He ignored Shen Qingchuan's appointment and took the Song Jiayu's offer at the risk of offending him. He thought he was taking advantage of the Song family's cruise ship, but he didn't expect that the person he rejected was actually the real daughter of the Song family.

Jin Lei and Shen Qingchuan have known each other for six or seven years.

When he first met Shen Qingchuan, his reputation was far less than it is now, and Qingshan Media had just emerged in the circle.

Because he helped the artists of Qingshan Media do several stylings, Shen Qingchuan felt that his skills were pretty good and he would contact him frequently whenever there was work here.

He was not well-known at that time, so he would take jobs as long as they were available, no matter how much or how little the money was. Later, he began to become famous because he did some out-of-famous makeup looks for several celebrities.

There is a huge difference in the income of celebrity makeup artists, whether they are famous or not.

After he became famous, A-list celebrities asked him to do their makeup, and the prices were many times higher than before. His worth has skyrocketed, and outsiders would call him Mr. Jin when they saw him, and the prices were basically whatever he asked for. What.

He makes a lot of money from anyone who does makeup, except for the artists of the Shen Qingchuan family.

After his net worth soared, Shen Qingchuan paid him only half of what others paid him, especially when he paid no deposit and only paid verbal greetings.

He didn't dare to offend Shen Qingchuan because of his status in the circle, so this man really treated him as a labor force.

He had long since stopped wanting to take on the job at Qingshan Media, so when Song Jiayu came to him and offered to help her with her makeup, he agreed almost without thinking.

If the daughter of the Song family in Jiangcheng and the sister of the owner of Yashi Media can satisfy the other party and embrace the thick legs of the Song family, he will not be afraid of offending Shen Qingchuan, and his level of accepting orders will only be higher in the future.

But he never dreamed that the order from Shen Qingchuan that he turned down was actually for the real daughter of the Song family to make makeup!

He had already seen how much the Song family loved this real daughter.

If he hadn't turned down the order, then he would be the one doing Qiao Ruoxing's makeup today. The more the Song family loves Qiao Ruoxing, the more blessing he will get.

And now, not only did he reject the real daughter's makeup, the other party even heard the content of the phone call last night.

No matter how stupid he is, he should know that it is not because he cannot return Song Jiayu's order, but because he despises Shen Qingchuan's order and is unwilling to give up this opportunity to climb a high tree.

The false reputation of a top makeup artist has allowed Jin Lei to expand a lot over the years, and his personality has begun to wander.

He thought that these were his own abilities, but in fact, in such a big country, how many teachers were there who were good at makeup? Most people just don’t get the chance.

When Shen Qingchuan met Jin Lei, he only knew how to put makeup on people and didn't know how to speak.

He felt that this person was down-to-earth and had good makeup skills, so he left his contact information. If the artist had any events, he would contact him for makeup.

Shen Qingchuan is really stingy, but he definitely doesn't understand the ways of the world.

After Jin Lei became famous, the remuneration he paid to each other also increased with his worth. He just didn't want other artists to give him tea money other than remuneration for the makeup production team.

The reason is simple. He has many connections in the circle. He has done a lot of work for Jin Lei over the years, including the stars he made money for, and Shen Qingchuan recommended him to others.

Shen Qingchuan's idea is: I've earned enough for doing so much work, so I don't think it's too much to give you a tip.

But people are greedy. Jin Lei feels that his worth has doubled now, and Shen Qingchuan is clearly taking advantage of him by relying on his previous relationship.

Thinking that I missed such an opportunity, I felt regretful.

His face turned pale, his lips moved, and he said hoarsely, Mr. Shen...he didn't tell me that you were going to do makeup.

Qiao Ruoxing kept smiling, No matter who it is, since you have agreed, you must at least keep your word, right? Did Mr. Shen quote you a price that was not as high as my sister's, which made you change your mind temporarily? Mr. Shen has a good relationship with you, and you As long as you open your mouth and say it, money is not an issue.”

Jin Lei's body was stiff, his face was pale and he could not speak for a long time.

Song Jiayu pursed her lips, Ruoxing, this may be a misunderstanding. Mr. Shen did not pay the deposit. Teacher Jin may have thought he just mentioned it casually.

Qiao Ruoxing cast her eyes on Song Jiayu and suddenly said quietly, Sister, she even knows that Mr. Shen didn't pay the deposit...

One sentence was like thunder exploding in the crowd.

Yes, how did Song Jiayu know that she didn't pay the deposit?

Damn it, did she deliberately cut off the makeup artist?

I heard a piece of news this morning. I wonder if you guys have stopped talking about it.

what? What?

Gossip in the group said that Shen Qingchuan was looking for a makeup artist in the middle of the night yesterday. A makeup artist of Jin Lei's level must be booked in advance. If he changed his mind at the last minute, the people there must be going crazy.

Since the reservation was made in advance, it means that Jin Lei already knew that he would not be able to go, but he did not tell Mr. Shen in advance. Instead, he said he couldn't go when he arrived. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to deceive the other party?

Especially Jin Lei went to do Song Jiayu's makeup, which is very intriguing.

The Song family recognizes their own daughter. One of her stepdaughters dressed up in such a flashy way and even cut off her makeup artist. She said it was not intentional. Do you believe it?

Song Jiayu's face turned pale as she listened to the discussions around her.

She explained anxiously, I also heard what Teacher Jin said later. I really didn't know that you made an appointment with Teacher Jin to do makeup. If I had known, I would not have asked him anyway.

Qiao Ruoxing smiled lightly, It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. I'm worried about a makeup artist like this who doesn't care about old friendships and is only interested in profit. He will stain my face. My sister will have to keep her eyes open when she chooses a makeup artist in the future. She has talent. Worse, if you hire a makeup artist with such a false reputation, the original beauty will be wiped away.

Tian Capital is worse...

She could just say that ugly people often cause mischief.

Song Jiayu's face was ugly and her fingers were trembling.

Her eyes suddenly turned red and she said hoarsely, Ruoxing, you really misunderstood me. Ever since my father told me that you were her daughter, I have been thinking about this day. I care about, value, and take care of myself. All I want is Leave a good impression on you. I didn’t know that you almost couldn’t find a makeup artist because of me. Even if I didn’t mean it, I can’t absolve myself of the blame. I’m sorry, I’m really right...

Before she could finish her words, her body suddenly stiffened, and she suddenly covered her neck. She opened and closed her mouth, opening and closing her mouth as if she couldn't breathe. She also made a sound like an old bellows in her throat, which suddenly confused the people watching around her. .

Qiao Ruoxing was also startled, and then realized that Song Jiayu had asthma.

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