Han Ruoxing didn't say anything. She patted him on the back one after another. After a long time, she said, When did you remember it?

Gu Jingyan's eyes were blank, not knowing what she was asking.

At this time, my brain is not working well...

The phone vibrated, and Han Ruoxing picked it up and took a look.

The message from Song Tianjun, Remember to look at the contents of the gift box on the first floor.

Han Ruoxing was stunned. Why did he call specifically to give instructions?

Han Ruoxing thought for a while, then got out of the car and pulled it out. Inside was a document in a brown paper bag.

She returned to the car, turned on the overhead lights, and took out the things inside.

When he turned to the first page, Han Ruoxing's eyes changed slightly.

That was Dr. Huang's information that she asked Song Tianjun to check.

Before going to check, she actually didn't think too much. She just wanted to know whether the doctor Song Jiayu found was really as good as she said. After all, the doctor's resume in China was too thin, and his main The business is abroad.

However, this investigation revealed a problem.


She thought of the sound of wind chimes coming from Song Jiayu when she eavesdropped on the conversation between Gu Jingyan and Song Jiayu today. After Gu Jingyan heard the sound, something immediately seemed wrong.

Although now that I think about it, he was probably just faking it.

She has never been exposed to hypnosis. Could the sound of the wind chimes be a psychological suggestion given by the hypnotist?

But how could someone with such a tough mind like Gu Jingyan be easily hypnotized?

Han Ruoxing frowned, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of the medicine Gu Jingyan took.

That painkiller...what the hell is that?

Han Ruoxing's expression changed drastically, and she turned around to search Gu Jingyan's body.

Where's the medicine? Han Ruoxing's voice trembled slightly, her hands moved from his chest to the pockets on both sides, and while searching, she said hoarsely, Gu Jingyan, where is the medicine? Give me the medicine.

Gu Jingyan was startled, then slowly took out a familiar medicine bottle from his back, Is this one?

Han Ruoxing grabbed it and unscrewed the bottle with shaking hands. The medicine that was half a bottle a few days ago was now only a few pills left.

Han Ruoxing paled, Why did you eat so much?

Gu Jingyan, like a child who had done something wrong, whispered, It's a bit delicious.

That's medicine, do you think it's rice? Han Ruoxing was confused and her voice was trembling.

Gu Jingyan felt aggrieved and whispered, It's really delicious.

As he spoke, he took one and put it to Han Ruoxing's mouth. Han Ruoxing was just about to scold him for being drunk when he suddenly smelled a faint smell of milk.

She was startled for a moment, then licked it gently, and Gu Jingyan put it into her mouth.

Han Ruoxing blinked, then blinked again, and after a long time she said, Milk films?

Gu Jingyan nodded and said with some annoyance, They don't make strawberry flavor for me.

Han Ruoxing...

There's no need to act coquettishly.

His tense heart relaxed slightly, and it turned out that he had known that there was something wrong with the medicine for a long time.

Thinking of Gu Jingyan's test of Song Jiayu today, did he suspect something about Song Jiayu, so he pretended that he had not recovered his memory?

But when did he regain his memory? Han Ruoxing kept asking questions for a long time, and Gu Jingyan talked a lot without getting to the point.

Han Ruoxing didn't ask what she wanted, but Gu Jingyan's drunken chatterbox was exposed.

Axing, is the baby making trouble?


Axing, when will we get married?

Aren't you going to break off the engagement with me?

I don't!

Han Ruoxing glared at him, You do! You also said you wanted to be with Song Jiayu!

Han Ruoxing's lies were categorical, but a certain drunken man's words were uncertain.

I...I really said that?

Han Ruoxing said half truthfully, I told you, you said you can't remember me, don't want to be with me, don't want to see me.

Gu Jingyan's expression was also a little pitiful, like an abandoned puppy. His lips trembled, and it took him a long time to say, I must be confused. Can I take these words back?

Can you take back what you said? I heard it all. When you said those words to me, I was heartbroken.

Gu Jingyan frowned, racked his brains, and finally said pitifully, Then can you forget it?

Han Ruoxing couldn't hold back, she laughed, stretched out her hand to pinch his earlobe, and gently rubbed his nose, You hug me, and I'll forget about it.

Gu Jingyan hugged her immediately after hearing this, Have you forgotten?

Han Ruoxing closed her eyes, Not yet.

After a few seconds, Gu Jingyan asked again, Have you forgotten?

Han Ruoxing said slowly, Forgot a little bit.

After a while, Gu Jingyan spoke again, I forgot-

If you keep talking nonsense, I won't forget it.

Gu Jingyan...

Han Ruoxing snuggled into his arms and asked softly, Do you remember what happened after you let go of your hand that day in the river?

Gu Jingyan thought for a while and started to talk to her stumblingly.

The thin tree trunk could not bear the weight of the two people. They were unable to climb up. If the stalemate continued, once the trunk broke, both of them might die.

Han Ruoxing was light in weight and could swim, so he had a high chance of survival. However, he was covered in injuries and was not quite conscious at the time, and he had gradually become a burden to her.

If he let go, Han Ruoxing would most likely be rescued. He was downstream and might still have a glimmer of hope.

The reason why the place where I fell into the river was that the current was very fast because it was a very gentle slope. I didn’t know what the terrain was like downstream, but I could take a gamble.

Gu Jingyan was lucky enough to let go of the floating bag of garbage. After it floated for a kilometer, the water flow gradually slowed down.

His movement in the river slowed down, but he no longer had any strength.

His body couldn't stop falling, and every time he closed his eyes, Han Ruoxing's cries could be heard in his ears.

It is not known if she was rescued.

I don't know if she was seriously injured.

They agreed to get the certificate on Valentine's Day.

Will she be sad if he can't go?

When people are on the verge of death, they will always have a strong desire to survive.

He remembered what Han Ruoxing said when he taught him how to swim.

She said: In fact, swimming is not scary at all. No matter how deep you sink, I will catch you.

She does what she says.

It's just swimming, it's not that difficult.

She taught him so carefully that he knew exactly what to do with his eyes closed.

How could he sink without even speaking a word during the final parting.

He had to go up and see her alive...

He recalled the skills he had learned and began to swim to the shore with all his strength. The wound was soaked in water and the pain was numb, but he did not dare to relax for a moment.

Once you sink, you can never go back.

However, some things cannot be accomplished simply by willpower. When he was only a few meters away from the shore, his lower back was scratched by something sharp in the water. The pain disrupted his rhythm, and he choked on the water. .

When he was dazed and about to lose consciousness, someone grabbed him... (End of this chapter)

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