The bartender gave her the bill. After Qiao Ruoxing paid, she put on her mask and walked out with her coat.

Those cocktails didn't taste very alcoholic, but the alcohol content was not low. Qiao Ruoxing drank several glasses and didn't feel anything while sitting. After standing up and walking a few steps, she felt a little dizzy.

Unsteady on her feet, she swayed to the side and bumped into a young man holding a drink. The drink spilled all over her body and he grabbed her arm to argue with her.

Qiao Ruoxing took out her leather armor, took out a banknote and gave it to the man, Is the dry cleaning enough?

She was really asking the other party if it was enough, but she couldn't hold her hand firmly and dropped the money on the ground. The other party thought she was insulting, so she didn't want to at that time. He grabbed her arm and said angrily, Who wants your money? Bad money? I want you to fucking apologize!

Qiao Ruoxing was hurt by being caught, she frowned and struggled, Let go!

The other party refused to give up, Who are you trying to throw money at? Tell me clearly!

I didn't throw it away! I dropped it myself!

The other party didn't believe it at all, and reached out to grab the mask on her face, You are still wearing a mask when you say something, do you even know what respect is?

Just when the other party's hand was about to pull Qiao Ruoxing's mask, someone grabbed his wrist and twisted it violently.

The man's face turned pale and he almost screamed. The man holding his wrist came over and patted his shoulder. He said with a smile, Brother, what does a grown man care about with a woman? She drank too much. What did you say? She You may not understand, he said, stuffing the money into the man's pocket. The clothes are not too dirty. They can still be worn after a wash. What do you think?

As he spoke, he exerted force. The man was in so much pain that he couldn't speak at all, and in the end he could only scream and nod.

The other party then let go of him and said with a smile, Thank you, brother.

The man cursed with pain in his hands and left with a frustrated look on his face.

Jiang Mingqi turned to look at Qiao Ruoxing.

She frowned and rubbed her wrists, which clearly showed the marks left by the man who just dragged her.

He stepped forward and took her hand. Qiao Ruoxing frowned, raised her eyes for a moment, and whispered, Gu Jingyan...

Jiang Mingqi pinched the back of her hand and looked up at her, What did you call me?

Qiao Ruoxing suddenly woke up from the pain, Jiang Mingqi? Why are you here?

Jiang Mingqi said slowly, I can't come to the pub you open?

Qiao Ruoxing was choked and was too lazy to argue with this guy, so she grabbed her clothes and left.

Jiang Mingqi chased after him, What's your attitude? At least I helped you out, and you didn't even say thank you?

Qiao Ruoxing, Thank you.

Jiang Mingqi...

He glared at her, Isn't that too perfunctory?

Qiao Ruoxing ignored him and stood on the roadside waiting for the bus.

Jiang Mingqi also stood next to her and asked, When will Gu Jingyan's funeral be held?

Qiao Ruoxing froze, picked up the bag in her hand and threw it at him, You're the one who died! You're the one who has to hold a funeral!

Jiang Mingqi dodged back and forth, but still hit her hard twice. Seeing that she was still coming, Jiang Mingqi finally grabbed her hand and stopped her, That's enough! Why don't I just ask later, as for that? Who among Jiangcheng's celebrity circles? I don’t know that Gu Jingyan fell into the water and disappeared, it’s been twenty days, do you still expect him to come back?”

Seeing that he couldn't compete for the bag, Qiao Ruoxing raised her foot and stepped on his instep.

Jiang Mingqi felt pain and let go. Qiao Ruoxing grabbed the bag and left with a dark face.

Jiang Mingqi jumped twice in pain and hurriedly chased after him, You didn't feel this bad when we broke up. Why is Gu Jingyan treated so specially?

Qiao Ruoxing ignored him at all, and Jiang Mingqi felt aggrieved. He was also his ex, so why was Gu Jingyan treated so much better than him.

Thinking of his friend's previous ridicule, he gritted his teeth and asked, Did you get together with me because I look like Gu Jingyan? Have you ever been in love with me?

Qiao Ruoxing was annoyed by the question and turned around and said harshly, So what? Are you chasing me because you want to be Gu Jingyan's substitute?

Jiang Mingqi subconsciously retorted, Am I sick?

You're not sick. Why are you chasing me?

Jiang Mingqi...

I...can't I just watch the joke? Jiang Mingqi found a reasonable reason for himself, You dumped me at the beginning, and now you are dumped by someone else, does it mean that things have changed?

Qiao Ruoxing's anger was rising, and Jiang Mingqi finally saw some different expressions on her face, and felt relieved immediately.

Hey, if you really miss Gu Jingyan, please, please let me pretend to be him.

Qiao Ruoxing said nothing with a sullen face.

Forget it, there's no need to beg. Just apologize to me and say you shouldn't have dumped me back then.

Qiao Ruoxing stared at the puddle of water on the road in front of her and hooked her hands, Come here.

Jiang Mingqi thought she had given in, straightened her clothes, and walked over, If you have a better attitude this morning, how can I blame you—fuck!

Before Jiang Mingqi finished speaking, he was pushed to the curb by Qiao Ruoxing. A car happened to pass by and ran over the water on the road. The splash flew directly into Jiang Mingqi's face.

His white clothes had turned into a water-soaked rag.

He turned around and was about to get angry when he saw Qiao Ruoxing laughing. Jiang Mingqi was startled, and the unhappiness in his heart disappeared in an instant.

He also smiled and whispered, After so many years, I'm still so childish.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled and lowered her expression.

Jiang Mingqi stood in front of her again and asked her in a low voice, Why did you break up with me back then?

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at him and said, Your father came to see me.

Jiang Mingqi was startled, this was a possibility he had never imagined.

He told me a lot, which can be roughly summarized as - leave my son, he is going abroad, and you are not worthy of him. I think what he said is quite reasonable, so I broke up with you.

Jiang Mingqi was surprised at the beginning, but now he has completely accepted it.

That's what his autocratic father would have done.

And he couldn't just talk to Qiao Ruoxing, he might to her family.

He wanted to say, why didn't you tell me, but then he thought, this is nonsense. At that time, he had to rely on his family to make a living, so what qualifications did he have to resist?

There are only two endings for an unfavorable relationship, active breakup or passive breakup. Qiao Ruoxing helped him make the choice.

Jiang Mingqi was silent for a while and asked, Gu Jingyan is dead, what should you do?

Qiao Ruoxing's temples twitched, He's not dead! He just...disappeared.

Jiang Mingqi refused to argue with her, Okay, even if he disappears, what will you do if he never shows up?

Qiao Ruoxing said nothing.

Jiang Mingqi looked at her lowered eyelashes and admitted that there was some selfishness in his unwillingness.

He coughed lightly and asked, Do you want to be with me?

Qiao Ruoxing immediately looked at him as if he was crazy.

Jiang Mingqi said, Didn't you say he disappeared? Don't you want to force him to come out? If he is hiding in a corner and you are with me, can he hold it back? He might jump out on his own. (End of chapter)

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