Hurry up and take the check before I regret it now.

Gu Jingyan stared at her for a moment and then said, Answer me a question, the check is yours.

What? Qiao Ruoxing raised her eyes.

What did Qiao Xusheng talk to you about?

Qiao Ruoxing paused and pursed her lips, Your mother didn't receive the white truffles. If you are very busy, you can actually refuse me directly. There is no need to lie to her and say that she gave them away.

Gu Jingyan was startled, his expression ugly, Do you think I didn't send it on purpose?

Whether it's intentional or forgotten, it's best not to easily agree to something you can't do.

Gu Jingyan frowned and was about to say something else when Lin Shu knocked on the door and came in.

Mr. Gu, madam, the procedures have been completed. Seeing that neither of them responded, Lin Shu asked in a low voice, Are you still discharged from the hospital?

Along the way, both of them were silent.

Lin Shu was not used to it. He heard the two of them bickering a lot recently, and it was so quiet all of a sudden that he felt panicked.

He glanced furtively in the rearview mirror.

Gu Jingyan frowned, not knowing what he was thinking. Qiao Ruoxing turned to look out the window with a cold expression.

What happened to these two people?

Lin Shu, Gu Jingyan suddenly said, Last time I asked you to deliver the white truffles to my mother's place, did you deliver them?

Qiao Ruoxing's ears twitched.

Lin Shu nodded, Delivered.

Did my mom pick it up?

My wife was not here at the time, so the nanny at home picked her up.

Did you tell her that we sent it?

I made it clear according to your instructions.

Gu Jingyan frowned.

How come you didn't receive it?

He took the mobile phone and dialed the landline of Zhong Meilan's residence.

After a while, the call was answered, It's me.

The nanny immediately recognized Gu Jingyan's voice, Master, why are you calling home? Madam and young lady are not here at the moment.

I know, I want to ask you something.

You say.

The white truffles I asked Lin Shu to send last time, he said they were given to you. Why did my mother say they weren't there?

The nanny's voice immediately became tense, and he hesitated, Maybe, maybe I forgot.


Gu Jingyan's voice was low, Then find it now. I'll be on your way and go get it.

Everything was crushed and thrown away by Gu Jingyang, where could she get it?

Master, I, I, I don't know where I put it...

It doesn't matter. We won't be there for a while. You have to look for it carefully. There is only such a big place in our house. Is it possible to lose it?

The nanny was on pins and needles. She didn't dare to say that Gu Jingyang had thrown it away, so she could only lie and say, I, I remembered, I was cleaning up the warehouse a few days ago and the things got moldy, so I threw them away.

Throw it away? Gu Jingyan's voice became colder, Those two boxes of white truffles are worth tens of thousands. Did you throw them away, or did you steal them?

The word stealing is too serious. The nanny was anxious and hurriedly denied, It's not me, I didn't steal! Master, I have been working in the Gu family for almost twenty years. You know who I am. How could I dare to take over the house privately? s things.

Where's that thing?

Qiao Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan.

After all, this nanny has been working in the Gu family for so many years, and Gu Jingyan's words are really a bit inhumane.

She wanted to say forget it, but she had already received that slap anyway, so what was the point of pursuing it now.

Before she could speak, the nanny stammered, Yes... it's Miss... Miss, she threw the things away and wouldn't let me...

Who are you talking to?

Before the nanny finished speaking, Zhong Meilan's voice came from the mobile phone, and then the person who answered the phone became Zhong Meilan.

It's the young master. The young master is asking about white truffles...

There was no sound over there, and a few seconds later, the person who answered the phone turned into Zhong Meilan, Why don't we just have two boxes of white truffles, and we're going to call them at home to hold them accountable?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips, I just want to find out what's going on.

Zhong Meilan said angrily, What do you want to do after you find out? Call the police to arrest someone? You have no other skills, but your ability to file a complaint is top-notch! Don't say I didn't see something, even if I did, I won't accept it! You have this time , take good care of your wife, she has married into the Gu family, don’t always turn your elbows outward!

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Gu Jingyan clutched the phone and said nothing for a long time.

Qiao Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief, it would be nice if it wasn't him.

She said softly, Forget it, I didn't want to send it off at first, but now I don't have to worry.

Gu Jingyan's Adam's apple slid, and after a while, he asked hoarsely, Does it hurt?

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what he was asking when she saw him staring at the left side of her face.

At that moment, all the grievances came to her heart, and her eyes immediately turned red. Afraid of being embarrassed and crying, she quickly averted her eyes, suppressed the soreness in her throat, and pretended to be relaxed, He is my father, and he is still alive. How heavy a move can be made?

In fact, it hurt. Qiao Xusheng's slap was almost with all his strength. Her face now looked slightly swollen, but she didn't want to tell Gu Jingyan this.

She was afraid that the feedback she would get would be disappointment, and she was also afraid that with just one word from him, she would break her defenses and become weak.

After sending them to the villa, Lin Shu left.

The nanny at home came out to help her, but Gu Jingyan avoided her hand and said calmly, Go put a pool of water in, I want to clean it.

Qiao Ruoxing said, The doctor said that the wound should not be exposed to water.

Gu Jingyan paused and said, Come and help me wash it later.

Qiao Ruoxing...

This is not good.

Gu Jingyan glanced at her, It's not like it hasn't been washed before. What's wrong with it?

Qiao Ruoxing thought of her ridiculous behavior in the bathroom before, and her ears couldn't help but turn red, It's different now!

It's no different. If two million dollars are thrown into the water, there will always be a sound. But because of your injuries, you have to take some responsibility, right?

Qiao Ruoxing was speechless now.

Because Gu Jingyan's words directly touched the guilt in her heart.

It was just taking a bath, Qiao Ruoxing comforting herself, nothing else. She and Gu Jingyan had been honest with each other so many times, what was there to be nervous about?

She had long been tired of looking at his body. Bathing him was no different from bathing cats and dogs.

Twenty minutes later, Qiao Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan's muscular back, her fingers trembling nervously.

Tired of seeing this! How can this be the same as kittens and puppies? Who would look straight at a kitten or puppy taking a bath?

Gu Jingyan put his hands on both sides of the bathtub, and the water droplets ran along his cheeks, across his Adam's apple, and fell into the water.

He turned his head and looked at her lightly, his eyes deep and clean, Aren't you going to take off your clothes?

Qiao Ruoxing looked wary, What do you want to do?

Gu Jingyan looked at her like an idiot, The clothes are wet and will be difficult to take off after a while. Go and change into something thinner.

No, it's safe to wear it this way.

Gu Jingyan...

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