Gu Jingyan...

With a dark face, he gritted his teeth and said, Am I afraid?

Lin Shu said, It's not fear, it's respect.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, I'm just going to get some medicine.

Lin Shu nodded, I can understand, but don't expect your wife to understand. You said it yourself. Don't try to reason with your wife, because she is the most unreasonable.

Gu Jingyan...

If you don't tell her, how will she know?

Lin Shu said haha, You think too highly of me. If a mosquito bites you, your wife will know whether it is a male mosquito or a female mosquito. Do you think I can hide it from her?

Gu Jingyan gritted his teeth, Then why don't you just shut up?!

Lin Shu stood still, stretched out his hand to pull the zipper on his mouth, hugged the things, and turned around to leave.

Gu Jingyan belatedly realized that there are male mosquitoes that bite?


Imperial Garden.

Han Ruoxing was sitting in the living room, eating strawberries and reading a book.

Gu Jingyang has been living here for two days and has not seen any movement from her. What on earth does this guy want to do?

Even so, Han Ruoxing did not relax his vigilance at all and was in a fighting state at all times.

Not only did Gu Jingyang occupy her room, he also sent a lot of furniture and clothes over the next day.

She filled the remaining rooms to the brim. Gu Jingyan originally said that he would put a bed in the guest room, but the remaining three rooms were all occupied by Gu Jingyang.

As soon as Gu Jingyan told her to move away, Gu Jingyang started crying so loudly that it could make a hole in the ceiling.

Although Han Ruoxing didn't like Gu Jingyang, she felt that Gu Jingyang had rarely done a good thing in this matter.

The rooms were all occupied, so Gu Jingyan naturally had no room to change to, so he told her to change rooms in the morning, and then said to her stumblingly at night, Sleep one more night.

Han Ruoxing looked indifferent, This is your home, you can sleep as much as you like.

The next day, she called the maintenance man and removed the shower faucets in other guest rooms. Now Gu Jingyan had to take a shower in the master bedroom.

Thinking of Gu Jingyan's constipated expression in the past two days, Han Ruoxing was in a good mood.

She sent Gu Jingyan a WeChat message, What do you want to eat tonight?

After a while, Gu Jingyan replied, I have something to do tonight and I won't be home for dinner. Just ask Auntie to cook what you like.

Han Ruoxing paused and swiped up a few times. After Gu Jingyan's accident, it was the first time he replied to her with so many words.

She raised the corners of her lips and replied, Today's strawberries are particularly delicious. I'll ask Auntie to make strawberry pudding for you, okay?

Gu Jingyan replied Yeah.

Han Ruoxing stood up and went to the kitchen with strawberries.

Just at this time, Gu Jingyang came down from upstairs. Han Ruoxing stopped and asked, Are you going out?

Gu Jingyang glanced at her and ignored her.

Han Ruoxing asked again, I'm going to make strawberry pudding for Gu Jingyan, will you eat it?

Gu Jingyang paused and threw two words to her, Whatever.

Han Ruoxing gritted his teeth. If it weren't for the fact that you had done some personnel work in the past two days, who would be willing to pay attention to you!

She took a deep breath and comforted herself. Don't be like a naughty child. Pregnant women should stay happy and happy...

Han Ruoxing hadn't made it for a long time, fearing that it would go wrong, so she called Tang Xiaoxiao, asked for the recipe again, and then took action.

On the other side, Tang Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and said to Shen Qingchuan, After Ah Xing became pregnant, she seemed to have become more friendly. She was disgusted when Gu Jingyang was mentioned before. Just now on the phone, she also said that she would make one for Gu Jingyang. , does progesterone have such a big impact?

Shen Qingchuan turned the steering wheel and said with a smile, This is called maturity. No matter what, Jingyang is still Jingyan's sister. Do you think she can stay away from each other for the rest of her life? This kid Jingyang is so worthless because of her. De's mother is spoiled, and unlike Molly, she's not that bad at heart.

When Jingyan just graduated, he set up that company and was short of money. His mother took away all his funds and said he wanted to invest in a beauty salon. Jingyan went to her to ask for it, but she didn't ask for it. I was scolded, and I went with him at the time, and those words were particularly unpleasant.

Jingyan is a boring gourd. He won't go to the old lady to complain if he gets angry. Once the old lady finds out, she will definitely go to Zhong Meilan to settle the score. Zhong Meilan doesn't dare to offend the old lady, but she has a way to manipulate Jingyan. Come on. It’s a vicious cycle going back and forth.”

So he asked us friends to borrow money. We didn't have much savings at that time, so we couldn't get enough of it. So Jingyang found me and took out all the New Year's money he had earned over the years and asked me to Giving it to Jingyan solved Jingyan’s urgent need at that time.”

Although she is a vested interest on Zhong Meilan's side, she is not the perpetrator. When Uncle Gu was not in trouble, their brother and sister had a very good relationship. But later, Uncle Gu disappeared and Jingyang was taken away by Zhong Meilan. Everything fell apart. changed.

Jingyan hates Zhong Meilan, but he is more disappointed with Jingyang, and hates that iron cannot be made into steel. He also felt uncomfortable when he sent Jingyang in. He didn't say it in front of Han Ruoxing because he was afraid that Han Ruoxing would think he was protecting his own shortcomings. , in fact, he blames himself more and shouldn’t be too used to it.”

But actually, I think it's not a bad thing. You have to let her know that if you cause any trouble, the family will use money to settle it for you. With this kind of thinking, sooner or later something big will happen.

Tang Xiaoxiao pouted, You grew up together, of course you speak for her. In the past, when Ruoxing was at their house, she always made trouble for Ruoxing. Her words were rude and tasteless. This time, she stayed at Gu Jingyan's house properly. I I always feel like she has no good intentions.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, Your sisters are not vegetarians either. There are only those she doesn't want to provoke, and there is nothing she can't provoke. Although Jingyang showed off his power in front of her in those years, how many times did she take advantage of her?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought about it, it seemed the same, and suddenly he wasn't so worried.

Where did you take me?

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned and asked as he looked at the increasingly unfamiliar road.

Fool. Shen Qingchuan said with a smile, Originally I didn't want to come to the Xie family's engagement banquet, but the chef designated for their engagement banquet is a famous Shandong cuisine master, so I wanted to bring you to try it. See if you can learn a few tricks and cook them for me.

Tang Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, Am I your nanny?

Shen Qingchuan curled his lips and said, You are my ancestor.

Just as he was talking, the car arrived at its destination. Shen Qingchuan parked the car, opened the door, and stretched out his hand, Ancestor, please get out of the car.

Tang Xiaoxiao kicked him and jumped out of the car.

The Marriott Hotel is a first-class star hotel in Jiangcheng, and wedding banquets must be booked at least two months in advance.

Tang Xiaoxiao followed Shen Qingchuan to the elevator, and went all the way to the banquet hall. When she opened the door, before Tang Xiaoxiao had time to sigh at the luxurious decoration, she first saw Gu Jingyan, who was held by Song Jiayu's arm and dressed like a dog. (End of chapter)

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