Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 930 The sense of resistance is getting weaker and weaker

Han Ruoxing chuckled, You're not wrong, I really messed up in that game just now and won.

Tang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, Would you like to turn on the whole team mic? This brother's voice is really nice. He asked me before that The Surrounded House is about to start, but he doesn't see any movement from you to join the team. He still wants to go. Visiting team.

Stop making trouble, Han Ruoxing said while operating, You are at the age of going to school, what kind of stars are you chasing?

Listen to the voice. He doesn't know it's you. Look at the name you gave me - I'm here to steal someone's head. Whose idol has such a name that deserves to be beaten? He never dreamed it was you.

Han Ruoxing was moved by her words and still a little curious, so she turned on the team's microphone.

Soon the young man's voice came from over there. It should be said or not, but it was tender, and it sounded like a young man.

After 2005, she was very sweet-mouthed. When she found out that Han Ruoxing was a girl, she immediately became good. One moment, she shouted, Sister, come here and get blue. revenge!.

Han Ruoxing was an average player in the game, but she was very promiscuous. She was usually killed by others. Now there was a little boy who called her sister, which made her both funny and embarrassed.

The opponent got five kills, ran up to her and asked, Sister, am I handsome?

Just like a cat that catches a mouse and shows off its power in front of its owner, it is full of gibberish.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, He's so handsome.

Gu Jingyan's eyes deepened.

He reached out and knocked hard on the door.

When Han Ruoxing heard the voice, she immediately turned off the audio.

Looking up and seeing Gu Jingyan, he was stunned for a moment, Is something wrong?

Gu Jingyan?

Why are you in my room?

Han Ruoxing said, Didn't you let me choose at will? Only the master bedroom has a bed.

Gu Jingyan...

Then where do I live?

Han Ruoxing glanced at the side, Isn't there still half a place? It's not like we haven't slept together before.

Gu Jingyan choked, Is this appropriate? Aren't you worried?

Yeah, I'm not worried. What are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will force you?

Han Ruoxing threw the phone aside, Momojiji, you are not like a man. You can sleep wherever you like. I sleep here anyway.

Gu Jingyan was so angry that he really brought back an ancestor for himself.

Gu Jingyan took a few changes of clothes and planned to go to the guest bedroom to wash up and make do with the study in the evening. As soon as he went out, he saw two nannies carrying the soft bag from the study to the second floor.

Gu Jingyan was stunned and chased after him, Aunt Huang, what are you doing?

Before the nanny could say anything, Gu Jingyang said, Brother, my room doesn't have a sofa. It's not comfortable. I asked someone to move your study into my room. You don't need it anyway.

Gu Jingyan...

Who said I'm useless?

Gu Jingyang was confused, What did you use it for? If you want to sleep, go back to your room and lie down on the bed. It was full of debris when I just moved it. Where did you use it?

Gu Jingyan...

“Just because it didn’t work before doesn’t mean it won’t work later.”

Then you go buy another one yourself. I'll take this one anyway.

Then he pushed Gu Jingyan to the side, Don't block the way.

Gu Jingyan watched helplessly as he was moved to Gu Jingyang's room.

With a dark face, he searched around the house, but only the sofa was left.

This is his home, and there are two nannies living here. How does he look like a grown man sleeping on the sofa?

Gu Jingyan hesitated outside the master bedroom. He stretched out his hand several times and then retracted it.

Just when he was hesitating, the door opened. Han Ruoxing was wearing pajamas, leaning against the door frame with her arms folded, looking up at him, and said quietly, I've been walking by the door for half an hour, and I've considered sleeping with me. Yet?

Gu Jingyan...

I'm not sleeping with you.

Gu Jingyan corrected.

Han Ruoxing said Oh and said, Sleep with me.

Gu Jingyan...

He explained, Jingyang moved the furniture out of the study, so I have no place to sleep.

Han Ruoxing raised her eyebrows slightly, which was profound.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, I'll get some quilts and make do with them on the ground for the night. I'll have someone deliver a bed tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing looked at him for a while, then stepped aside and said calmly, Come in.

Gu Jingyan tugged on his collar, took a deep breath and followed in.

Han Ruoxing opened the cabinet, took a quilt from it and put it on the bed.

Just as Gu Jingyan was about to pick up the quilt, Han Ruoxing held his wrist, Let's sleep on the bed. The injury hasn't healed yet. What can I do?

Gu Jingyan looked at her hand, and the resistance he felt before was getting weaker and weaker. What he was thinking was, fortunately, his hand was not so cold this time.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and said the word good after a long time.

Han Ruoxing went to the bathroom to wash up. Gu Jingyan sat on the bed and picked up his book on the table out of habit. However, when he opened the pages, he couldn't read a single word.

The vague fragrance spread on the sheets, much stronger than when he just came back.

He let go of the book and grabbed the quilt that Han Ruoxing was covering by accident. With a slight movement, he saw the underwear that had just been covered by the quilt.

Gu Jingyan was startled. When he picked it up to see what it was, his ears turned red visibly.

Gu Jingyan, have you touched my lotion?

Gu Jingyan was like a boy who was found reading a side book when he was a child. He hurriedly put the quilt back on him, coughed, and tried to regain his usual indifference, I didn't move. Check to see if it's in the cabinet. .”

Han Ruoxing said Oh and didn't ask any more questions. She must have found it.

But the temperature on Gu Jingyan's ears did not drop. He felt that he needed to do something to calm down. He turned around and saw the book on Han Ruoxing's bedside. He was curious about what she was looking at and reached out to take it.

Han Ruoxing was actually reading professional books on perfumery and the like.

She must have read a lot. Many places on it were marked with pens. It can be seen that she took extra care.

At her wedding reception, Uncle Song gave Caline's shares to Han Ruoxing. She must be preparing for this.

Song Jiayu had complained to him about Song Wanqian's partiality before. He refused to let her go to Caline, but after recognizing Han Ruoxing, he directly gave the shares to Han Ruoxing, who knew nothing.

Caline is the property that her mother has worked hard for many years. Why should Han Ruoxing give it to her as soon as she comes back? She didn't understand anything. Caline would be destroyed sooner or later at the hands of Han Ruoxing.

He didn't answer the call at the time.

At that time, he was seriously injured and couldn't get out of bed. He was taking medicine every day and was in a hazy state. The only information he could receive was what Song Jiayu said.

He was thinking, wasn't Caline founded by Aunt Han? Even if Han Ruoxing didn't understand anything, what was wrong with Uncle Song giving Aunt Han his biological daughter? (End of chapter)

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