Han Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was smart.

Originally, she wanted to go to Song Jiayu, but then she thought about it. Since Song Jiayu asked Yang Yuwei to do a manicure, she must have gone to a shop that Yang Yuwei often visited.

Really? Han Ruoxing pretended to be surprised, What a coincidence.

The shopping guide said warmly, I will arrange for you and Ms. Yang to go to a workshop later. The manicurist she uses is the best in our store. He can make any style and can also hand-paint.

Han Ruoxing narrowed his eyes and said, Sorry to trouble you.

No trouble, let's see what you want to do?

Han Ruoxing glanced at it and asked, Which series do you have the highest commission?

The shopping guide was stunned for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

Han Ruoxing smiled and said, I won't ask for your industry secrets. I'm quite satisfied with your service. Pick one where you can make more money. If you are happy, I will be happy too.

The little shopping guide was immediately moved. I had always seen people bargaining, but there were actually people who were afraid that they would earn less as workers.

The little shopping guide whispered, You can make this one. I think you don't do this often. Your nails are very short and you need to wear nail patches. The one with the highest commission is not practical. This one is almost the same as ordinary nails. It’s so fancy and doesn’t affect your daily life. You can open a season card and do it three times for a 10% discount.”

Han Ruoxing nodded, Okay.

Han Ruoxing didn't even ask about the price and paid the card neatly.

When everything was ready, the little shopping guide led her to the manicure studio.

When he opened the door, he saw Yang Yuwei and Song Jiayu sitting inside.

When the two heard the noise, they both looked towards the door. Yang Yuwei was startled for a moment, then turned to watch the manicurist painting on her nails.

Song Jiayu glanced at her and slightly raised the corners of his lips, Ruoxing, didn't you go to the movies with Brother Gu? I asked you before, but you said you couldn't come.

Han Ruoxing smiled, I went late and didn't go in. When I was shopping here, I remembered that my sister wanted to do a manicure with Miss Yang, so I thought I would come over and have a look and experience it.

Song Jiayu smiled lightly, I'm afraid it's not about experience, it's about adapting to the situation, right?

Han Ruoxing was able to bend and stretch, My sister said yes, so be it.

Song Jiayu glanced at her and said, If I remember correctly, when my sister drove Team Leader Xia away, she said that Team Leader Xia was flattering his customers. So, did you also mean this by trying to please him? If that's the case, , then it’s unreasonable for Team Leader Xia to resign, after all, the boss himself doesn’t lead by example.”

Han Ruoxing raised the corners of her lips and said, Sister Jiayu, I think you misunderstood. I went along with her because I wanted to be friends with Miss Yang, not like your mother...not thinking about her money like others.

Song Jiayu's face changed slightly, What do you mean by this?

Yang Yuwei's eyes flashed, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

It's not interesting, Han Ruoxing patted her mouth lightly, Look at me, I can't speak, and sometimes my words don't convey what I mean. Sister Jiayu, don't think too much.

Song Jiayu's eyes were cold.

The little shopping guide's scalp was numb. Why did this scene feel so wrong?

Han Ruoxing, however, had already stepped forward and sat next to Yang Yuwei.

She noticed that Yang Yuwei was wearing the same jewelry combination that she recommended to her a week ago, but the clothes were still more fancy, giving her a rich and wealthy style.

Han Ruoxing looked down at her nails and suddenly said, You can try cold colors, they will be more advanced.

Before Yang Yuwei could say anything, Song Jiayu said, Weiwei has a fair complexion. This kind of gentle color suits her. No daughter in the family would do that kind of cool color. The color is too rebellious.

Han Ruoxing chuckled, Sister Jiayu, it's just a color preference. Whatever style of clothes you like, you can match it with whatever style of nails. How can you be rebellious? The color you mentioned is indeed not ugly, but it seems to be you. My preference, didn’t you ask Miss Yang if she liked it?”

Weiwei has never had a manicure before, so I recommended her to this shop. Of course I know her preferences.

Han Ruoxing was stunned, Have you never done a manicure?

Song Jiayu froze and suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing.

She immediately looked at Yang Yuwei, who looked cold and didn't know what her reaction was.

Song Jiayu was upset in her heart. She only wanted to stop Han Ruoxing from wooing Yang Yuwei, but accidentally hit Yang Yuwei's pain point. She should not have deliberately told Han Ruoxing about her relationship with Yang Yuwei in front of her in order to stimulate Han Ruoxing.

She never expected that Han Ruoxing would be so thick-skinned and follow her.

She pursed her lips and added, I mean I've done something complicated like this.

Han Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief, Sister Jiayu, please be clear. I thought you said Miss Yang was ignorant.

The corner of Song Jiayu's mouth twitched, and she finally rounded it, but Han Ruoxing made a sharp turn and pulled her back.

how do I……

Which color do you think suits me?

Yang Yuwei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, but it was Han Ruoxing who asked.

Song Jiayu's heart sank slightly.

Han Ruoxing said, I just think cool-toned colors are more suitable for you. As for that color, you can ask the manicurist to help you try it. Only when you get started will you know which color is more suitable.

He raised his eyes and looked at the manicurist, You are a professional. Can you recommend it to my friend?

The manicurist suddenly felt a headache. Yang Yuwei and Song Jiayu came to the store together several times. Every time they came, Song Jiayu said what Yang Yuwei would look good on and arranged it for her. Although some colors were not suitable for Yang Yuwei, she did not dare to say. After all, they were all big customers in the store, so Yang Yuwei didn't say anything.

But at this moment, it seemed that she couldn't help but keep silent, after all, the real owner also asked.

The manicurist could only ask, Ms. Yang, what is your usual dressing style?

Yang Yuwei opened her mouth, but didn't know how to describe it.

Han Ruoxing next to her said, Cold, majestic, and atmospheric, just like her whole person, cool and noble.

Yang Yuwei......

This woman...could her flattery be any more obvious?

Song Jiayu smiled and said lightly, Ruoxing, you don't understand Weiwei's preferences at all.

Han Ruoxing was surprised, Ah? Isn't it?

Song Jiayu said confidently, Weiwei likes rich and flamboyant outfits.

Isn't it? Han Ruoxing frowned, But when I saw Miss Yang at the banquet last time, she was wearing a black dress and she looked very cool and elegant. By the way, An Xia was there that day, You have a good relationship with her, didn't she tell you? Miss Yang was so beautiful that night.

Yang Yuwei was startled and turned to look at Song Jiayu, Are you familiar with An Xia?

Song Jiayu was a little confused. She didn't know what happened at the banquet. She knew that Han Ruoxing was wooing Yang Yuwei and she heard it from An Xia, but she only said this and didn't go into details.

Why does Yang Yuwei's reaction feel like something is wrong?

Song Jiayu said cautiously, I'm not very familiar with him, I just met him and met him in person.

Han Ruoxing immediately said, Sister, did you forget that you invited Miss An for your birthday?

Song Jiayu...(End of this chapter)

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