Qiao Ruoxing was surprised. There were rumors that Yao Kexin was the heroine of this drama, wasn't it?

Tang Xiaoxiao was also puzzled. She saw this news in the work group. At that time, several people forwarded it, saying that Yao Kexin was going to act in Li Yan's drama. The fuss for a long time was nothing. Now that she thinks about it, it must be this damn woman who acted as a demon to promote it. .

Let's build up the atmosphere first, and when the time comes that she is not selected, fans can scold the show for giving them popularity.

What a good idea!

Hearing the person recommended by Yu Shanshan, Li Yan pursed his lips and said, I have watched her plays.

Yu Shanshan was overjoyed, What do you think? If it works, I can contact her now and ask her to come over.

Li Yan said lightly, It's all about skills.

Just when Yu Shanshan thought Li Yan was praising Yao Kexin, she heard the next sentence he said, There is no emotion, the tears are flowing like that, and the eyes are not red at all.

Now, no matter how stupid Yu Shanshan is, she knows that Li Yan is being sarcastic.

She looked a little confused, and another assistant director came out to smooth things over, It's an idol drama. It's mainly for fans. Maybe I didn't have the energy to act in it.

Li Yan raised his eyelids and said, You rely on your fans to support them, so you film that kind of rubbish to perfunctory fans?

The man choked, laughed twice and stopped talking.

Li Yan is famous for his vicious tongue in the industry, but his acting is really good, so even though his mouth can easily offend people, many people are still willing to cooperate with him.

The two words Li Yan are the guarantee of quality. As long as the drama he directs, there will be no drama that is not popular.

But Yu Shanshan is completely different. Her drama pays more attention to the capital market. Whoever is popular will be cast. During the hit period, she spends a lot of money on marketing, and all she gets is the fans' money.

That's how people are. After making enough money, they start seeking fame again.

The dramas produced by Yu Shanshan have a maximum rating of no more than five points on a well-known domestic website, with an average score of around 3.5. It can be said that even if it is an idol drama, the quality of her dramas is at the bottom.

So netizens also gave her a title - the Queen of Bad Drama.

Yu Shanshan was eager to get rid of this label, so her husband spent a lot of money on this drama and got her the position of assistant director.

She thought that when she got to the crew, others would give her some credit, and she could still have such a high weight in the crew as before.

Unexpectedly, she met Li Yan, who didn't give her any face. All the suggestions she made were rejected outright. Now he made her unable to step down in front of so many people. Yu Shanshan almost hated him. .

She endured her displeasure and said, Now that Director Li has made up his mind, why bother asking us to come over?

The implication is that Li Yan is accused of being arbitrary and arbitrary.

Li Yan glanced at her and said, If I don't ask you to come over and watch the signing in person, how can I be sure that someone will use their power to secretly replace me?

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in shock. Yu Shanshan's face changed a bit, she pursed her lips and said no more.

It's her. Li Yan paused and asked Tang Xiaoxiao, who had been worrying about her, Are you her agent? Which company are you from?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, I am from Bona, and now I am her agent.


Qiao Ruoxing explained, I haven't signed with a brokerage company yet.

This surprised Li Yan. Thinking again that she and Lao Ye were traveling together, he somewhat understood her situation.

Then get yourself an assistant. Someone will have to help run errands at the filming site. Don't delay the filming because of this.

Qiao Ruoxing was in a state of excitement, but she kept a steady face and replied in a low voice, No.

Yu Shanshan didn't want to stay here for a long time, so she slammed the door and left while Qiao Ruoxing was reading the contract.

Several other people chatted with Li Yan for a while and then left one after another.

Soon they were the only ones left in the conference room, Li Yan and his assistant.

This contract is actually a common template in the industry, except that two additional items are added to Party B’s obligations.

One is to re-register on Weibo during the contract period to cooperate with the crew in publicity, and the other is that during the publicity period, you are not allowed to engage in other industries.

These two items are obviously aimed at her previous career.

Sunset Stars is her trump card, and this trump card should not be exposed too early.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't have any objections to this. Before this, she had not taken on a dubbing role for nearly half a year.

Qiao Ruoxing was about to sign the contract soon. Tang Xiaoxiao pulled her and whispered to her, Axing, isn't the pay a bit too low?

The salary in the contract is based on the entire drama. One drama is 2 million before tax and the filming period is 120 days.

This character has a lot of roles, and according to the market price, it is indeed too low.

Excluding taxes, plus the need to hire assistants, some necessary expenses for the crew, and even some expenses for publicity, I am afraid that Qiao Ruoxing will not be left with much money after filming this movie.

Qiao Ruoxing also lowered her voice, Let's get on his pirate ship first. I don't expect the salary to last forever. If this drama makes me famous, will we still worry about not getting roles in the future?

Li Yan sipped his tea lightly. Did these two people think he was deaf?

The conference room has a sound concentration effect, not to mention there are only four people here, so even if their voices are low, they can still be heard.

When Tang Xiaoxiao heard this, he felt that it was very reasonable and he had to take a longer view.

So the contract was signed quickly.

Qiao Ruoxing felt a huge stone fall in her heart and stretched out her hand to Li Yan, Director Li, please give me more advice in the future.

Li Yan shook hands with her and said calmly, We will all be pirates from now on, so there is no need to be so polite.

Qiao Ruoxing...

She really needs to change her bad habit of whispering to people's faces in the future!

The assistant took the contract and handed her the complete printed version of the script.

It's okay to go home. It's best to read the entire script. This character is crucial to the whole drama. If you mess with me, don't blame me for being harsh.

Qiao Ruoxing nodded.

But I was thinking in my heart, who could speak as harshly as Gu Jingyan?

When she came out of the office building, Tang Xiaoxiao clamored to buy a lottery ticket. She said that she would come back for her bad roles, and she also changed into a more powerful role. She was so lucky that she wanted to buy a lottery ticket to take advantage of her happiness. Can win the jackpot.

Qiao Ruoxing was also happy and went with her.

While the two were choosing numbers, her cell phone rang. Qiao Ruoxing saw that it was Shen Qingchuan.

She told Tang Xiaoxiao and went out to answer the phone.

Sister-in-law, where have you been this early in the morning?

Something happened when I came out, Qiao Ruoxing paused, Are you okay?

I'm fine, but Gu Jingyan is. If you don't come here, you might not be able to see him.

Even though she knew that Shen Qingchuan was running a train, her heart tightened, and she pursed her lips and said, What do you mean?

Literally, Gu Jingyan was beaten by those bastards last night, and he is still lying in a critical condition. The doctor said it is quite serious.

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