Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 975 Mr. Shan’s throat was damaged by smoke before

I'm sleeping at home. My brother was visiting relatives this morning. She thought the gift my brother gave was too expensive and made a fuss with me. The two had a fight and my brother left her at home. She is probably still crying in the room right now. Woolen cloth.

Lin Shu?

Who does she think she is that everyone has to pamper her?

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands tightly, her expression extremely ugly, Really, they have been quarreling a lot these days?

Yes, Han Ruoxing thought that my brother was the same as before. He wanted to put herself at the center of everything. My brother had long since forgotten her and was annoyed when he saw her acting.

Zhong Meilan closed her eyes, Then where are you now?

Me? Gu Jingyang paused, I'm at home too. I'll brush tung oil on the floor and wait for her to slide downstairs later. I'll see if the bastard in her belly can fall out.

Lin Shu? ? ?

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands and said, Okay, well done.

Zhong Meilan's tone was a little strange, and Gu Jingyang felt a little uneasy, Mom, what's wrong with you?

Zhong Meilan watched Han Ruoxing get into the car and said in a deep voice, It's okay, don't make it so obvious. In a few days, you can invite Han Ruoxing to Mrs. Chen's daughter's wedding.

Gu Jingyang paused and said, Mom, if Han Ruoxing and Mrs. Chen don't deal with it, she won't go, right?

If she doesn't want to go, just find a way to let her go, Zhong Meilan said expressionlessly, You are so smart, this shouldn't be difficult for you.

Gu Jingyang frowned and said after a long time, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Meilan slammed the phone aside, her face twisted horribly.

Gu Jingyang hung up the phone and turned around to see Lin Shu looking at her strangely.

Gu Jingyang looked at the time and said, Why don't we each go back to our homes and find our own mothers?

Lin Shu pushed the tablet in front of Gu Jingyang, Change these places.

What? Gu Jingyang came over to take a look and almost lost his face, Are you sick? Are you asking me to change the data during the big holiday?

Lin Shu took the coffee and took a sip, You should be glad that I didn't send it directly to Mr. Gu. If he saw that you had studied for several months and made this thing, he would probably consider whether to remove you as the team leader.

Gu Jingyang gritted his teeth, You were able to change it easily when you just saw it.

I changed it for you. Isn't it too easy for you to get your salary?

Lin Shu put down his cup and said, We wage earners are very small-minded. Just because you were born in Rome is enough to make people jealous. To make money so easily makes me feel unbalanced.

Gu Jingyang's face turned green, I won't change! I'm on vacation now!

Okay, Lin Shu pulled the tablet, Then I will send it directly to Mr. Gu.

As he was about to send it, Gu Jingyang's heart trembled and he quickly held his hand.

Lin Shu looked at her, You won't change?

Gu Jingyang's back teeth were about to break, and he said with a dark face, Change!

The newly promoted team leader was demoted to her. Did she not want to lose face?

Gu Jingyang was modifying the data. Lin Shu thought of what Gu Jingyang said when they were on the phone just now, pursed his lips and asked, Why did you lie to Ms. Zhong?

Gu Jingyang didn't even raise his head, It's none of your business.

Lin Shu was silent for a while and then said, Next time you lie, you can talk to your wife first and ask her to help you, otherwise you will arouse suspicion.

Gu Jingyang paused for a long time before saying, I'm not helping Han Ruoxing.

Lin Shu looked at her.

Gu Jingyang looked up, I'm doing it for my brother.

Stop talking nonsense in front of Han Ruoxing, it's not because I feel guilty.

Lin Shu said nothing.

Gu Jingyang frowned, Did you hear me?

Lin Shu raised his head and said, Want to watch a movie?


Lin Shu said calmly, Isn't it a date? Let's go watch a movie after drinking coffee.

Not going.

Okay, Lin Shu took out his cell phone, I can just give the old lady a job.

Gu Jingyang's eyes almost jumped out of his head, You, wait a minute!

Lin Shu took some time to look at her.

Gu Jingyang clenched his hands and muttered after a long time, Just go.

When he arrived at the cinema and saw Lin Shu's book Murder, Gu Jingyang turned around and was about to leave, but was surprised to be dragged into the screening room by Lin Shu.

Are you sick? Do you want me to give money to Han Ruoxing during the Chinese New Year?

Lin Shu said, Putting aside any prejudice, this movie has a pretty high rating.

Before Gu Jingyang could say anything, someone next to him said, I'm speechless. I booked a ticket for a comedy movie and played a crappy suspense movie for me. Who wants to watch this? A bunch of hype guys, their acting skills are eye-catching, and they steal the box office.

Gu Jingyang threw Lin Shu away, Who stole the box office? With the tickets for Moon on the West River and the movie Murder you watched, can't you figure out who is making money from you?

The man was confused by Gu Jingyang who rushed out. Lin Shu quickly grabbed Gu Jingyang and said, Sorry, I drank too much.

The man cursed psycho and left. Gu Jingyang glared at Lin Shu angrily, You know how to make peace with others.

Lin Shu said, He said where is the wife? Why are you anxious?

I - Gu Jingyang gritted his teeth, I am the one who thinks she has disgraced my brother. If she makes a movie and someone steals the box office, then the data will be ugly and embarrassing!

With that said, he threw away Lin Shu and ran to the front desk to book a table.

Lin Shu stood there, smiled for a while, and then chased after him.

On Han Ruoxing's side, the car quickly arrived at the orphanage.

Kong Zheng called some older children to come over and help unload the things.

The little ones mouthed Sister Star one by one, and it was so sweet.

Where's the dean? Han Ruoxing asked a teacher.

The dean is in the house. A visitor came to see her today.

What guest?

Han Ruoxing asked as he walked.

People who have donated money to the hospital before came here a few months ago, and they came again today and gave a lot of things.

Han Ruoxing nodded, I'll go take a look and say hello.

Arriving at the door of the dean's office, Han Ruoxing knocked lightly.


I, Ruoxing.

There was a sound inside, and after a while, the office door was opened, and the dean looked at her kindly, Ruoxing, why are you here today?

Something happened a year ago, Han Ruoxing said and glanced at the office, only to see a man wearing a black cotton coat sitting on the sofa.

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and all he could see was a pair of cloudy eyes. The wrinkles around the corners of his eyes were not deep, and his skin was even somewhat delicate, but his eyes looked particularly old.

We have guests.

Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice.

The dean nodded.

Can I say hi?

The dean looked at the man, who nodded, and then the dean invited Han Ruoxing to come in.

She introduced to Han Ruoxing, This is Shan Chao, Mr. Shan. He has donated money to our hospital before.

Then he turned to introduce to the man, Mr. Shan, this is the current main sponsor of our welfare home, Han Ruoxing, Ms. Han.

The other party nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, Hello, Miss Han.

Han Ruo

Seeing her in a daze, the dean explained, Mr. Shan's throat was damaged by smoke before. (End of Chapter)

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