Tang Xiaoxiao said, A set of Tahitian black pearl jewelry.

Shen Qingchuan, A pair of imperial green jade earrings.

Tang Xiaoxiao, A South African blue diamond bracelet.

Shen Qingchuan, A Jade Guanyin.

The two sang in harmony, just like announcing the names of dishes.

After reading the last one, the two hugged each other in tacit understanding. Tang Xiaoxiao pretended to cry, I'm so jealous. I'm afraid that my best friend will suffer, and I'm afraid that my best friend will drive a Land Rover. Why is my heart so bad?

Shen Qingchuan said, I'm afraid that my brother is more handsome than me, and I'm also afraid that my brother will be a softie. He will soon be a softie. What should I do?

Qiao Ruoxing...

Gu Jingyan...

There's a reason why these two people got together.

Seeing that the two drama queens were still going on, Gu Jingyan went over and kicked Shen Qingchuan on the butt, If you don't do it, get out.

Shen Qingchuan gave him a middle finger gesture.

The two noisy guys finally calmed down and began to take inventory seriously.

Those valuable cars, real estate, jewelry, etc. were basically given by the elders of the Han family and the Song family. Most of the other guests received gifts, and a few gave them calligraphy and paintings by famous artists, or antiques and other items.

After counting everything, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Qiao Ruoxing and Tang Xiaoxiao were so tired that they sat down on the carpet to keep accounts. Shen Qingchuan took pictures of some unused items and sent them to some friends in his circle who were involved in reselling business to see how much they could recycle.

Gu Jingyan called to order a meal, then brought a few bottles of water over and sat down next to Qiao Ruoxing, How does it go?

It's almost done, Qiao Ruoxing paused, The only thing left is to change the management rights of Qiyuji.

Shen Qingchuan paused, Qiyu Ji? Did your stepmother give you this jewelry store?

Qiao Ruoxing raised her eyes, What? Do you know this store too?

Have you forgotten that I am also in the jewelry business? Shen Qingchuan sent the photo and then said, Qiyuji's business situation is good and the customer base is stable. Although it is not as profitable as the jewelry store I opened, it is actually in the industry It’s not bad.”

Qi Yu Ji Qi Yu Ji, you will know from the name that she made this store for her daughter. Sister-in-law, why did she give it to you?

Only then did Qiao Ruoxing tell them about the hospital.

Shen Qingchuan said tsk after hearing this, No wonder.

What's the wonder?

Shen Qingchuan put down his phone and said, Sister-in-law, although this store can make money, it may not make money if it is transferred to your name.

Qiao Ruoxing was stunned, How do you say that?

It's a long story.

Tang Xiaoxiao kicked him lightly with her bare feet and said, Speak directly and don't show off.

Shen Qingchuan scratched her heart and spoke again, I just said that the customer base is stable. What this means is that their family is basically all old customers. It can even be said that most of them are related to Su Wanqin or the Song family. Coming and going.”

If you want to make money on things like jewelry and jade, you can either go to the high-end market and target those who take advantage of you. If you don't open for half a year and only open for half a year, you can count every one you catch. Or you can go down the market and use momentum, like those on the market now. Dozens and hundreds of pieces of jade and jade are products made from scraps that have been eliminated. They are polished and look decent for the general public to play with. They are not expensive. If you buy one or two pieces, you won’t feel so distressed. They can be consumed by the general public. If you can afford it, if you have good performance in a month, you can make hundreds of thousands of pieces and still make money.”

Qiyuji is aiming at the high-end market. Su Wanqin's connections are her high-end market. They are sinking into the market because they think it will lower their brand level. They have not done it. Their high-end market has formed a stable supply and demand relationship. , you go and take over now, as long as she talks away those customers, you will basically be deserted here, do you understand?

Qiao Ruoxing realized that Su Wanqin had given her a store where she could control the business.

As long as Su Wanqin doesn't want to, if the store is in Qiao Ruoxing's hands, she might even add money to it instead of making money.

But on the surface, this store is very profitable, so when she gave it to herself, her father didn't doubt it.

This woman's mind works so fast!

She avoided the previous pit, and the next one followed.

Then if A Xing doesn't make money for a year and a half after taking over, will her father think that she doesn't have the ability to take care of the company?

Gu Jingyan said, Uncle Song won't think so, but if the performance spreads, no matter which company Uncle Song hands over to you in the future, they will have reason to question your ability, which will not be conducive to your management.

Tang Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, This old turtle is so mean-spirited! Why don't you tell your dad that you can't take care of it and return it to her.

Qiao Ruoxing said, I cut the flesh from her through some tricks, and now I say I can't control it anymore. Why don't I want to lose face?

Since Su Wanqin had the intention to set a trap for her, even if she returned it, she would start elsewhere.

Then what should we do? Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, Can't we spend our own money to make fake accounts? Let Gu Jingyan be your trustee and sell you tens of millions of goods a month?

Gu Jingyan...

Shen Qingchuan knocked on her head, Are you crazy? If you don't make money, you still need to add money? Besides, experts will know at a glance whether the accounts are true or false, and it will be even more embarrassing if word spreads.

Tang Xiaoxiao slapped his paw away, Aren't I worried for Asing?

Gu Jingyan looked at Qiao Ruoxing, What are you going to do?

Qiao Ruoxing thought for a while and said, First get the management rights. As for shipping, let's see what the other party does first. If I can't do it in the high-end market, I will do it in the lower market. But I want to grab both hands and take it all. Doesn’t it smell good?”

Shen Qingchuan laughed, What you need is this energy. In business, flexibility is the way to go. Sister-in-law, keep working hard, and Jingyan's road to a soft job is just around the corner.

Gu Jingyan ignored the yin and turned to Qiao Ruoxing, Customers in the high-end market buy the goods, and favors are additional. As long as you put your effort into it, it may not be impossible. Qingchuan can do it. You are definitely better than him.

Shen Qingchuan's eyelids twitched, It would be more comfortable if you coax your wife to step on me, right?

Gu Jingyan glanced at him and said, How dare you say that? Your jewelry store relies on the artists in your company to help you sell it, and all the leeks you cut are fans.

Shen Qingchuan was not ashamed, What's the matter? I have the same style as the idols. I am also in the industry chain.

Not long after, the meals delivered by the hotel arrived. A few people put some food on their bellies, and the residents of 902 walked away arm in arm.

Gu Jingyan came back from throwing away the trash and saw Qiao Ruoxing sitting on the sofa, rubbing her feet.

He paused and went to the bathroom.

When he came out again, he was holding a basin of water and placed it next to the sofa.

Put your feet in. Gu Jingyan said.

Qiao Ruoxing glanced at Shui, then at Gu Jingyan, suddenly laughed, and said jokingly, You have such a strong sense of humanity, Mr. Gu.

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