Gu Jingyan...

The child was already in her belly, how could she say that she would have no descendants?

Song Jiayu's face suddenly turned pale, Ruoxing, don't you think your request is too overbearing?

Look, no matter how well you hide it, your defense will still be broken because of these words.

How could he not break his guard? If Gu Jingyan said this, he would have publicly clarified his relationship with Song Jiayu and cut off her thoughts. It's strange that she wasn't excited.

Han Ruoxing explained slowly, Sister Jiayu, why are you so excited? I know, just like you said, you have no wrong thoughts about my fiancé, but he has lost his memory now and is so dependent on you. He is alone and alone. , get along day and night, what if he falls in love with you?

Dad will not allow him to marry me and provoke you again. I asked him to clarify the relationship, just to prevent this from happening and making dad angry. After all, he has high blood pressure and this kind of thing is too exciting for him. ”

Song Jiayu's lips trembled, obviously she was furious, Are you really doing it for dad? Or are you doing it for your own selfish desires?

Han Ruoxing smiled lightly and looked at her with cold eyes, but did not answer.

But the meaning revealed in that look was too obvious - so what?

Song Jiayu's face was extremely ugly, but Han Ruoxing didn't even bother to give her a look, and directly asked Gu Jingyan, Which one do you choose?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips, What if I don't choose either?

Song Jiayu felt happy, thinking that Gu Jingyan was shy and timid just for her.

Han Ruoxing said calmly, Sister Sun, make me a cup of coffee. Finally, looking into Gu Jingyan's eyes, he added, Double concentrated.

Gu Jingyan's eyelids twitched, Wait a minute.

He stared at this woman who was still acting like a monster even though she was pregnant, and took a deep breath, If I do as you say, will you come with me?

Song Jiayu was stunned.

Han Ruoxing shrugged, We can consider it.

Gu Jingyan took out his mobile phone, quickly edited the text, and posted it on Moments.

Song Jiayu's cell phone rang.

Han Ruoxing could tell that it was the special attention of the circle of friends.

She watched Song Jiayu take out her phone and click on Moments. The next second, her eye circles quickly turned red, but she bit her lower lip without making a sound.

Han Ruoxing took out her phone and glanced at it.

What Gu Jingyan said was: Jiayu treats me like an elder brother, and I treat her like a younger sister, that way before, now, and in the future.

The message was quite tactful, but it was enough.

At least those gossips who say that sisters work together to serve the same husband can shut up.

But Song Jiayu was obviously unhappy, her face was whiter than the clothes on her body.

Perhaps because he felt that it was not respectful enough to do so in front of the person involved, Gu Jingyan gave a rare intimate comfort, I don't have many people in my circle of friends.

Yes, it is true that Gu Jingyan's circle of friends does not have many people, but it is not a big deal if he can't resist some people in the melon field just watching the excitement.

Less than a minute after it was posted on Gu Jingyan's Moments, Shen Qingchuan sent a screenshot to the group of rich, young and famous ladies.

In less than an hour, more than half of the people in the circle knew that Gu Jingyan had rejected Song Jiayu in a WeChat post.

Gu Jingyan looked at Han Ruoxing, Can you leave now?

Han Ruoxing said, I'll pack some clothes.

After saying that, he turned around and went upstairs.

Song Jiayu looked at Gu Jingyan with red eyes and hesitated to speak. She lowered her eyes for a long time and said hoarsely, Brother Gu, what if I don't want to just be your sister?

Gu Jingyan said, We are close in age, so if you call me uncle, I do take advantage of you, but if you insist, that's up to you.

Song Jiayu...

She stared at Gu Jingyan blankly, her face turning gray little by little.

Su Wanqin and Gu Jingyan's uncle are somewhat related. Su Wanqin calls Gu Jingyan's uncle and cousin. In terms of seniority, she is indeed a generation different from Gu Jingyan.

But that's not what she meant at all. Does Gu Jingyan really not understand?

Of course Gu Jingyan didn't understand.

In fact, he understood it from the look in Song Jiayu's eyes when he woke up and saw her.

He doesn't like Song Jiayu, but strangely, he can't refuse Song Jiayu.

Just like now, he obviously rejected Song Jiayu naturally, but there was always a voice in his heart reminding him to take back those words. That was not what Song Jiayu liked to hear.

The sound of wind chimes came again, and Gu Jingyan's mind was confused for a moment.

He heard Song Jiayu say hoarsely, Brother Gu, you know I didn't mean what I said. I like you...

She shed tears as she spoke. Gu Jingyan's body was a little uncontrollable. He reached out his hand unintentionally, and just when he was about to touch Song Jiayu, Han Ruoxing's voice came.

Gu Jingyan, let's go.

Gu Jingyan's mind suddenly became clear, but he did not take back his hand. He just patted Song Jiayu on the shoulder and reminded her, Wear thicker clothes. Be careful of catching a cold.

Song Jiayu's eyes turned redder.

Han Ruoxing expressionlessly threw the bag into Gu Jingyan's arms and walked out.

Gu Jingyan didn't know if he was talking to Song Jiayu. It took him three minutes to come out.

Han Ruoxing has already got in the car.

Seeing Gu Jingyan coming, he turned his head to the other side.

Gu Jingyan got into the car and said to Lin Shu, Let's go.

Lin Shu responded and started the car.

The car didn't go far when Gu Jingyan reached for a bottle of water.

Han Ruoxing caught a glimpse of it and said, Is the water cold?

Gu Jingyan nodded.

Han Ruoxing said, Let me warm you up. Drinking it cold is not good for your health.

Gu Jingyan? ? ?

Lin Shu was also shocked. His wife had changed her gender, and she must be too doting on Mr. Gu.

Gu Jingyan said calmly, No need.

This water... is quite cold, she is a girl...

It's okay, Han Ruoxing smiled with his eyes bent, I'm not afraid of the cold. How can I get cold if I wear such thick clothes? I'm very hot now. If you put an egg on me, I can fry it for you, let alone a mere Where’s a bottle of water?”

Gu Jingyan...

Before Lin Shu could react, Madam, do you have a fever? You are not wearing thick clothes.

Isn't it thick?

Han Ruoxing pulled the hem of her clothes with a look of surprise on her face, Is it much thicker than Sister Jiayu? She wears thin clothes and catches cold easily. I have a good physique and can compete in a triathlon even while pregnant.

Lin Shu...

At this moment, he finally reacted.

How could my wife care about whether the water Mr. Gu drank was cold or not? She was just being weird.

Lin Shu could roughly guess that at the Song family just now, Mr. Gu must have said something to Song Jiayu, such as Are you cold?, which was why the wife was so weird.

Come on, Han Ruoxing reached for the bottled water in Gu Jingyan's hand, I'll help you warm it up.

Gu Jingyan held her wrist, moved his lips, and said after a long time, I was just being polite, please don't get involved.

Han Ruoxing calmed down her previous expression, What about your courtesy to me? You held my hand for a long time. Do you know whether my hand is cold or hot? (End of Chapter)

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