As soon as he finished speaking, his hand buckled his belt.

Gu Jingyan felt as if he was electrocuted. He suddenly grabbed her mischievous hand, probably aroused by what she said to Meng Lang. His face turned red from his neck to his ears, and his phoenix eyes stared at her, as if he wanted to kill her alive.

His lips moved for a long time, and he gritted his teeth and said, Do you know what the hell you are talking about? You are simply... you are simply outrageous!

Han Ruoxing blinked, What? I just wanted to confirm that when you and I just took the medicine, you were hiding something so tight in your pocket that no one could see it.

Gu Jingyan's temples hurt from her confusion, What you just said was...

His voice stopped abruptly.

Han Ruoxing, however, kept pushing further.

What are you talking about?

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands and said nothing, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

Han Ruoxing let out a tsk sound, unable to speak out. She was as amnesiac as an innocent male college student.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Gu Jingyan has never been good at saying those vulgar words.

After all, he is well-educated, and he is the proud son of heaven.

Thinking that I could drag him down from the mortal world to survive the calamity of love, I still feel a sense of accomplishment.

Han Ruoxing traced his features with her eyes and teased him with a smile, Why don't you speak? What are you talking about?

Gu Jingyan shook off her hand, turned his back, and said in a cold tone, You know it yourself!

Seeing that he was a little angry, Han Ruoxing didn't dare to tease him too harshly. She tilted her head and leaned her face towards him, Are you angry?

Gu Jingyan turned his back again, making it clear that he didn't want to look at her.

Han Ruoxing moved her body again, leaned her head over again, and looked at him aggrievedly, I just want to make you happy. If you ask me to come to my room, I will keep a straight face.

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands, You made Mingxuan happy with this kind of joke?

Han Ruoxing paused and whispered, Gu Jingyan, are you jealous?

Gu Jingyan stiffened and said coldly, Why am I jealous? I just think your behavior is very childish and boring. You can say all vulgar words and you don't have the grace of a lady!

Han Ruoxing told herself in her heart that he was a patient and could not be treated like a normal person and had to be accommodated.

So I took a deep breath, suppressed my anger, and put on a smile.

You're not jealous. Why are you looking at Mingxuan putting food on my plate and keeping a look on your face? If you don't care about me, why are you deliberately putting the food I want to eat in front of me when you're putting food on it?

Gu Jingyan paused and explained, I just want to eat what I want, just right. I don't know what you want to eat.

As he said this, he inexplicably thought of the dishes that Mo Mingxuan had given her during the meal. She was mashing them with chopsticks, and she didn't even take the last bite. Instead, she kept staring at the light dishes on the table, eagerly. look.

Adding, I just want to try the hot and sour chicken mixed with chicken that Jiayu mentioned.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Ruoxing kicked him on the butt, Shut up if you can't speak!

Gu Jingyan was kicked by her and fell to the bed. He turned over and looked at Han Ruoxing in disbelief.

It was as if after being shocked by her vulgar language, there was another flaw - violent tendencies.

Han Ruoxing's face was gloomy, and she suddenly stepped forward and stepped on the middle of his legs. You still remember what I told you at the old house, right?

Gu Jingyan almost immediately remembered that day when she whispered in his ear, if you protect Song Jiayu, I will step on her. If you dare to be with Song Jiayu, I will make you have no descendants!

Gu Jingyan's eyes fell on the foot between his legs. Two inches up, it was really the end of his family.

He took a deep breath and said, Is it interesting for you to keep pestering me like this? You are the daughter of the Song family, the apple of Uncle Song's heart. What kind of man do you want? Why do you have to be obsessed with someone who doesn't remember you?

With the preparation she had made in the past few days, Han Ruoxing was not as easily hurt by his words as she had been in the past few times, but she still felt sad. She just forced Gu Jingyan and asked, What about you? You have lost your memory, so don't worry about finding it. Looking back, why do you insist on driving me away?

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips, The friendship of living and dying together, one party remembers it, the other party does not remember it, it is a burden.

You lied! Han Ruoxing's eyes turned red, You remember me, right? Even if you don't remember, you still have feelings for me, right? I don't understand why you keep driving me away, Gu Jingyan, what happened? Tell me, why don’t we face it together?”

Gu Jingyan didn't speak, his eyes showed a strange complexity, and he said after a long time, You don't need to use Mingxuan to anger me. If you don't like him, don't hurt him. Lin Shu said that you and the boy from the Jiang family were your first love. I’ve seen his photos and he’s about the same age as you, so he should have more in common.”

Han Ruoxing felt a chill in her heart and suddenly pushed his shoulder away, Mr. Gu is so generous. Even after we break up, he still plans for my next home.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and said, Although I don't remember you, I don't want you to ruin your happiness with anger.

If you don't want me anymore, who am I going to be with, and what does it have to do with you?

Han Ruoxing's heart was pounding at this moment, this bastard actually pushed her to someone else!

Does he really remember? If you remember, why would you say such a thing?

Gu Jingyan said, If you and Mingxuan are together, the relationship between the three of us will be very awkward, you know.

Lin Shu said you like filming. Have you considered taking the international route? If you go abroad, I still have some contacts there and can help you expand channels.

Look, he even felt that her staying in Jiangcheng was an eyesore to him, and he wished he could drive her away thousands of miles away.

Whether it's fashion resources or movies, as long as you want...

Before Gu Jingyan could say anything, Han Ruoxing turned pale and collapsed on the bed, clutching her belly.

Gu Jingyan was startled, and then he realized that her face was covered in cold sweat and extremely pale.

What’s wrong with you?

Gu Jingyan's voice was a little panicked.

Han Ruoxing didn't speak. She grabbed the sheets with one hand and reached for something in her pocket tremblingly with the other hand.

Gu Jingyan stepped forward to pick her up, I'll take you to the hospital!

Han Ruoxing shook off his hand, Don't touch me!

Gu Jingyan clenched his hands and pressed the corners of his lips, Don't be willful.

This sentence made Han Ruoxing feel very sad.

In the past, he would also say this when she lost her temper.

At that time, his eyes were full of love, and even when he said don't be willful, his tone was doting.

Now Gu Jingyan was as strange as a passerby. She even felt that if it were any stranger who needed help today, Gu Jingyan would take him to the hospital without hesitation.

After all, he is well-educated...

Gu Jingyan tried to hug her again. Han Ruoxing was very excited and kicked and punched her to prevent her from touching her. During the struggle, a bottle of medicine fell out of Han Ruoxing's pocket. (End of chapter)

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