Oh, after all, he is young and bold, but so many people think so - eh? Why don't you feel like Miss Song?

Mrs. Liu said, when she saw the woman raise her eyes, she was surprised and said, Han, Han Ruoxing?

Didn't Zhong Meilan say that Gu Jingyan and Han Ruoxing broke up? Are you saying that Gu Jingyan has a good relationship with Song Jiayu now? What's going on?

After Zhong Meilan moved back home, she became active in the wife circle again.

The wives are shrewd and tactful. Although everyone is not as warm to Zhong Meilan as before because of her loss of power, they have not said anything in the end. After all, no matter how depressed she is, she is also the biological mother of the heir of the Gu family. The blood connection is here, and the Gu family will not I really don't care about her.

Sure enough, not long after Gu Jingyan's accident, she returned to Gu's house and soon took up her position in the circle again.

Gu Jingyan was about to break off her engagement with Han Ruoxing, Gu Jingyan had a close relationship with Song Jiayu, and good things were about to happen. These rumors spread from Zhong Meilan.

Although everyone was indeed wondering why Zhong Meilan was so happy about finding a fake instead of the real daughter, her own mother had said so, so outsiders couldn't say much.

As a result, one second they were still discussing when Gu Jingyan would go to the Song family to propose marriage, and the next second they saw Gu Jingyan and his ex-wife hugging each other so intimately in public in the shopping mall.

Mrs. Chen laughed and said jokingly, Sister Lan, your news seems not very accurate. I heard that Miss Han moved back to Yuyuan.

Of course, Mrs. Chen was not the only one who knew about Han Ruoxing's move back to the Royal Garden. The other ladies also heard about it, but Zhong Meilan didn't mention it at all and kept praising Song Jiayu, so everyone tacitly agreed not to mention it.

Only Mrs. Liu was naive and believed Zhong Meilan's words.

Upon hearing what Mrs. Chen said, she immediately said, You are so shameless and shameless! Jingyan is about to break off the engagement with her, how can she still stay in the Gu family?

Mrs. Chen smiled lightly, Mrs. Liu, Miss Han lived in the Royal Garden. It was the old lady of the Gu family who came forward and asked Jingyan to invite her in person. She went there out of morality and to help Jingyan recover his memory. She is the only one in the Song family who is dignified. As a daughter, if she had nothing, which family would be better off than inheriting the Song family?

What are you trying to do in the past? Do you want to admire someone's breath or look at someone's face?

These words really slapped many wives in the face.

Everyone is out in the spotlight, and only you know your own daily necessities.

Even if she succeeded in starting a business with her husband, once she leaves the workplace, she is destined to be a dwarf in the relationship between husband and wife.

As the saying goes, economic status determines family status.

No matter how beautiful you are on the surface, as long as you live within the social radius of your husband, you are actually living dependent on the man. As long as the husband and wife are harmonious, once there is a dispute, I support you and you become I support you.

It's easy to look up to others and look at their faces.

Mrs. Liu was one of them, so these words made her ears feel hot and her face not very pretty.

Zhong Meilan glanced at Mrs. Chen and said calmly, You are quite well-informed, but you also said that it's just a treatment, it's not an unclear relationship.

We are hugging each other, still unclear?

Mrs. Chen raised the corners of her lips, pretended to be surprised, and asked Zhong Meilan in a low voice, Sister Lan, have you not looked at Jingyan's Moments?

Zhong Meilan frowned as expected, What circle of friends?

No wonder, Mrs. Chen said to Zhong Meilan in a lowered but not completely lowered voice, Sister Lan, Jingyan posted a message on WeChat Moments two days ago, in which he clarified his relationship with Miss Song, saying that he only Treat Miss Song as your younger sister, now and in the future.

These words reached the ears of every wife very clearly, and everyone had different expressions.

It turns out that the good deeds between Song Jiayu and Gu Jingyan were made up by Zhong Meilan herself.

I can't even understand her brain circuit.

Zhong Meilan's face changed slightly and she hurriedly took out her phone to look at it.

Gu Jingyan's circle of friends was completely blank.

Before Zhong Meilan understood what was going on, Mrs. Chen's eyes widened, No, I can see it from here. Sister Lan, did Jingyan block you?

As soon as these words came out, the ladies' eyes changed when they looked at Zhong Meilan.

It turns out that unlike what Zhong Meilan said, the gap between mother and son has been eliminated. Mrs. Chen can see Gu Jingyan's circle of friends, but Gu Jingyan's biological mother cannot. This is so intriguing.

Zhong Meilan's face was gloomy and ashamed.

Gu Jingyan rarely posted on Moments, so she didn't think it was strange that he couldn't see it. She didn't expect that it was because she was blocked.

The ladies glanced at each other, and everyone understood it tacitly.

Zhong Meilan clenched her hands and walked out with a sullen face without saying a word.

Mrs. Liu was slow-minded and still thinking about what her husband had told her, so she hurriedly followed her, Sister Lan, aren't you going to have afternoon tea?

Mrs. Chen sighed softly. When she saw Mrs. Liu, she saw her former self.

However, Mrs. Liu is luckier than her. Although he is not very smart, Mr. Liu is a decent person. Even if he lowers his voice in front of wealthy ladies like Zhong Meilan, it is worthwhile to help him live a better life for his family.

Mrs. Chen, I heard that Mr. Chen has been promoted. Congratulations.

One wife spoke up, and the other wives followed suit.

Mr. Chen is where he is today because of the woman behind him, Mrs. Chen, who helps him take care of everything and marry a virtuous wife.

Mr. Chen is a loyal man and speaks politely. Every time we meet, he always belongs to my wife, my wife. If he can put his wife at ease, it is no wonder that he has a smooth career.

Mr. Chen has been promoted, and Mrs. Chen's face has been glowing recently, her skin has rejuvenated, and she looks even younger than me.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen.

There were endless compliments, but Mrs. Chen just smiled.

Han Ruoxing was right when he said that their circle was the most hypocritical.

They only focus on who has higher wealth and status.

During the time when she was pursuing Zhong Meilan, she also thought about how she would be proud and proud in front of these wives in the future after her husband rose to prominence.

But once she reached this position, she felt very calm inside.

She can help that idiot up a tall building, and she can also pull him down. If she wants to gain a foothold in the wife circle, she must ultimately rely on herself.

Those ladies and ladies claimed that Han Ruoxing had a good fortune and was reincarnated into the Song family, but she was able to create the Qiyu Ji in such a short time because she relied on more than just her good fortune.

If you want to say that life is good, the life of the Song family is even better. A child who has no blood relationship with the Song family has enjoyed everything the Song family has given him since he was a child, but he has accomplished nothing now?

I know a lot about playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but in the end it is not as practical as making a full meal.

Han Ruoxing's twenty-five years in the Qiao family were not in vain. The Song family's jade eyes were higher than the top. She didn't like those things that were born with her, but Han Ruoxing did, so she went to expand the lower market. (End of chapter)

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