She said it was okay, but when she saw the mottled blood on Gu Jingyan's body, tears fell down and hit Gu Jingyan's cheek.

Her fear and nervousness, along with her overly intense heartbeat, were clearly conveyed to Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan wanted to hug her, but his hands tied behind his back prevented him from moving. The slightest movement of his head caused a sharp pain in the wound on the back of his head.

He endured the pain and responded by wiping the tears on her face, saying softly, Don't cry, it's okay, I don't feel any pain.

He didn't say it was okay, but when he did, Han Ruoxing's tears fell even more fiercely.

With so much blood, how could it not hurt?

Gu Jingyan sighed, his voice weak, Stop crying, they will see it when they come back later.

These words were more effective than consolation. Han Ruoxing immediately stopped her tears, but her shoulders were twitching slightly as her emotions surged and she tried not to cry.

How did you call the police? Gu Jingyan tried to distract her attention. Han Ruoxing seemed more nervous and scared than herself.

Han Ruoxing briefly explained how she hid her cell phone.

After hearing this, Gu Jingyan laughed, trembling and hurting the wound, and couldn't help but grin for the first time.

Don't move, Han Ruoxing sniffed, How long has it been, are you still in the mood to laugh?

Gu Jingyan teased her, I'm just laughing at how lucky I am to find such a brave and resourceful girlfriend. I'm too clever.

Normally, Han Ruoxing would have raised her tail to the sky, but in this situation, she couldn't laugh at all.

Gu Jingyan sat up with difficulty and whispered, Bring your phone over and I'll say a few words to the police.

Han Ruoxing then took the phone to Gu Jingyan with difficulty.

Hello, have you located where we are now? Gu Jingyan asked while observing the environment outside the window.

The police said an area.

This area is sparsely populated. It seems that this group of people took a small road. Many buildings and roads are not shown on the map, and their location can only be roughly determined. However, the police have already mobilized troops to rush here, asking them to try their best. Delay time.

Gu Jingyan whispered, This phone doesn't have much power left. It may not be able to last until you come over. I have to hang up. This group of people has gone to replenish supplies now. There is a high probability that they will not kill us. At least they must turn it off. It was not easy to hide two big living people for several days.

They will either choose to settle in a familiar area, or they will choose a deserted place to hide. Our current location is relatively deserted, so they should have chosen the latter. Please take our current location as the center and check the ten nearby areas. If there are any abandoned factories and residential areas within kilometers, we can surround them.

The operator was a little surprised. After so many years in the industry, it is rare for someone to be able to analyze calmly in such a situation. His psychological quality is also too strong.

The operator was unambiguous and told Gu Jingyan to hide his phone and find a way to contact them if the situation changes.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly passed the news to the police officers who responded.

The man said, We are already on the road. Just tell him not to hang up. We will definitely be able to stop the car before the phone's battery runs out.

The operator whispered, But I'm not sure if the gangster has a weapon. I'm going to chase him directly. What if I alert him and hurt the hostage?

Don't worry, we get a lot of cases like this every year, it'll be fine.

Based on past experience, the veteran police officer does not think this is a kidnapping case of a bad nature. The kidnappers he has dealt with before are very concealed and cautious in their methods of committing crimes. How could they kidnap someone in broad daylight and leave such a big loophole for the hostages to get it themselves? Call the police via mobile phone?

He felt that this might be due to some conflicts caused by financial or other disputes, and it would not escalate to a vicious kidnapping. After all, Jiangcheng's security was famously excellent, and he had not encountered a kidnapping case in many years.

Seeing that the other party was confident, the operator said no more.

Gu Jingyan asked Han Ruoxing to turn off the Bluetooth on his phone, turn on the energy-saving mode and stuff it into the gap in the back seat.

After doing everything well, there were tiny beads of sweat on Han Ruoxing's nervous nose.

When Gu Jingyan was doing the operation just now, he saw that the nail on her right index finger was broken, and the blood seeping between the fingers had dried up now.

His throat was stiff, he clenched his hands and said nothing.

Seeing his ugly expression, Han Ruoxing asked in a low voice, Does the wound hurt? Then she blamed herself, I might as well just go to the company and wait. If you don't get off at the door, you won't suffer this misfortune.

Gu Jingyan came to his senses and whispered, They are here for me. Even if I don't get off here, I will get off in the parking lot, which will still give them a chance to attack. It has nothing to do with you.

Han Ruoxing frowned, But why would he come after you? He has no enmity with you. Even if he wants to take revenge on me, he should come after me, right?

Gu Jingyan was startled, He, you mean the kidnapper?

That's the man whose mask you tore off, Han Ruoxing's eyes burst out with coldness, Do you still remember the time when Lawyer Mo was injured by a domestic violence man? That time Xiaoxiao and I went up to help save him, that man It’s that domestic violence man.”

The man had a sinister face and a gloomy expression. When he was arrested, he even said harsh words to Han Ruoxing from close range, so she was particularly impressed.

It's him?

Gu Jingyan frowned and fell into deep thought.

Han Ruoxing looked at Gu Jingyan's clothes and suddenly said, Tell me, did he mistake you for Lawyer Mo?

Gu Jingyan shook his head, I remember you said that he and Mingxuan were fighting on the ground for a long time. If you really hate him so much and want to take revenge, will you mistake the person you want to retaliate against? What's more, Mingxuan and I are nothing like each other.


The two people are somewhat similar in back, but their appearance is completely different.

But if he was from the Gu Qinghai sect, how could he be this person by chance?

Don't think about it. Save your strength. You may not be able to hide your phone for too long. Look for an opportunity to escape.

Gu Jingyan paused again as he spoke, Next time something like this happens, don't look back, just run away. You don't even know how vicious the other person is and they catch up with you. If something happens to you, what should I do?

Han Ruoxing's eyes turned red, You were beaten like that, I was scared to death, how could I run...

Gu Jingyan endured the pain and smiled, This injury looks scary, but it doesn't hurt much. I'm scared of you. After being tied a little tight, Gu Jingyan exhaled, calmed down, and joked, You have to practice it. Follow your own words and fly independently when disaster strikes.

What about you? Didn't you say that when people are in danger, their first reaction is to save themselves? You see people and cars coming towards me, why are you rushing towards me? Where is your self-rescue?

If the car hadn't hit her, causing Gu Jingyan to lose his footing, he wouldn't have been knocked down.

I was trying to save myself.

Han Ruoxing didn't know why.

Gu Jingyan whispered, My heart is with you.

Han Ruoxing...

At this time, I don't forget to say earthy love words to coax her.

Just as she was about to say something, she saw the three people walking towards here carrying things.

Han Ruoxing said nervously, They are back, you should lie down quickly. (End of Chapter)

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