That was her attempt to scare Gu Jingyan...

And on New Year's Eve, Mo Mingxuan came to her house. Didn't the Mo family have New Year's Eve dinner?

But since he is a guest, there is no reason to ask him to leave.

Han Ruoxing took the wine, thanked her, and said with a smile, I forwarded other people's pictures for fun. I thought that during the Chinese New Year, not many people would read Moments.

I just finished working overtime and saw your posts, so I thought about coming over to see you.

Han Ruoxing originally wanted to ask him how he knew she was with the Song family, but then she thought of the update just now. She was afraid that Gu Jingyan could not find her, so she turned on the location display. It was normal for Mo Mingxuan to know.


Are you working overtime on New Year's Eve?

Han Ruoxing was a little surprised, Are all law firms this busy now?

Mo Mingxuan smiled and shook his head, No, everyone is on holiday. The main reason is that I don't want to go back. My aunt is here on New Year's Eve.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, then understood.

Mo Mingxuan's repressed childhood was marked by the death of his younger brother, and Mo Shiyun was the indirect murderer who caused all of this. Even she couldn't bear to endure the pain every time during family reunion festivals. Force a smile and go to greet each other New Year.

Before Han Ruoxing opened her mouth, Su Wanqin said, I happen to have some dumplings at home. I'll ask the kitchen to cook them and make some side dishes. You two have a drink.

When Song Wanqian heard that he wanted to drink, he immediately became happy and said, Mingxuan, it's really nice of you to come today.

Han Ruoxing...

It's good to drink, right?

Su Wanqin's abnormality is not unexpected. Su Wanqin's mind works much faster than Song Jiayu.

Su Wanqin knew that there was no possibility for Song Jiayu and Gu Jingyan when Gu Jingyan posted that post on Moments. In this case, instead of doing useless work on Gu Jingyan, it would be better to spend her energy on the company.

Gu Jingyan is certainly good, but he is not the only good boy in Jiangcheng, so Mo Mingxuan is naturally a good choice.

Mo Mingxuan did not refuse and politely thanked him.

Song Tianjun sat on the sofa to one side, calmly took a photo of Mo Mingxuan with his mobile phone, and sent it to the small group.

Shen Qingchuan was originally bored and having New Year's Eve dinner with his family.

When I saw this message, I immediately became energetic.

The seventh aunt and the eighth aunt were still showing off their son and grandson at the dinner table, when Shen Qingchuan suddenly stood up.

Father Shen frowned, The elders have been asking you for a long time without saying a word. Where are you going now?

Shen Qingchuan paused and said, Chasing your girlfriend, didn't you say that if you don't get married this year, don't go home to celebrate the New Year?

Father Shen was stunned for a moment, then frowned, I won't recognize those shabby women if you take them home!

The sister-in-law smiled and said, Qinglin said that Xiaochuan is talking about a serious girl this time, and she is very cute.

Mother Shen became interested, Which daughter? If it's suitable, I'll find a matchmaker to propose marriage.

Shen Qingchuan said, The village tyrant in the village.

The whole family...

He went upstairs with his cell phone, completely ignoring the whole family who was disturbed by his thunder.

After going upstairs, Shen Qingchuan called Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan was almost at Song's house. When he saw the call, he answered the call, Are you wearing a hat?

Shen Qingchuan said this when he came up.

Gu Jingyan was confused, No.

Then there's no need to wear it, Shen Qingchuan said slowly, Your ex-wife gave you one, and it's still green.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, What the hell are you talking about?

Shen Qingchuan hummed, Your former uncle posted a photo of Mingxuan at his house in the group. Don't you understand what it means?

Gu Jingyan frowned and his face darkened.

Shen Qingchuan was still chattering, You said that if your ex-wife and Mingxuan get along, will the child born have your surname or his? At the Full Moon Wine, when we add money to the family, should we give it to you or give it to me? Mingxuan?

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth and said, Shut your stupid mouth!

Shen Qingchuan clicked his tongue and said, This is an important matter. It's not easy for me to make money. I will still have my wife to take care of me in the future. I have to remember every account clearly and return the gift later -

Before he finished speaking, Gu Jingyan hung up on him.

Shen Qingchuan raised the corners of his lips and sent a text message to Tang Xiaoxiao, Little bandit, do you want to go to the theater?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought it was New Year's Eve and she was bored, so she quickly replied, What show are you watching? Have you booked the venue for Ah Xing? How many shows have you booked?

Shen Qingchuan...

He shouldn't have used the word watching a show. If he said no now, he was sure that the little bandit would hang up his phone in a minute.

So he said, It's guaranteed. It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. We won't watch a movie today. Let's go to the Song family to watch a play.

A Xing's family? Tang Xiaoxiao said immediately, Wait for me to clean up.

Okay, send me your location and I'll pick you up.

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately sent the location. Shen Qingchuan took a look and saw the teacher's apartment in University A.

Tang Xiaoxiao came back from the balcony and said goodbye to the unfamiliar family members at the table, Well, Dad, I'm leaving first. My friend called me New Year's Eve.

A middle-aged man wearing a light gray woolen shirt and metal-rimmed glasses at the table frowned, You didn't eat much.

Tang Xiaoxiao lied, I have lost weight recently and have a small appetite. I am already very full.

Another boy at the table, who was slightly younger than Tang Xiaoxiao, sneered, It's time to lose weight, look at how fat you are.

Tang smiled and his eyes darkened.

Her father frowned and said nothing, but the stepmother next to him said, Xiaoxiao is much thinner than before, but her face is rounder, just like her mother, a little too fashionable.

After that, he said to Tang Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, is your mother still in the town? When you were in junior high school, your father originally wanted to take you back. The quality of education in the town was definitely not as good as in the city. Who knew your mother She has a stubborn temper and scolded us on the phone. You said she is a woman, so why is she trying to be strong? Is there anything bigger than her children going to school?

Tang Xiao smiled and said, My mother rarely scolds people. She usually scolds people who are bitches.

The stepmother's face changed, and her father slammed the table first, How do you speak? Is this how Tang Qian educated you?

Tang Xiaoxiao's originally tepid heart was extremely cold at this moment, You think my mother's education is not good, why don't you educate me? When your son ridiculed me, you didn't speak. Your wife is my mother, and I Are you saying that I am wrong?

The man's face turned ugly, Are you still justified in contradicting your elders?

The stepmother was also advising beside her, Forget it, it's a Chinese New Year, there's no point in getting angry with your child. What does she know? She just listens to what others say?

You have to fart loudly, don't fart loudly and then call others shit.

The stepmother had probably never seen someone speak so vulgarly before, so she was immediately confused.

The man's face turned green and white, and he gritted his teeth and said, Apologise!

(None today) (End of chapter)

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