Good morning, Axing.

Tang Xiaoxiao yawned and said hello to her, then went to another room to get some clothes and then went to the bathroom.

After a while, she packed up and came out.

Qiao Ruoxing pushed the soy milk to her and whispered, Where is Shen Qingchuan?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, Go back to sleep again.

Qiao Ruoxing pursed her lips and asked after a long time, How is Shen Qingchuan's condition?

Tang Xiaoxiao sighed, It's still the same. You see, we sleep in the same bed, and he doesn't react to me at all. The doctor said he recommended surgery, but he was unwilling to do it. He said it was risky, and I thought about it, but you don't think so. Wei, what risks are you afraid of? In the worst case, just continue Yang Wei.

Qiao Ruoxing...

A good bestie has such a generous heart.

So now it's time to give up and die?

I would like to treat it, but I feel like he is a little resistant.

Qiao Ruoxing found it strange that Shen Qingchuan was so young that he didn't seize the time to treat this problem, but resisted treatment. Isn't it too strange?

It would be fine if he himself was an ascetic person, but with so many of his ex-girlfriends, they have nothing to do with being ascetic. How would such a person allow himself to be unable?

Qiao Ruoxing frowned and asked in a low voice, When did he start to fail? Did he just die, or was there an accident?

Tang Xiaoxiao paused, glanced towards the room, and whispered, I'm telling you, don't go out and talk nonsense. Stinky Cucumber wants to save face. If word spreads and hurts his self-esteem, he will change his ways again. I coaxed him.

How could I say such nonsense? At most, he would gossip with Gu Jingyan. Gu Jingyan had a strict mouth and would not talk nonsense.

Tang Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while and whispered, Then I'll tell you the truth. There's something wrong with him. It was because I accidentally burned him while I was cupping.

What? Why does this have anything to do with you?

Having simply said it, Tang Xiaoxiao no longer concealed anything and told Qiao Ruoxing everything.

After hearing this, Qiao Ruoxing looked strange.

She had heard from Gu Jingyan that Shen Qingchuan was burned. At that time, she planned to visit him, but Gu Jingyan said that it was not serious and there was no need to go.

Why did Tang Xiaoxiao's hardware fail when he was here?

This guy Shen Qingchuan, when he got a fever and was hospitalized, he wanted to tell the world and let everyone come to visit and collect gifts. If the fever was so serious, he couldn't apply for an annual pass in the hospital? Why are you still hiding it from others?

You haven't heard from him before?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, He was afraid that others would see the joke, so he refused to mention it to anyone. He even asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him cover up.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Pretending to be a girlfriend?

Tang Xiaoxiao said shyly, I was pretending at first, but then as we got along, I suddenly felt that this guy was quite pleasing to my eye. Later, he took the initiative to confess to me. I also struggled with his problem for a while, but then I thought about it. Let’s talk about it first, it’s quite fun to be with him.”

Qiao Ruoxing was silent.

No wonder Tang Xiaoxiao said before that she was with Shen Qingchuan without any warning. When he asked her what she liked about Shen Qingchuan, she hesitated and couldn't tell.

After thinking about it carefully, there were still many details that were problematic, but she didn't delve into them at the time.

Thinking of Tang Xiaoxiao's strange expression when he moved to 902, Qiao Ruoxing suddenly suspected Gu Jingyan's role in it.

She asked in a low voice, Then when did you and Shen Qingchuan officially start dating?

Tang Xiaoxiao whispered, Just a few days after that turtle's birthday, we got together.

So when Tang Xiaoxiao was forced to live in 902, she and Shen Qingchuan were not a couple at all!

Gu Jingyan knew that Shen Qingchuan was not seriously injured. Does that mean that this guy knew from the beginning that Shen Qingchuan was pretending to be disabled?

Qiao Ruoxing's face turned dark.

Axing, what's wrong with you?

Tang Xiaoxiao felt a sudden change in her heart when she saw Qiao Ruoxing's face suddenly turned cold.

Qiao Ruoxing came back to her senses and asked Tang Xiaoxiao, Tell me honestly, how does Shen Qingchuan treat you?

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up when he mentioned this, It's still... pretty good. I don't need to sweep the floor or wash the clothes. Even when cooking, he is always there to help. After dinner, he cleans up, changes light bulbs and repairs. I don’t have to do the water pipes myself.”

Qiao Ruoxing...

Tell me about a role other than being a tool.

When you take me to and from get off work, you will leave me what I want to eat most when eating. If you make me angry, you will take the initiative to apologize, but you are a bit glib.

Qiao Ruoxing didn't know what to say for a moment.

From her own point of view, Shen Qingchuan did not show anything to be faulty about. Even the way he pursued people was so irritating, and he actually lied!

If Xiaoxiao and Shen Qingchuan were not really close, she would definitely bring it up without hesitation.

But now, they are in love, she said, what if they quarrel and break up because of her words?

Why didn't she see it then?

And that piece of shit Gu Jingyan! This guy definitely contributed to it!

Axing, let's go, it's time.

Tang Xiaoxiao called her, and Qiao Ruoxing had no choice but to swallow it secretly and stand up with her bag.

Before leaving, Tang Xiaoxiao put the breakfast brought by Qiao Ruoxing in the thermos box and said loudly, Stinky cucumber, breakfast is on the table for you, remember to eat it.

Shen Qingchuan responded in a daze and warned, Be careful on the road, and give me a video call when you get there.

Know it.

Qiao Ruoxing looked complicated.

Forget it, let's observe Shen Qingchuan first and then talk.

On the way to Galaxy Plaza, Tang Xiaoxiao asked, Axing, has your name on your ID card been changed?

Qiao Ruoxing nodded, The new ID card will come out in a few days, and my surname will be Han from now on.

Han Ruoxing? Tang Xiaoxiao read it a few times, turned around and said, It sounds pretty good. I'll have to shout more in the future and quickly get used to this new name.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled, she herself had to quickly adapt to the name Han Ruoxing.

Su Wanqin's assistant is called Cheng Yue. Qiao Ruoxing has never met her. She only made an appointment on the phone yesterday to meet at the bank square.

The two parked the car and waited for Cheng Yue in the square.

It was early in the morning and it was not the weekend, so there were not many people in the square. It was just that the style was so loud today that it made people unable to open their eyes.

Axing, why don't we just go into the store and wait? The wind is too strong.

Qiao Ruoxing nodded, I'll give her a call.

As she walked, she dialed a number on her cell phone, her head lowered without looking at the road ahead, when she bumped into a girl.

The other party was holding documents in his hand. When he was hit like this, the things and documents fell to the ground and were blown everywhere in an instant.

Qiao Ruoxing hurriedly put away her phone, Sorry, I didn't look at the road.

The girl frowned and had no time to pay attention to her. Instead, she anxiously picked up the papers that were blown by the wind. She looked very nervous. Those things must be very important to her.

(Revision, don’t wait, come and take a look tomorrow morning)

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