not surprised at all.

Song Jiayu only cares about her own interests. To her, any life-saving grace is nothing more than the other party's greed for money.

For example, when he saved her, her brother came to visit alone, but Song Jiayu, the rescued person, didn't even show his face.

How serious can a chronic disease like asthma be? It's been a week since Song Tianjun came to visit her. She didn't believe that Song Jiayu couldn't get out of bed at this time. In the end, she just didn't want to come.

Of course, some of them knew that the person who saved her was the wife of the person she had liked since childhood, which made her even more reluctant to come and say thank you.

She did this to her savior, let alone someone like the captain who had nothing to do with her.

As soon as Song Wanqian said these words, Song Jiayu's expression changed and she quickly explained, Dad, I didn't mean that. Mom also said it was the company's rule...

That's enough! Song Wanqian said with a straight face, Rules are dead, so are people? In the first year we went abroad, you were robbed in the supermarket parking lot. If it hadn't been for Sui Sui (the captain's daughter) I was the first to notice and called someone, but you can still stand here well?

Now that her father is in trouble, the family is providing her with an internship position. You are against following rules here. If you really want to follow rules, your resume is not even qualified to apply for Caline!

Song Jiayu's face turned pale. After her parents remarried, Song Wanqian had always loved her very much and had never said such serious words to her.

She is not qualified, is Han Ruoxing qualified?

Gu Jingyan, who was the first to mention this matter, said calmly, Uncle Song, calm down. Jiayu is also worried that what Aunt Han has experienced before will happen again.

Han Ruoxing raised her eyebrows. Gu Jingyan was quite good at finding opportunities to improve his favorability.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Jingyan opened his mouth, Song Jiayu's eyes turned red, and she looked at him with a feeling of grievance.


Han Ruoxing thought for a while and felt that she still had to object and establish her own character.

So she placed the cup heavily on the table, Mr. Gu, if I remember correctly, interns in your company have had accidents before, right? Your company has been recruiting interns, so why did you persuade us to stop eating because of choking when it was our turn? Woolen cloth?

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, Recruitment is Caline's own business. Naturally, I am not qualified to speak. I just think that Jiayu's objection is due to her considerations. After all, people are specially recruited. If something goes wrong, who will Take this responsibility?

Me, Han Ruoxing looked at Su Wanqin, Aunt Su, since you are worried about making the same mistake again, why not let me be the guarantee. If she does anything that harms Caline's interests, I will voluntarily withdraw from Caline's senior management. This promise, May I?

Song Tianjun had mentioned the girl named Sui Sui to her earlier.

The people around Su Wanqin have always been responsible for Caline's recruitment. It can be said that except for a few old people who started the business with her mother, the entire fragrance room is almost entirely hers.

Caline's fragrance room controls the formulas of all products and is an important department related to the quality of the company's products. She had to put Song Jiayu in it when she had asthma, with the intention of passing Caline on to Song Jiayu.

When she arrived at Caline, she had a lot of shares, but most of the real power was with Su Wanqin.

The fragrance room must tear a hole and insert one of their own people to break the previous balance.

Song Tianjun's original plan was to wait until he graduates before talking about this matter, but he didn't expect that the captain passed away suddenly, and Gu Jingyan happened to mention it at this time, so he went with the flow and hired the person as an intern first. Go in.

Su Wanqin could have been more generous and sold the favor, but she was wary.

Even if Song Tianjun told her that the crash was an accident, she would not relax her vigilance and place someone who was beyond her control in an important department.

After all, Caline's real power lies with Su Wanqin. Song Wanqian agreed, but he only had empty shares and had no involvement in Caline's side at all.

If Su Wanqin didn't agree, this person might not be able to arrange it. (End of chapter)

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