Han Ruoxing laughed angrily.

damn thing! I don’t remember her, but I remember her WeChat account!

Han Ruoxing called immediately, but predictably, he was also blocked.

She thought for a while with a sullen face, and suddenly thought of the method Gu Jingyan used.

So a few seconds later, Gu Jingyan received a transfer of 10 million on his mobile phone without a postscript.

Soon, the ten million was returned with a question mark in the postscript.

Han Ruoxing transferred another ten million and said, The money you deposited with me before will be returned to you.

Just as the money was transferred, the phone rang. It was Gu Jingyan calling.

Han Ruoxing pressed the answer button and said calmly, Is something wrong?

Gu Jingyan was speechless. He thought Han Ruoxing should be full of anger, but in fact, her tone was very calm.

Gu Jingyan pursed his lips and whispered, What do you mean by transferring so much money to me?

Don't you want to terminate the engagement? I have to return the money you deposited with me to avoid unnecessary financial disputes in the future.

Gu Jingyan said, Lin Shu didn't tell me that there were financial transactions between us.

Han Ruoxing said calmly, There is no going, only coming. When you were chasing me, you transferred it to me privately. Lin Shu didn't know.

Gu Jingyan was silent for a moment, Since it was transferred during the relationship, even if it is a gift, there is no reason to come back after breaking up. What will others think of me if word spreads?

What about me? We broke up and I'm still holding your money. If other people know about it, they should think I'm a prostitute.

Gu Jingyan...

A few minutes later, Gu Jingyan called.

Han Ruoxing didn't answer, but hung up the phone.

So after a few minutes, WeChat buzzed, reminding her that someone had added her as a friend.

Han Ruoxing glanced at it, curled her lips, clicked reject, and replied, No strangers.

Within a few seconds, someone added her as a friend and verified the information: I am Gu Jingyan.

Han Ruoxing finally approved his friend application.

Then Gu Jingyan called a voice call. Han Ruoxing answered the call slowly and asked calmly, Is something wrong? Mr. Gu?

Gu Jingyan paused for a long time and then said, Don't transfer money to me yet. With such a large financial transaction, I can't just listen to your words. Wait until I find out.

Unlike the indifference he showed when transferring money just now, Han Ruoxing said happily, Okay.

Gu Jingyan later realized that transferring money was not her intention, but that she had to force him to add her as a friend.

In comparison, the way I delete friends is like a primary school student having trouble.

Gu Jingyan felt a little uncomfortable, and after a while he said, Remember what you said, when I recover, we will terminate our engagement.

Han Ruoxing still had a good temper, Okay.

Now Gu Jingyan felt even more like the elementary school student being coaxed by adults.

He cleared his throat and returned his voice to its previous coldness, After the engagement is terminated, if possible, I hope we will not meet again.

Han Ruoxing did not respond this time, but asked, You still have a lot of stuff at my house, when will you come to move it?

Gu Jingyan was startled, What?

When we lived together, you put my things here, Han Ruoxing said slowly, clothes, shoes, a lot of daily necessities and the family planning supplies you stocked up during the previous shopping festival.

There was silence for a moment, and then he said, I'll find someone to get it.

Han Ruoxing was a little disappointed. She deliberately brought family planning supplies just to see Gu Jingyan's reaction.

If he was pretending, he would definitely find out that he was lying. They didn't use that thing at all.

However, Gu Jingyan didn't seem to have any abnormal reaction. He was supposed to be on a video call just now, but he really couldn't tell just by listening to the voice.

You can get it yourself, Han Ruoxing said calmly, I am also an actor after all. If someone discovers that I am living with a man, what will happen to my stardom?

Gu Jingyan said, You and Mo Mingxuan have been on so many hot searches, and you still care about this?

Those are all speculations by the media. I can clarify them if I want. However, there are men's clothes and family planning supplies where I live. If the media finds out about this, won't my image of a pure and beautiful girl collapse? Do you know the losses? How old? I don’t want to joke about my stardom.”

Gu Jingyan's eyes twitched and he couldn't help but say, You have been married and still have the image of a pure and beautiful girl. Are you not deceiving the audience and fans?

Then what's the matter? Han Ruoxing lazily leaned on the sofa, Aren't celebrities nowadays all with concave personalities? Fans like it and the audience is happy. This is called a white lie.

Naturally, these words were meant to fool Gu Jingyan. Except for moving her Weibo when posting, it was as if she was not connected to the Internet.

The Legend of Linglong became popular, and the actors in the same group were all crazy about taking roles in variety shows. Apart from going once to promote the show, she had no other activities.

When filming with Han Lie before, CP fans made such a fuss that the agent couldn't help but want to take advantage of her to boost her popularity, but she and Song Tianjun rejected it at the same time.

She doesn't want to eat traffic. She doesn't want to be like Yao Kexin. In order to please fans and stabilize traffic, she will always live in the persona packaged by the company. She relies on the persona to make money, but will eventually be counterattacked by the persona.

But now, in order to tease Gu Jingyan, she was talking nonsense without blinking.

Gu Jingyan said nothing for a long time with a sullen face. After a while, he asked, Where is the address?

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, 901, Building 7, Yunding International.

Gu Jingyan said, I'll find time to go and get it.

Always waiting.

After saying that, Gu Jingyan was about to hang up the phone, but Han Ruoxing stopped him, When will you go to the hospital for a review?

The day after tomorrow, Jiayu will accompany me.

Han Ruoxing's smile suddenly faded and she hung up the phone.

Gu Jingyan...

Han Ruoxing stared at her face reflected in the glass, suddenly feeling that people are really ugly when they are jealous.

It wasn't until Tang Xiaoxiao called her to eat that she reached out and rubbed her face before turning around.

The days ahead are long, the days ahead are long...

Being back is better than anything else.

Shen Qingchuan was extremely attentive and took the initiative to serve soup to the two ladies, Sister-in-law, eat more tonic. Jingyan is back safely now. Although his mind is still a little unclear, this is not a matter of urgency. Please be more relaxed. You really need to learn this from our family.

We had a fight, and she was angry. She even cooked so many delicious food for me. She can tell right from wrong——

Who made delicious food for you? Tang Xiaoxiao stared, This is specially made for A Xing to replenish her health!

He said and took the bowl away from him, When we finish eating, whatever is left is yours.

Shen Qingchuan...

He refused to give up and said, You guys won't be able to finish the eight dishes. I fried the broccoli. How can I let the guests eat the leftovers?

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed the broccoli in front of him, Take your broccoli and go.

Shen Qingchuan...

Okay, Han Ruoxing patted Tang Xiaoxiao and whispered, Aren't you doing his share by buying so much?

Tang Xiaoxiao hummed, I haven't done it for a long time, so I can't estimate it accurately, and glared at Shen Qingchuan.

You're getting an advantage!

Shen Qingchuan suddenly felt that Han Ruoxing was cute, beautiful and generous, just a little worse than his little bandit.

Axing, you have a bowl of chicken soup first, and I put in Cordyceps flowers.

Han Ruoxing thanked her, took it and stirred it. As soon as a spoonful of soup was brought to her mouth, her stomach started to churn.

She frowned and jumped up the next second and rushed into the bathroom. (End of chapter)

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