The pattern on the design draft resembles a butterfly and an auspicious cloud. The middle wing part is inlaid with jade, and the surrounding auspicious cloud pattern is embellished with scattered diamonds. The sense of design that hits Han Ruoxing's face is immediately touched.

She turned back and saw the details of each part at the back, marked in great detail.

It's beautiful. Han Ruoxing praised it without hesitation, It's much more beautiful than I imagined.

Chen Ru lowered her eyes and whispered, It was some of the elements you suggested that gave me this inspiration.

Butterflies represent rebirth and beauty, while auspicious cloud patterns represent auspiciousness. Chen Ru combined the two, which perfectly matched the effect she wanted.

Moreover, it is inlaid with jadeite in the middle. When it is made, each piece of jadeite will have different floating flowers, and each piece will be unique.

Han Ruoxing raised his eyes and said with a smile, I just said what I wanted. You are the one who combined these meanings. That's it. Save it and let the engraver make a sample first.

Chen Ru took it but didn't move. She hesitated and asked in a low voice, Mr. Han, will this design be signed by the designer's name?

Of course, your work must be signed with your name.

Han Ruoxing thought that Chen Ru had a shadow because of the plagiarism incident at her former company, so she asked. Who knew that Chen Ru said, Mr. Han, why don't you sign the name of another designer, Yaya or Huo Yi?

Han Ruoxing was surprised, Why do you need to sign someone else's name on your work?

Chen Ru seemed to have something to hide. She hesitated for a moment before speaking, Mr. Han, you have never been involved in this industry before, so you may not know much about it. I have been involved in accidents before.

She told everything about that year without hiding anything.

After I was forced to leave my job, I encountered obstacles in applying for jobs. I knew that my old employer had issued an industry ban on me because the designer who copied me had lost his reputation in the industry due to this incident, which caused a lot of damage to their company. They won’t let me, a person who doesn’t understand the rules, have an easy time.”

I have no way to apply for a job, and the other side of the lawsuit has been delaying the case. They are a big company and have special legal affairs to handle this. I am fighting alone. I can't afford to waste money or energy. My parents are also because of this matter. I was hit hard and had physical problems. In that case, justice no longer meant anything to me. What I needed was money.

Qiyuji's salary for me is not low. They are worried that my past will damage the company's image, so I am never allowed to put my name on the works I design. Do you understand?

Han Ruoxing promoted her to the position of team leader. At first, she thought that he just chose her randomly to deal with Xia Bingbing.

However, that was not entirely the case. Han Ruoxing admired her work and even knew her early design works. She did not choose her for no reason.

This realization naturally flattered Chen Ru. She loved this industry and naturally wanted to shine in the industry, but she also did not want to deceive Han Ruoxing.

Her lawsuit was not won, and the ban order against her by her former employer was still there. She was almost on the industry's gray list, so using her signature was risky.

Han Ruoxing smiled after hearing this, I thought what was going on? You were plagiarized, but you weren't plagiarized. Why can't you sign it? Are you willing to publish the idea you worked so hard on in someone else's name? ?”

Chen Ru lowered her eyes and said softly, I was exhausted physically and mentally by the lawsuit. Now I don't dare to ask for too much. I just want to work safely.

The more you retreat, the more they dare to bully you. You are working for me now. If you do not violate professional ethics or break the law, I have the obligation to protect you. My own things must be signed with my own name. .”

Chen Ru's heart was surging, and her eyes, which had always been indifferent, now had a little more radiance.

I'll tell the engraver the details.

Han Ruoxing nodded, Keep the electronic files, including the draft of the manuscript you designed, and don't post it on any platform. Let's take out the sample and see the effect.


As soon as the drawings came out, the masters processed them very quickly. Two days later, the samples were placed in front of Han Ruoxing.

The samples were even more stunning than the drawings. Han Ruoxing took several photos. After she asked two managers to compile a list of old customers who had repurchased within a year, she officially started production.

Preparations for the new product launch conference were in full swing. Han Ruoxing was so busy every day that she had no time to look at her phone. Gu Jingyan had already called her several times while checking messages.

Later, Gu Jingyan simply stopped fighting and either asked someone to bring some food to the store, or he came directly to pick her up and send her back after the meal.

What Gu Jingyan means is that you can make money and work hard as much as you want, but your body still needs to be taken care of, and you can't ruin your improved body just because of work.

Some people may be born with thoughtfulness, but Gu Jingyan really learned it bit by bit.

Han Ruoxing was sitting in the car, drinking the lean meat porridge brought by Gu Jingyan, and suddenly said, Gu Jingyan, please get your certificate for Valentine's Day this year.

Gu Jingyan was holding a notebook and checking the list for her. When he heard these words, he was startled and said dullly, What kind of certificate?

Han Ruoxing swallowed a mouthful of porridge, raised her eyes and said, Marriage certificate.

Gu Jingyan breathed softly, Are you kidding me?

Han Ruoxing smiled and teased him in a low voice, You are progressing too fast. If I don't tie you down earlier, I'm afraid others will miss you.

Gu Jingyan lowered his eyes and smiled, I'm really worried, so I'll take care of it tomorrow.

No, there was no sense of ceremony when I received the certificate for the first time. This time I have to stick to a suitable time.

Gu Jingyan said, It's your birthday soon. We can go get the certificate on your birthday.

Then I can only celebrate one birthday and one wedding anniversary?

Gu Jingyan said, Celebrating two holidays in one day is double the happiness.

Han Ruoxing glanced at him and said, It will save you trouble to get one less gift.

Gu Jingyan...

He sighed, Do you think I am someone who is reluctant to part with a gift? I am in a hurry to marry you.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, I'm kidding you. If I marry you, everything you have is mine. Do I still care about your little straight man gifts?

She just wanted to be like most couples and get a certificate from Gu Jingyan on this special holiday. Every year in the future, when this holiday comes, she would be reminded that she married him because she loved him in the first place.

A week later, all preparations were in place, and Han Ruoxing began to post and send gifts for marketing.

Yang family.

As soon as Yang Yuwei came back from outside, Yang Jinfeng stopped her and said, Weiwei, there is a courier for you, please take a look. (End of Chapter)

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