Mr. Gu, my wife went to the men's department to register for you again.

Chapter 918: Guarding against her is like guarding against a wolf

Han Ruoxing's heart was gently torn.

feel sleepy……

How severe does it take for analgesics to cause a person to become delirious every day?

Han Ruoxing was heartbroken. She always thought that if she had held him back at that time, nothing would have happened later, and she would not have left him alone in the most difficult time.

Gu Jingyan noticed her emotional loss, and his own mood seemed to become depressed.

He didn't look at her or speak, he just kept the same pace as her and stayed by her side.

The street lights stretched the shadows of the two of them, and Gu Jingyan suddenly asked, Have you and him... used to walk like this often?

Han Ruoxing was stunned, and then realized that the he in Gu Jingyan's mouth was referring to the him before, or the him who married her.

Because she said before: at least make sure that Gu Jingyan, who loves her deeply, is safe and sound.

Han Ruoxing lowered his eyes, No, we rarely walk together. Even when we go for a walk, he never holds my hand.

Gu Jingyan was startled, it was different from what he thought.

Han Ruoxing said slowly, He is petty and awkward. He obviously likes me, but he always refuses to say it because of his face. He gives me gifts that he clearly selected carefully, but he says they are from customers. He knows what I cook. I like it very much, but he says it tastes just average. He always talks sarcastically and always makes me angry.

As I grow up, this is the first time I saw a man in his thirties still like someone in such a childish and awkward way. At that time, I didn't understand why every time I took a walk, other couples would hold hands or side by side. We are shoulder to shoulder, only we are one behind the other.

Later I found out that it wasn't that he didn't want to hold my hand, but that he was waiting for me to take the initiative to hold his hand.

Han Ruoxing said as she put her fingers through his and held his.

Gu Jingyan was about to retract his hand subconsciously, but Han Ruoxing clenched his fingers tightly, hugged his waist, and said hoarsely, Please, just for a minute, I really... miss him.

Gu Jingyan froze and did not move again, but the stiffness of his body still revealed his instinctive resistance.

But he actually didn't want to resist.

The fragility and softness she revealed gradually opened a crack in the impregnable wall of his heart.

Something was struggling and clamoring to break out.

Gu Jingyan swayed, and Han Ruoxing noticed his pale face, and his expression suddenly changed.

She was so panicked that her voice was trembling, Gu Jingyan, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me?

It's okay. Gu Jingyan reached for a bottle of medicine from his pocket, opened it and poured out one.

Han Ruoxing hurriedly opened the water cup and handed it to him. Gu Jingyan looked at the medicine in his hand, but did not put it into his mouth.

He held the medicine in his palm, took a few sips of the water handed over by Han Ruoxing.

However, the pain did not subside, and even worsened. He wanted to unscrew the bottle of medicine uncontrollably, and could only tighten his hands to contain this thought.

Han Ruoxing didn't notice whether Gu Jingyan had taken any medicine, but after seeing him for a long time, Gu Jingyan's complexion did not improve and his heart became heavier and heavier.

I'll take you to the hospital.

Han Ruoxing made a prompt decision.

But Gu Jingyan held him back, endured the severe pain with a pale face, and said in a hoarse voice, Call grandma.

Han Ruoxing was worried. Seeing Gu Jingyan's persistence, she didn't doubt him and quickly contacted the old lady.

After hanging up the phone, she helped Gu Jingyan back to the villa. In just ten minutes, Uncle Qin brought two people to Yuyuan.

Gu Jingyan's face still looked bad, and Han Ruoxing stayed by his side to help him wipe the sweat from his face.

Uncle Qin came with people, so she gave way.

The leader, a man in his forties or fifties, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and with an air of immortality, sat beside the bed and raised his hand to diagnose Gu Jingyan's pulse.

Another young man in his early twenties stood respectfully next to him, holding a box in his hand.

After checking the pulse and asking Gu Jingyan a few questions, he turned around and said something to the young man. The latter nodded and said to Han Ruoxing and Uncle Qin, My master is going to perform an acupuncture, please step aside.

Han Ruoxing was anxious and didn't want to go out. Uncle Qin said, Miss Han, go out. This is Dr. Mu's rule.

Han Ruoxing clenched her hands and finally withdrew.

The door was closed tightly and no sound could be heard inside. Han Ruoxing paced back and forth anxiously.

After waiting for a long time, I felt a little anxious, so I asked Uncle Qin, Uncle Qin, who is this doctor? Is he reliable?

Uncle Qin asked, Have you met him?

Han Ruoxing was confused, When have I seen it? Why don't I remember it?

Uncle Qin said, Three Pure Views.

Sanqing—— Han Ruoxing's eyes widened, Taoist Master Xuanji? Isn't he a Taoist priest? He also has medical skills? His hair was not tied up and he was almost unrecognizable.

Uncle Qin said, Taoism is faith, science is life.

Han Ruoxing...

What a flexible job.

Taoist priest Xuanji has a close relationship with the old lady, and he knows the basics. She must be trustworthy enough to invite her, but she just doesn't know whether the Taoist priest's medical skills are effective.

Almost an hour later, the door finally opened.

The young man stuck his head out and called them both in.

Han Ruoxing followed quickly.

Gu Jingyan sat on the bed and said - No, talk to Doctor Mu.

Although his expression was still a little weak and tired, it was not much better than the pale look just now.

Seeing her coming in, Gu Jingyan only raised his eyes and then looked away.

Doctor Mu said something to Gu Jingyan, then stood up and said to Uncle Qin, Let's go.

Han Ruoxing was full of questions, but without asking any questions, she heard Gu Jingyan say, I can't get up, so help me see off the guests.

Han Ruoxing had no choice but to calm down her thoughts and help see off the guests.

When he came up, Gu Jingyan had already locked the door.

Han Ruoxing...

The corners of her mouth twitched.

She just wanted to ask him how he was doing now, bitch! Guarding against her is like guarding against a wolf!

Han Ruoxing kicked the door in the air twice and returned to the guest room angrily.


Song family.

Su Wanqin served Song Wanqian a bowl of soup and asked, Won't Tianjun come back for dinner today?

Han Ruoxing was at home a few days ago, and Song Tianjun would go home for dinner whenever he had nothing to do.

Song Wanqian said, He didn't call, so he probably won't come back. He has to go abroad on business tomorrow.

Su Wanqin seemed to have no intention of asking, What are you doing?

We've negotiated a business deal and have to meet a client. Song Wanqian took a sip of soup. I won't be back for a few days. You don't have to cook for Xiao Sun when you ask him to.


Just as she was talking, her phone flashed on the table. Su Wanqin quickly pressed out the phone and said warmly, The soup isn't too hot anymore. I'll heat it up again.

Song Wanqian responded.

Su Wanqin turned around and left with her cell phone. When she got to the kitchen, she replied with a message, Don't contact me, for the last time! (End of Chapter)

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