When Tang Xiaoxiao was sitting in the passenger seat, he was thinking that Mo Mingxuan was indeed a master.

She was afraid that Mo Mingxuan and Ah Xing would sit together, so she was the first to get in the car and sat in the back seat, and Ah Xing naturally sat next to her.

Mo Mingxuan naturally sat in the passenger seat.

The car was about to start, but Mo Mingxuan suddenly said to the driver, Master, can I see your driver's license?

The driver showed his driver's license to Mo Mingxuan.

After reading this, he frowned and whispered, Master, the photo on your driver's license seems different from the one on your work permit.

The master quickly explained, It's the same. The photo on the work permit was taken earlier, so I might be a little thinner.

Really? I still don't think they look alike, Mo Mingxuan turned to the two people behind him and said, Ruoxing, come over and take a look.

Tang Xiaoxiao was afraid that Han Ruoxing would have too much contact with him, so he immediately volunteered, I'll take a look. My eyes are so good. Even if the photos make me look like a fairy, I can still tell them!

Mo Mingxuan did not refuse and said warmly, Then come and take a look.

The driver's work ID is posted on the front. If you want to see it clearly, you have to sit in the passenger seat.

Tang Xiaoxiao got out of the car decisively, and Mo Mingxuan also got out of the car, making way for her to see.

Tang Xiaoxiao held the driver's license to the work permit, looked left and right, and finally said, This is a person. It seems that the work permit was passed. The mole on the chin is gone, but the hairline has not changed. , just moved back a bit.”


Mo Mingxuan's voice came from the back seat, I'm just telling you why it looks like but not the same at the same time. It's your eyes that are better.

After that, he said to the driver, Master, I'm sorry, we are doing it for safety reasons, don't mind, let's go.

I understand, of course safety comes first when traveling.

The driver reminded Tang Xiaoxiao, Beauty, fasten your seat belt.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

How come she was the one sitting in the passenger seat?

If Gu Jingyan were a dog, Mo Mingxuan would definitely be a thousand-year-old fox. His gentleness would lead you into the pit.

She turned and glanced at Mo Mingxuan, who was looking at Han Ruoxing.

Mo Mingxuan's eyes are really beautiful, with high brow bones and deep eye sockets. They also have peach blossom eyes. Shen Qingchuan looks carefree and bohemian, but Mo Mingxuan's eyes always reveal deep affection intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Tang Xiaoxiao knew that he looked at garbage with such affectionate eyes, it would be difficult not to be tempted by those eyes staring at her day and night.

She wondered for a moment whether she had been a little angry with Mo Mingxuan before, and he did help Ah Xing, even though it was a little selfish.

After a while, I thought about it, Gu Jingyan, this bitch, was involved in some kind of plane, and he actually got involved with that smelly turtle. Why can't Ah Xing be with Mo Mingxuan?

At the end of her mind, she began to wonder whether the law was too conservative. There was such a huge difference in the ratio of men to women. Why didn't polyandry be allowed? So cool.

Bah, bah, bah, she was about to be brainwashed by that stingy guy, Stinky Cucumber, who always wants money!

Would you like some water? Mo Mingxuan handed over a bottle of water.

Han Ruoxing shook his head, You can drink, I'm not thirsty.

Mo Mingxuan did not open it. He took the water and said, Today...it's quite chaotic. I originally wanted to say a few words to Uncle Song, but I didn't get the chance. He seems to be still angry.

Han Ruoxing's attention was all on Gu Jingyan at that time and he didn't pay attention to anything else. When he heard what Mo Mingxuan said, he asked, What's wrong with my dad?

Mo Mingxuan was startled, Didn't Uncle Song tell you?

Han Ruoxing shook his head.

Mo Mingxuan thought about it and told her, My grandfather invited Uncle Song to my house a few days ago and said some unflattering words. I was not at home at the time. I only found out later when my aunt at home mentioned it. , Uncle Song left without even eating, and his face was not good-looking when he left.

Han Ruoxing didn't know anything about this because Song Wanqian never mentioned it to her.

Tang Xiaoxiao listened in front, and when he heard this, he asked, Uncle Song has such a good temper, what did your grandfather say to make him angry?

Mo Mingxuan said, He thought that Ruoxing and I were a couple, so he wanted to make the marriage arrangements on his own initiative. He has been arrogant all his life and thought that everyone had to obey his arrangements. Uncle Song refused, so he felt I was disgraced and my words were a bit unpleasant.”

Tang Xiaoxiao...

She shouldn't talk so much.

Mr. Mo, Han Ruoxing heard from Gu Jingyan, was arbitrary, domineering and old-fashioned.

It was unbelievable that he knew that she was Gu Jingyan's ex-wife and still wanted to arrange a marriage between him and Mo Mingxuan.

Gu Jingyan said that Mo Mingxuan had dated an ex-girlfriend before, but her family opposed the breakup, and she didn't think she had any merits worthy of his treating her differently.

The daughter of the Song family is indeed famous, but the Mo family is not short of the benefits that can be obtained from the marriage.

She thought for a moment and whispered, My dad didn't tell me about this, so he probably didn't worry about it. Besides, it wasn't you who said it. Even if my dad is angry, it's not directed at you. Don't take it too seriously.

Having said that, this happened all because of me. I want to go back and visit Uncle Song to express my apologies. Do you know what Uncle Song likes? Give me a reference. I'm not very good at talking. I want to The gift should be more satisfying.

Good guy!

Tang Xiaoxiao was shocked!

Isn't that good at talking?

If Mo Mingxuan couldn't speak, Gu Jingyan would be a speech impediment patient.

Han Ruoxing didn't think much about it, or maybe she was taking advantage of Mo Mingxuan's guilt during this period to prevent her from saying no. She heard this and said, My dad's only hobby is wine, but he has high blood pressure and fatty liver. The doctor has always told him to control it, so he doesn’t dare to drink more even if he likes it, but as long as someone gives him wine, he will be very happy all day long.”

Mo Mingxuan smiled and said, This is really embarrassing for me. I know almost nothing about wine. Can you accompany me to choose?

Tang Xiaoxiao thought Han Ruoxing would refuse, but she said, Then let's go to Songtang Winery. There are many kinds of drinks there.

Mo Mingxuan nodded and said to the driver, Master, go to Songtang Winery.

Tang Xiaoxiao...

Didn't anyone ask her opinion?

When Han Ruoxing said she was picking wine, she really just wanted to pick a wine. Smell this one and taste that one. When she found the drink she wanted, Tang Xiaoxiao felt that she had drank more than half the bottle.

Han Ruoxing didn't drink well, so there was nothing visible on her face.

After settling the bill, Mo Mingxuan wanted to send the two of them back to Yunding International. However, the law firm called and asked him to come over, so Mo Mingxuan had no choice but to leave first.

The winery was very close to Yunding International, so Tang Xiaoxiao and Han Ruoxing walked back.

Tang Xiaoxiao had been holding back her words and finally had a chance to say it out, Axing, I still think Gu Jingyan is pretending to have amnesia.

Han Ruoxing paused and asked her, Where did you come to this conclusion? (End of Chapter)

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