Han Ruoxing remained silent.

She could feel guilty and use Mo Mingxuan to create some unclear scandals, but she could not shamelessly rely on the other person's feelings for her to let him cooperate.

She would rather Mo Mingxuan knew the truth and hated her than owe him this favor.

Mo Mingxuan picked up the necklace in his palm and whispered, Let me put it on for you. The 'love' necklace should make headlines tomorrow.

Han Ruoxing subconsciously wanted to step back, but Mo Mingxuan did not have the same sense of propriety as before. He gently pressed Han Ruoxing's shoulders, and his deep voice sounded in her ears, They are already filming. If you refuse, the previous No one will believe me if I lay the groundwork.”

As expected, Han Ruoxing paused.

Mo Mingxuan held the necklace with both hands, put it around her slender neck, and gently buckled it for her.

From the angle of the audience, the two seemed to be rubbing each other's necks, which was extremely ambiguous.

Han Ruoxing turned her face away, not looking at Mo Mingxuan, but at such a close distance, she could still feel Mo Mingxuan's breathing, which made her feel extremely tortured.

It wasn't until Mo Mingxuan let go of her hand and retreated slightly that her body gradually relaxed.

Han Ruoxing reached out and touched the pendant with Gu Jingyan's photo on her chest, and asked him in a low voice, How much, I will transfer it to you.

Mo Mingxuan said, Eighty-eight, ten yuan for photo development, total ninety-eight. No need to transfer money. Can you treat me to a supper?

Han Ruoxing was stunned.

Mo Mingxuan laughed and said, I try not to eat more than ninety-eight.

Han Ruoxing was immediately embarrassed, I didn't think so, it's just...

I just didn't expect this necklace to be so cheap. It didn't feel like something Mo Mingxuan would buy.

Naturally, Mo Mingxuan had his own concerns. Han Ruoxing would not accept anything that was too expensive, and would have to settle the accounts clearly. It was a good idea to give something cheaper but give it away, or even exchange it for a chance to have dinner together.

Just as Han Ruoxing was about to agree, Tang Xiaoxiao called.

She said Sorry and picked up the phone to answer the call.

Axing, can you accompany me to see the house tomorrow?

Tang Xiaoxiao's voice was dull and hoarse.

Han Ruoxing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, What house are you looking at? Do you want to buy a house?

No, Tang Xiaoxiao whispered, I want to move out.

Han Ruoxing keenly noticed something was wrong and asked, Have you discussed it with Shen Qingchuan?

I can live wherever I want, why should I discuss it with him? He's not mine!

Did you have a fight?

Tang Xiaoxiao said nothing.

Han Ruoxing thought she was being bullied, and her tone suddenly dropped, Did Shen Qingchuan want you to move out?

No, he didn't dare to chase me away. Tang Xiaoxiao felt that it was really embarrassing for him to be deceived for so long, and he would be laughed to death if he said it, so he made an excuse and said, I just annoy him and don't want to live with him.

Han Ruoxing thought for a while and said, Why don't you stay in 901 first? I haven't moved your room. You know the password.

Tang Xiaoxiao muttered, I don't want to live so close to him.

There must be some problem between the two people, but Tang Xiaoxiao refused to say it, and Han Ruoxing couldn't ask more questions.

Okay then, I'll look at the house with you tomorrow.

Tang Xiaoxiao said Yeah, then thought of the topic he and Shen Qingchuan had argued about before, and whispered, Axing, what's going on between you and Mo Mingxuan? They are all spreading rumors that you are with him. Is it true? ?

Han Ruoxing turned to look at Mo Mingxuan, who was talking to the manager not far away. The latter seemed to feel something and raised his head to meet her gaze with gentle eyes.

Han Ruoxing suddenly said in a confused manner, Can dissociation syndrome really hurt people?


It's nothing, Han Ruoxing looked away and said calmly, I just want Gu Jingyan to come back, no matter what the cost.

Before Tang Xiaoxiao could figure out what the phrase no matter the cost meant, Han Ruoxing said see you tomorrow and hung up the phone.

The next day, an entry titled # Asking for a kiss in the concert hall # became a hot search topic.

Unlike the previous speculations, the angle of the video released this time is very clear.

Han Ruoxing not only played the piano with the other party, but even asked the other party to help her put on the necklace. The angle of the video seemed to make the two kissing.

It doesn't get much more shocking than that.

The phone numbers of YaTV Media are almost buzzing, and Song Tianjun's mobile phone is also flooded with messages, all of which are concerned about whether the Mo and Song families are planning to get married.

Even Song Wanqian couldn't sit still and secretly asked him what was going on with Ruoxing and that boy from the Mo family.

Song Tianjun himself couldn't figure out what his little ancestor wanted to do. Ever since Gu Jingyan's accident, her behavior had been strange.

He could only deal with Song Wanqian, The media looks at the pictures and makes them up. What relationship do they have?

Song Wanqian's eyelids twitched, We've already kissed each other, so it doesn't matter?

What can you see clearly from such a distance? Don't just watch the news and make random guesses.

I don't want to think about it. The old man from the Mo family called me and asked me to come over for dinner. He invited me to dinner so smoothly. It must be because of something on the news.

Song Tianjun frowned, What's going on? They'd know it by asking Mo Mingxuan. Why are they asking us?

Song Wanqian glanced at him, Do you think all the elders are as doting on you as I am, allowing you to have free marriage? As long as Mr. Mo is alive, he will never be able to decide who Mingxuan marries. They crossed over from Mingxuan and asked me directly, and I was worried that they might really be here for the marriage.

As he spoke, he sighed, If Ruoxing expressed her stance, it would be easy to say, agree or not, in one sentence. But if she doesn't express her stance, I don't know what the child is thinking. What should I say when people ask? What if I refuse? If Xing is really with someone, the Mo family will think that I have nothing to do with him.

Song Tianjun laughed and whispered, Then just pretend to be stupid. Isn't this your strength?

Song Wanqian suddenly blew his beard and glared, You big thing!

After saying that, he became worried again, I'm really worried that this child is overly sad and stupid. She was on the verge of death before, but now she is getting involved with the Mo boy. Will she also follow the kidnapper's tricks and take Mingxuan's life for granted? Let’s be Jingyan’s substitute.”

Song Tianjun...

Song Wanqian went to the appointment anyway. As Song Tianjun said, he was always pretending to be confused. The old man of the Mo family tried his best to fool him back.

Until the other party got straight to the point and asked him if he would consider marriage.

Song Wanqian said, Uncle Mo, I have always let my children make their own decisions about their marriage. After all, to live a lifetime, they have to be what they want. If Ruoxing mentioned it to me and said that she was willing to marry Mingxuan Of course I won't object to being together, but she hasn't brought anyone to see me yet, and I really can't make the decision for my child. (End of Chapter)

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