As soon as Gu Jingyang entered the door, he heard Zhong Meilan's lowered voice, a look of surprise on her face, and she didn't know who she was calling on her cell phone.

What he said shocked Gu Jingyang.

You said that old thing also knew about it? Zhong Meilan looked ugly, No wonder she agreed so neatly to let Han Ruoxing live in Yuyuan!

I'm calm? How can I be calm? Of course you're not in a hurry! If Jingyan thinks about it, the first person he wants to drive away is me!

Why can she still get pregnant after taking the medicine for so long?

Absolutely not!

This child must not be kept. Without the child, how can Jingyan keep her in the imperial garden? As long as he can't remember her, what do I have to worry about?

Gu Jingyang's face turned pale, and she squeezed the bowl tightly to prevent her hands from shaking.

But the sound of the door closing obviously disturbed Zhong Meilan. She quickly hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Gu Jingyang.

You kid, how come you don't know how to knock when you enter?

Gu Jingyang calmed down and whispered, I knocked for a long time and didn't hear any sound before I came in. Mom, Aunt Qin cooked the bird's nest for you.

Why did you give it to them? Just let them do the work of serving others. I didn't raise you to serve tea and pour water.

Zhong Meilan had said this before. At that time, Gu Jingyang never thought there was anything wrong with it, but now, she felt that it was full of problems.

Because grandma said before, who is born to serve people with tea and water? It’s just a job. Don’t hold yourself too high. People can’t always have good fortune. If the good times turn around, think about what others will do. to you.

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes, I have something to do with you, so I brought it here for you.

Zhong Meilan didn't answer, she opened the door and took a look to make sure there was no one outside, then closed the door again.

Put it on the table.

Zhong Meilan waved her over and waited until Gu Jingyang walked in before asking, What do you want from me?

Gu Jingyang remembered the purpose of his visit and whispered, I don't want to see Mrs. Li's son. Please push him away for me.

Zhong Meilan paused and frowned, Why, you're not still thinking about Mo Mingxuan, are you? Mrs. Li's son is studying for a Ph.D. and is excellent in all aspects. Their company has also been listed recently. How many celebrities have asked people to inquire about them? I just fell in love with you, why are you dissatisfied?

Gu Jingyang clenched his fingers and bit his lips without speaking.

What are you talking about? Even if your brother gives me a headache, why are you like this now? He is well-educated, well-born, and has a higher education than you, not to mention you... Zhong Meilan paused, Don't be so picky all the time. , sometimes you have to check your own conditions.”

Gu Jingyang's face turned ugly for a moment.

Zhong Meilan seemed to realize that she had gone too far, so she comforted, Mom didn't mean that. If the conditions were average, mom wouldn't mention it to you, but Mrs. Li's son is really good. I have met him several times. He is polite every time we meet, and he always asks about you, he really likes you.

Mom doesn't want you to get married so early, but this time your brother got into trouble and left most of his things to Han Ruoxing. Don't you understand? He doesn't have our mother and daughter in his heart at all. Mom just wants to help you choose. A good home and a backer for the future.”

Gu Jingyang lowered his head and responded.

Zhong Meilan waved her hand, Go back and rest early.

Gu Jingyang did not move, but asked Zhong Meilan, Mom, is Han Ruoxing pregnant?

Zhong Meilan's expression changed and she said in a deep voice, What did you hear?

I didn't hear it clearly, but I heard you say she was pregnant, Gu Jingyang whispered, Mom, are you telling the truth?

After all, Gu Jingyang was always kept by Zhong Meilan's side, and because Han Ruoxing was sent to stay in the house for a few days by Gu Jingyan before, Zhong Meilan felt that there was nothing that could not be said when thinking about the irreconcilable conflict between them.

Your brother was clearly about to break off the engagement with her, but he suddenly took her back to the Royal Garden and asked her for help. Your grandma also hired a nutritionist to take care of them. I then sensed something was wrong and asked you - your uncle to help. I checked, and sure enough, your brother took her back not for treatment at all, but because she was pregnant!

Gu Jingyang lowered his eyes and asked, My brother is going to be a father. Isn't that a good thing? Didn't you always hope that Han Ruoxing would get pregnant soon?

What's good? Zhong Meilan looked annoyed. Seeing Gu Jingyang's confused mood, she suddenly remembered that Gu Jingyang didn't know about her drugging Han Ruoxing.

It wasn't just Gu Jingyang who didn't know, there weren't even a few who knew.

Zhong Meilan suppressed her emotions and whispered, Your brother kicked me out of the Gu family just because of her. Don't you know how much Han Ruoxing hates our mother and daughter? If she gives birth to a child and returns to the Gu family, where will we be? A place of refuge?”

Gu Jingyang pursed his lips, Mom, we are brother's relatives, he will not let Han Ruoxing do whatever he wants.

Confused! Have you forgotten that your brother sent you to detention for Han Ruoxing? He was afraid that something might happen to him, so he left a will in advance. As a result, he gave most of his wealth to Han Ruoxing. When did he care about our mother and daughter's life and death? ?”

If her child is born, a hundred years after your grandma's death, your brother gets Jiang Sheng, and Han Ruoxing is here for a day, and we, mother and daughter, will not have anything to eat! She must not let her give birth to this child!

Gu Jingyang clenched his fingers tightly, his face gradually turning pale as he seemed to remember what he had experienced during those days of detention.

After a long while, she asked, Mom, what do you want to do?

Zhong Meilan had a gloomy face, The nanny over at Yuyuan has been crying to me these days, saying that Han Ruoxing always talks to the nutritionist the old lady is looking for. I think I can take advantage of this person.

Outsiders are unreliable, Gu Jingyang said with a cold expression, Mom, let me go. Han Ruoxing put me in jail. I want to avenge this with my own hands, and I want to let her feel the pain of heartache.

Zhong Meilan was startled, You? No, no, if your brother knows...

Mom, if you let the nanny take action, won't my brother be able to find us? Gu Jingyang interrupted her, No matter who does it, my brother will find the real culprit, but Han Ruoxing's child disappeared under his nose. Do you think she can forgive my brother? What will happen even if my brother finds out at that time? I am his biological sister, and he does not dare to do anything to me for the sake of the family’s face. I must avenge this with my own hands!

When Gu Jingyang talked about his anger, his eyes were cold and his fingers were trembling slightly. It was obvious that he was extremely hateful.

In fact, Zhong Meilan doesn't really want to use a nanny. After all, it's a matter of life and death, and an accident could happen if she makes a mistake.

Jingyang started to create accidents, so he was naturally more at ease than outsiders.

And just like Gu Jingyang said, she is a descendant of the Gu family. For the sake of the family's reputation, neither Gu Jingyan nor the old lady will do anything to her.

Just like Gu Jingran, he said that there was evidence to prove that he was related to Jingyan's kidnapping case, but in the end he just let it go and was released on bail? (End of chapter)

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