Song Jiayu looked at the cheap canvas bag and thought about her famous brand bag that she had never carried once, and the smile on her face almost broke.

How could she have the nerve to say that she was using such low-quality goods in exchange for her own brand-name luggage?

Song Wanqian praised, Ruoxing is still careful and has even considered this.

Song Jiayu suppressed the sour feeling in her heart, opened the bag and took a look, and there was a hint of sarcasm on her lips.

Sure enough, just as she thought, all Han Ruoxing gave her were cheap goods that were not of high quality.

Han Ruoxing raised her eyes and said warmly, Sister Jiayu, see if you like it. If you don't like it, I still have some over there and I'll give you some replacements.

Song Jiayu looked at her hypocritical face and smiled, The one you personally picked must be what you think is the best. We have such similar visions. If you like it, I will definitely like it.

Han Ruoxing paused, raised his eyes to look at her, and then raised the corners of his lips, That's good.

Song Wanqian was extremely excited when her daughter officially came home to live. She was busy in the room, fearing that her daughter would not feel comfortable living there.

After cleaning up, she chatted with Han Ruoxing for a while, mostly about things that happened when she was a child.

Han Ruoxing also patiently told him, and before he knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Su Wanqin, who had been silent, reminded, Wan Qian, it's getting late. Let's go back to the house. It's the first day the child comes here. Maybe we can recognize the bed and let her get familiar with it in the room.

Song Wanqian nodded reluctantly, turned to Han Ruoxing and said, Ruoxing, get some rest early. Dad's room is above yours. Call me if you need anything.

Okay, then you and Aunt Su have a rest early.

Song Jiayu also said good night to her and left with Song Wanqian and his wife.

Song Tianjun sat by the bed, opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out a photo album and handed it to Han Ruoxing, Open it and take a look.

Han Ruoxing took it hesitantly and turned to the first page, which was a wedding photo.

In the photo, the man is tall and handsome, with an honest smile, and the woman has majestic features and a heroic spirit between her eyebrows. She...she looks very much like me, except that she has an extra mole on the bridge of her nose.

She gently touched the person in the photo and whispered, So when you saw me, did you doubt my identity?

They are two people so similar, but her age is similar to that of the little daughter of the Song family who died. No matter whether there is such a coincidence in the world, Song Tianjun will definitely verify it.

Song Tianjun nodded, When you and Jingyan got married, we were both abroad. Jiayu was not in good health at the time, so we were not present at Jingyan's wedding. If I had seen you at that time, I could have found you a few years earlier. Come.

Things in this world sometimes go so wrong.

When Gu Jingyan got married, he had already booked his air tickets, but Song Jiayu suddenly contracted the flu, which developed into pneumonia in just two days. Because it was an epidemic, everyone in the family except him was infected.

He could only cancel the flight and stay to take care of everyone.

At that time, several people in the group did not rush back to attend Gu Jingyan's wedding, and everyone asked Gu Jingyan to send a photo to see. Of course, Gu Jingyan did not send it. They all knew that Gu Jingyan didn't like taking pictures, and maybe he didn't even have wedding photos.

He also thought at the time that he didn't know which girl was so unlucky as to have this piece of shit taken away.

I didn't expect it to be from his family.

Han Ruoxing turned back and saw that the first few pages were filled with photos of her parents, some at work, some at home, and some with other relatives.

Han Ruoxing turned two more pages and saw a full-moon photo of a baby lying in a bamboo basket.

Song Tianjun coughed, Me.

Han Ruoxing teased, Brother, you are such a domineering boss, why are you still wearing diapers for a full moon?

Song Tianjun chuckled, You still wet the bed.

Han Ruoxing laughed and continued to turn back.

After Song Tianjun was born, this small family obviously became more cozy. In addition to recording Song Tianjun's growth, it also contains many family photos of the family of three.

Until we turn to the last family photo, Song Tianjun has grown up to be five or six years old. He is standing in the front, and Song Wanqian is standing in the back holding Hanyalan. She is wearing a coat, and an obvious bulge can be seen in her abdomen.

She smiled happily, probably because of her pregnancy. Compared with the previous photos, her face was slightly rounder, but the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were filled with the tenderness of a mother, which made her even more charming.

There will be no more after that.

All records stop here.

Song Tianjun said, When my mother was pregnant with you, she always had a bad appetite. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to eat and you would not grow well, so she would force herself to eat more every day, and it would take a few months for her weight to catch up. Hey, were you in good health when you were a child?

Han Ruoxing lowered her eyes and nodded, Mother He said that I weighed six pounds when I was born, which makes me relatively strong among newborns.

Song Tianjun smiled and said, She will be very pleased to know.

Han Ruoxing's nose felt sore and her eyes were feeling faintly warm.

Brother, Mom... Mom, did she die before she saw me?

Song Tianjun's eyes suddenly turned red. He turned away his face and said after a long time, It's all over. You are back in good health now, which is more important than anything else.

Han Ruoxing closed the photo album, calmed down for a while, and then said, Brother, how did I get exchanged? Have you found out?

Song Tianjun pursed his lips, I just got some clues recently. Two of the doctors and nurses who delivered my mother's baby have died, one is missing, and one immigrated abroad. I asked my friends to investigate the one who immigrated abroad, and it has been locked. Which country is she in? It’s just the detailed address and contact information. It will take some time, but it shouldn’t be too long. I may have to go abroad around New Year’s Day.”

Then I'll go with you.

Song Tianjun smiled and rubbed her hair, No, I can go by myself. You can stay in Jiangcheng and manage the fragrance left by my mother.

Okay, then tell me when you leave and I will see you off. Even if you go abroad, you must keep in touch at all times.

Okay, Song Tianjun paused, then asked, Did you go to the jewelry store to do the handover today?

how do you know?

Jiayu said you fired the most powerful designer in the store.

Oh, Han Ruoxing curled her lips, She has quite good news.

Since returning to China, Jiayu has taken the time to take care of Qiyuji. She is very familiar with this store.

The implication was that there was some movement, and she wasn't surprised if she knew it.

What else did she say?

Song Tianjun said, I didn't say anything. She said that she knew the designer and had a good relationship. The other party called her and she said that the store is now under your control and it's not good for her to get involved. Let me ask you what It's going on. (End of chapter)

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