Shen Qingchuan sighed, If I really buy it and take pictures, even if it explodes, she won't believe it's her own strength. She must think that I'm operating behind the scenes. Don't look at her for being tough, in terms of professionalism Always a little less confident.”

Screenwriter Shi said, Having a girlfriend like yours is like an adopted daughter.

Hey, Shen Qingchuan couldn't help snorting, If you want to find someone so docile and soft, you can't help but feel pain.

Screenwriter Shi smiled and recommended a WeChat account to Shen Qingchuan on his mobile phone, This is the WeChat account of one of my junior brothers. You can send the manuscript to him later. He has been filming some small online dramas recently with different themes. It has to be relatively loose, so you can test the water first.”

Shen Qingchuan added as he added, Remember to say hello, too little money won't do.

Screenwriter Shi laughed and scolded, A money-minded guy!

After the dinner ended, Shen Qingchuan carried Tang Xiaoxiao's small schoolbag and supported her, Auntie, I'm home.

Tang Xiaoxiao swayed, Where's Brother Shi? I still have something to ask him.

After two drinks, you become brother?

Shen Qingchuan was a little annoyed, He's gone, what are you going to ask him?

I want to ask him... ask him... Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, What are you asking... um...

She reached out and patted her head, then raised her head and said, I remembered, I have to ask him how to write a sex scene.

Shen Qingchuan? ? ?

He suddenly became alert, Why are you asking him this?

I asked him to teach me how to write.

Do you still need teaching? Shen Qingchuan couldn't help but raise his voice. When he saw people around him looking over, he lowered his voice and gritted his teeth, Didn't you just diss those literary films with erotic scenes? Why do you want it too? Write?

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, I don't want to write either, but literary films can win awards. I'm really hungry for that award.

Shen Qingchuan's expression was colorful, and he really didn't understand her brain circuit after she was drunk.

He took a deep breath and said, Not all award-winning films have that kind of clip, right? Please be more open-minded.

Tang Xiaoxiao tilted her head and thought for a moment. Just when Shen Qingchuan thought she was about to give up, she said, Then I have to learn it. What if I need it in the future? I have no experience and can't write well.

Shen Qingchuan...

He hugged Tang Xiaoxiao tightly, leaned into her ear and whispered, If you don't have experience, you can gain experience.

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at him vaguely, then nodded, That makes sense.

Shen Qingchuan's eyes lit up. Has spring already beckoned?

However, the next second I heard Tang Xiaoxiao say, Let's go to the duck shop.

Shen Qingchuan smiled and said, Want to eat duck food?

Tang Xiaoxiao clapped his hand away, I want to find a few little ducks to watch and watch. What's the market going on now? How much does it cost for one person to stay overnight?

The corners of Shen Qingchuan's mouth twitched.

It turns out that this duck shop is not that duck shop.

His little bandit had a blank slate, he must have learned it from that woman Han Ruoxing!

Let's go, let's go quickly.

Tang Xiaoxiao jumped for joy and pulled him away excitedly.

Shen Qingchuan gritted his teeth and pulled the person back, One person is offered one hundred thousand a night, how many do you plan to find?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, One hundred thousand? So expensive?

Shen Qingchuan endured the sourness and said, Now we will crack down hard and commit crimes against the wind. Why don't we take more measures?

Tang Xiaoxiao was immediately confused.

She couldn't make much money from one script in total, and one hundred thousand was too expensive.

Shen Qingchuan came over and whispered, Of course, there are also free ones, do you want them?

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, Where can I get one for free?

Shen Qingchuan took her hand and put it on his shoulder, curling his lips and smiling evilly, I am dedicating myself to art. It is a supreme honor. I don't take any of it.

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that he didn't want any money, and he held his hand, Then when are we going to observe?

Shen Qingchuan hooked her waist and whispered in her ear, Now.

After speaking, he bent down and picked the person up.

Tang Xiaoxiao hugged his neck, and with a blushing face, she confirmed again and again, Is it true that there is no charge?

There's really no charge, Shen Qingchuan gently nuzzled her nose with the tip of his nose, As long as you let me kiss you.

Tang Xiaoxiao's face turned even redder, not only from shame, but also from the alcohol on his face, and he stammered, Then... can we kiss a few more times and observe more?

Of course, the model was very generous and said in her ear with a smile, you can just watch it all night.

Tang Xiaoxiao was immediately more anxious than him, Then go back quickly.

Shen Qingchuan smiled lowly and said, Yes.

Shen Qingchuan just wanted to trick her into going home, but Tang Xiaoxiao was more serious and made a fuss as soon as she got home to observe.

When I was helping her to slip on her shoes, she said, Liar, isn't it free to watch?

Shen Qingchuan said while taking off her socks, That will have to wait until you wake up.

Tang Xiaoxiao stared at him, I'm sober now!

Shen Qingchuan raised his head, Then who do you think I am?

Stinky cucumber!

Shen Qingchuan...


Tang Xiaoxiao curled his lips and said reluctantly, Shen Qingchuan.

Then do you still remember that we broke up?

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at him vaguely and said after a long time, Remember.

Shen Qingchuan said, We have broken up, so I can't watch you. Besides, you are drunk now. Watching you is taking advantage of others' danger.

Tang Xiaoxiao was so annoyed by his verbose words that when he reached out to take off his coat, he suddenly twisted his hands behind his back and pinned him to the sofa.

Tang Xiaoxiao twisted his arms with both hands and pressed one knee on Shen Qingchuan's back shoulder blade. This action made Shen Qingchuan unable to move and extremely embarrassed.

Being suppressed again, Shen Qingchuan was a little frustrated. He buried half of his face in the sofa and said helplessly, Your arm is about to be twisted. Let go of brother quickly.

Tang Xiaoxiao did not let go. Instead, he pulled out a tie from the side and tied his hands.

Shen Qingchuan? ?

Little bandit? What are you doing?

Shut up! Tang Xiaoxiao said with a blushing face, I told you to lie to me! If you don't let me watch, I will do it myself!

Shen Qingchuan! ! !

Hero, you are a good man, please tell me what you have to say. Tang Xiaoxiao was drunk and her strength was stronger than usual. Shen Qingchuan couldn't get away for a while, so he began to beg for mercy, It's so late at night, you will have to do this tomorrow. Go to work...well——

Before he finished speaking, Tang Xiaoxiao grabbed a towel and blocked his mouth.

The world is finally quiet.

Tang Xiaoxiao stood up and sat on the floor and looked at him.

Shen Qingchuan stared and motioned for her to let go of him quickly.

Tang Xiaoxiao held her cheek, frowned, and suddenly stepped forward to unbutton his shirt.

Shen Qingchuan...

As soon as his shirt was unbuttoned, Tang Xiaoxiao instantly felt, yes, this is the scene. He immediately felt it, but the feeling was not strong enough.

Then her eyes slid up and down his well-toned abdomen and landed on his belt. (End of chapter)

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