Gu Jingyan took it, first took a sip, and then drank it all in one gulp. He picked up the tissue next to him and gently wiped the corners of his lips. Tang Xiaoxiao watched the tissue getting wet little by little, and was thrown into the trash can by Gu Jingyan.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

This is not bad. Gu Jingyan commented.

Song Jiayu drank the wine in her cup and said with a smile, The groom likes wine very much. He personally selected all the wines at this wedding banquet. The wines on each table are different, but the taste is the same. One by one.

He greeted the waiter and ordered another glass of wine for Gu Jingyan, Brother Gu, do you want to try this again? Although this is fruit wine, it has a higher alcohol content than ordinary fruit wine and has a more mellow aroma.

Gu Jingyan took it, sniffed it, and said warmly, It's very fragrant, you can smell the fruit.

Song Jiayu said with spring in her eyes, This is my favorite wine.

Gu Jingyan paused and drank from the cup in one gulp.

Then he picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip, then put the glass down and said, This one feels a bit bitter, not as amazing as the previous two.

Song Jiayu smiled and said, Brother Gu, you drank too much. This kind of fruit wine should be tasted in small sips so that the flavor can be fully revealed.

As he said this, he demonstrated to Gu Jingyan.

Tang Xiaoxiao was not in the mood to watch Song Jiayu's pretentious performance, so she stood on tiptoe and glanced at Gu Jingyan's cup.

Sure enough, it was only half a cup of tea just now. When he took a sip, the tea was not less, but more.

Did he spit the wine in his mouth?

She was sure that Qiao Ruoxing must have taught Gu Jingyan how to avoid drinking. Aren't these the same tricks that Asing used to avoid drinking when he was in school?

Gu Jingyan didn't have amnesia, how could he remember this?

Moreover, why was he hiding from the wine handed over by Song Jiayu?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes were complicated.

Shen Qingchuan joked, Miss Song, don't just give it to Jingyan. I also like drinking. Please introduce a few to me.

Song Jiayu smiled lightly, Mr. Shen has been hanging out in shopping malls all year round and has made countless friends. What kind of wine have you never tasted? Let me introduce it to you. He is really good at it.

Hey, drinking while discussing business is just like drinking water. All you have to do is drink. Who has the time to drink slowly? So don't look at me drinking too much. I really don't know anything about wine.

He pulled Tang Xiaoxiao over and said, My girlfriend doesn't understand either. You just want to recommend something to us. Let's see what kind of wine young lovers usually drink.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyebrows twitched and she glared at him: He'll be stabbed a thousand times! Who is your girlfriend!

Shen Qingchuan hugged her waist tightly: tactical words, please cooperate!

Song Jiayu glanced at Tang Xiaoxiao and smiled, Mr. Shen's vision is really... quite special.

Song Jiayu and Tang Xiaoxiao only met a few times, mostly when Qiao Ruoxing was present.

Of course she knew about the relationship between Tang Xiaoxiao and Qiao Ruoxing, but she just couldn't understand why Qiao Ruoxing would play with such a person even though he was recognized by the Song family.

From head to toe, there was nothing that a woman should look like. She was rude and her words were vulgar.

More importantly, how did a girl from an ordinary family have the confidence to join their circle?

Song Jiayu naturally didn't like her.

Tang Xiaoxiao was not stupid. Normally, she would have exploded when she heard this.

But after being reminded by Shen Qingchuan, she had already calmed down.

If Song Jiayu said this to her outside, she would have to scold Song Jiayu's ancestors and beat her up.

But in a place like this where Ah Xing's acquaintances are everywhere, she has to restrain herself. She doesn't care about losing face, but she can't lose face to Ah Xing.

So when she heard Song Jiayu's words, she laughed, Ms. Song has a very special vision. All my friends are looking for singles and unmarried people. This is the first time I have seen Miss Song who likes divorce and has a girlfriend.

Song Jiayu's face froze.

Tang Xiaoxiao blinked her big eyes, Ms. Song, do you only like this group? In fact, I still know a lot of divorced men. Do you want me to introduce them to you? But those of my friends have a slightly higher baseline and have girlfriends. If you say that, it probably won’t be very popular, and of course there are some people with bad moral character, just like this one.”

Song Jiayu's face turned ugly.

Tang Xiaoxiao wished she could grab the cup next to her and splash water on his face, so that everyone could see what she was like.

However, Song Jiayu just clenched her hands, tried hard to suppress her emotions, and asked with red eyes, I don't understand why Miss Tang is so malicious to me. Is it because of Ruoxing? If she has any objections to me, she can just say it directly. There is no need to use any excuses. My friend said these words to me. I always felt that no matter what, Brother Gu’s safety was more important than anything else, but I didn’t expect that she would be so concerned about this matter.”

There were already many people around, but as soon as Song Jiayu said these words, many people started whispering.

The topic of discussion was nothing more than Qiao Ruoxing's lack of atmosphere.

Song Jiayu saved people without saying a word, but Qiao Ruoxing was jealous of her. Even her friends came to step on Song Jiayu's body, a typical example of thankless efforts.

Tang Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

This is the first time she has seen Bai Lian become a spirit.

Not only did he want to seduce Ah Xing, but he also wanted to drive a wedge between them.

Stinky - ugh - turtle...

Before Tang Xiao finished his joke, Shen Qingchuan pinched his cheeks, Tell me about you. Everything has happened because of your mouth. Does Miss Song still need your help in introducing a partner? Ren Jingyan is here. Here, is it your turn?

Just when Tang Xiaoxiao was about to get angry, Shen Qingchuan continued, Have you forgotten what Jingyan's circle of friends reminded us? People regard Miss Song as their biological sister. What kind of partner Miss Song is looking for will be controlled by Jingyan, what do you think? What are you messing around with? Are you being thankless for your efforts?

Tang Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and stopped struggling.

Song Jiayu's expression was extremely wonderful.

A few days ago, Gu Jingyan's WeChat screenshot went viral in the group. Gu Jingyan's words couldn't be more obvious. There is no possibility between him and Song Jiayu.

Song Jiayu was also in the group at the time. When he saw the screenshot, it felt like he had been slapped. Now Shen Qingchuan was bringing up the old things again in front of so many people. Song Jiayu only felt that the slap was not good yet, and he He took a soldering iron and burned his face.

Song Jiayu's lips trembled slightly, and her face turned extremely ugly.

She looked at Gu Jingyan, wanting to seek some comfort from Gu Jingyan, but Gu Jingyan was rubbing his temples, seeming very uncomfortable. When Song Jiayu looked over, he stood up and said, Jiayu, excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom.

Song Jiayu had no choice but to swallow her grievances and whispered, Brother Gu, be careful.

Gu Jingyan responded, stood up and left.

Brother Shen, have you drunk too much? Do you want me to support you? Tang Xiaoxiao imitated Song Jiayu's tone and spoke to Shen Qingchuan in a low voice.

Shen Qingchuan put his arm on her shoulders and said with a smile, You are so strong, just carry me on your back. (End of Chapter)

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