There was no one in the empty square, so when the well-dressed man walked toward Gu Jingyan from the other direction, no one paid attention.

It wasn't until the man approached and suddenly pulled out a baseball bat from his sleeve that Han Ruoxing suddenly reacted and screamed to remind Gu Jingyan.

However, it was too late. The stick hit Gu Jingyan firmly on the back of the head.

Han Ruoxing's pupils shrank suddenly, she threw away the thermos box in her hand, screamed for help, and rushed towards Gu Jingyan.

Gu Jingyan felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He staggered and barely escaped the second attack. He raised his foot and kicked the opponent's knee. The man groaned and knelt on the ground.

Gu Jingyan's vision went dark, but he still used all his strength to twist the other person's hand behind his back and pull off the mask on his face.

Just as he saw the other person's face clearly, a van suddenly came over and hit Han Ruoxing.

Gu Jingyan's expression suddenly changed, and he ignored the man on the ground. He shouted Han Ruoxing's name and told her to hide while stumbling after him.

But after walking a few steps, there was another blow from behind. Gu Jingyan's legs gave out and he fell to the ground.

Some warm liquid seeped out from his head, and he heard Han Ruoxing's heart-rending cry.

He wanted to call her to run, but he couldn't make a sound no matter what, and the darkness swallowed him up bit by bit.

The van was completely out of control. The minute before it hit Han Ruoxing, it reversed its front, but when it turned, it brushed Han Ruoxing's leg, knocking her down, and then drove quickly towards the man not far away.

The back door of the van opened, and Gu Jingyan was roughly pulled into the van. Just as the door was about to close, a hand suddenly grabbed the door.

The man in the back seat was stunned. The next second, a stream of liquid sprayed into his eyes, instantly burning him and making him unable to open his eyes.

Damn it! Bitch! the man cursed.

While the two people in the back seat were rubbing their eyes, Han Ruoxing threw the phone under the seat.

The security guard on duty at this moment also heard the noise and ran towards this side.

The driver urged in a tight voice, Close the damn door quickly, someone is coming!

When Han Ruoxing saw someone coming, she held on to the car door even more tightly and refused to let go. She wanted to try her best to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

However, the gangster was so vicious that he stepped on the accelerator immediately, regardless of whether she was holding the door open.

The car started suddenly, dragging Han Ruoxing forward. Seeing that she couldn't keep up, Han Ruoxing was about to let go when the man in the back seat suddenly grabbed her collar and pulled her into the car.

Because the force was too strong, Han Ruoxing was knocked dizzy. Before she could react, her mouth and nose were covered with a towel. A pungent smell came. Han Ruoxing quickly held her breath and struggled hard. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Moved.

The man patted her face to confirm that she was unconscious, and then threw her aside.

The driver's expression changed, You're fucking crazy, why did you pull her up?

The man wearing a peaked cap in the back seat said with a gloomy look, She saw my face. Do you want to keep her and let her call the police to arrest me?

Seeing that someone was about to catch up, the driver didn't care to argue with him and accelerated away from the scene.

Seeing that he could not catch up, the security guard quickly ran back to the security room and prepared to call the police.

As soon as he entered, he was stopped by the security captain, The bosses will be here soon. They asked you to stop the car. Where did you go?

The little security guard gasped, Captain, there is a woman in the square at the entrance who was dragged into a van. It seems to be a kidnapping. I have to call the police.

He heard the sound and ran out. He only saw Han Ruoxing being pulled into the car by the gangsters, but he did not see Gu Jingyan.

The captain was stunned for a moment. Seeing that his number had been dialed, he quickly pressed the button, What are you dreaming of being a hero for? Who is so brave and dares to kidnap someone in the clear sky and in broad daylight at the door of the company? Maybe it's a young couple having an quarrel. You're mistaken. .”

But it doesn't look like it to me. The surveillance must be -

Stop talking nonsense and get to work quickly. If she is really going to be kidnapped, her family will call the police. Is it your turn to meddle in other people's business? Today's meeting is very important. All the big shots on the board of directors are coming. If you invite the police over, what if? Can you afford to have it affect this meeting?

One sentence frightened the little security guard. He couldn't bear the chairman election meeting with ten people. He could only pray that what the captain said was true and that it was just a simple couple having an quarrel and that nothing would happen.

Lin Shu arrived at the office, checked the meeting materials, and then started waiting for Gu Jingyan.

However, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and almost half an hour passed without Gu Jingyan coming upstairs, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed the other party's number.

As a result, the phone on the other end was turned off.

Lin Shu frowned. Mr. Gu's phone was rarely turned off. Today was such an important day. How could he turn it off at this time?

He suddenly felt uneasy.

He made two more calls, but the phone was still turned off. Lin Shu decisively dialed Han Ruoxing's number.

Han Ruoxing's phone call was able to get through, but no one answered.

One is turned off and the other is unanswered. How could it be such a coincidence?

Lin Shu glanced at the time, decided not to wait, and rushed out of the office.

Just as I was about to get on the elevator, my phone rang.

It was a call from the board of directors' office. Lin Shu answered it while waiting for the elevator.

Assistant Lin, the board of directors has printed some documents. Come up and get them.

Okay, I'll send someone up to get it.

The person over there said, Assistant Lin, please come here personally. It is an encrypted file and has not been opened. Special assistants from each office are required to come and collect it in person to avoid any mistakes.

Lin Shu frowned, looked at the elevator opening in front of him, and said in a deep voice, Okay, I'll go right away.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shu changed floors and at the same time dialed Shen Qingchuan's number.

Shen Qingchuan had just gone downstairs to buy breakfast and was quite surprised to see Lin Shu's phone call.

He picked up the phone and joked, Lin Shu, are you afraid that Gu Jingyan will lose the election and want to switch jobs to me?

Lin Shu did not respond to him with high emotional intelligence as usual, but said in a deep voice, Mr. Shen, Mr. Gu can't be contacted.

Shen Qingchuan was stunned, What do you mean by not being able to contact me?

Lin Shuyan briefly and concisely explained the situation just now, Mr. Gu asked me to go upstairs and wait for him, but it's been more than half an hour and he hasn't come up yet. The phone can't be connected, and my wife's cell phone is unanswered. I can't leave now. I don't know. Go check it out. Please help me contact Mr. Gu immediately. Entry to the shareholders’ meeting will be prohibited fifteen minutes after it starts. We can’t let anyone pick on Mr. Gu at this juncture.”

Shen Qingchuan's face instantly became serious, I'll contact you right away. You stay there first and wait for my call.


After hanging up the phone, Shen Qingchuan called Gu Jingyan several times to make sure he couldn't reach him, so he hurried home to get the car keys.

Tang Xiaoxiao had just come out of the shower. Seeing him changing clothes in a hurry, she wondered, Are you leaving without eating?

Shen Qingchuan said while fastening his buttons, Gu Jingyan and his wife have lost contact. (End of Chapter)

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