Qiao Ruoxing raised her cup, touched it with Su Wanqin, and said warmly, Aunt Su, thank you.

She smiled with a very friendly expression, and for a moment it was hard to tell whether this thank you was false or sincere.

Su Wanqin smiled and said kindly, One family does not speak the same language as the other. You are Wan Qian's daughter and a relative of me and Jiayu. If you need anything at home in the future, just tell your aunt.

Qiao Ruoxing lowered her eyes and responded.

After settling Vincent, Song Wanqian took her to other relatives and friends tables to say hello.

Song Tianjun seemed to have something to do and went out for a trip. Qiao Ruoxing was originally worried that she would be too clumsy to cope with seeing so many unknown relatives and friends with him.

As a result, she didn't need to speak at all. Song Wanqian drank a few glasses of wine and was a talkative person. All she needed to do was say hello like uncle, aunt, brother, sister.

Whenever anyone praised her, Song Wanqian had to stand there and chat with them.

After walking around for a while, we returned to the center of the stage again.

At this time, Song Tianjun also came back. He leaned into Song Wanqian's ear and whispered a few words to him. The latter nodded, then cleared his throat and said, Everyone, please pause for a moment. I have something else to announce.

Su Wanqin looked at Song Wanqian's expression and had a bad feeling in her heart.

Because they had not discussed this aspect.

After everyone put down their chopsticks and looked over, Song Wanqian spoke again, Thanks to everyone for your support, today's recognition banquet went very smoothly. If Xing returns to the family, I, as a father, am very happy. Everyone knows Xiangzong, who is now Caline It was founded by my ex-wife, and I have been managing it since she passed away. Now that my daughter has found it, the things that belong to her mother should be left to her to take care of.

After a pause, he took the folder from Song Tianjun and handed it to Qiao Ruoxing, Here is caline's equity book and relevant information since its founding. Dad is giving it to you now. From now on, you are caline. one of the shareholders.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Caline is one of the most profitable channels among the Song family's industries.

This fragrance company founded by Han Yalan has become a leader in this industry in China under the management of the Song family over the years. Their series of perfumes are popular all over the world and sold overseas.

In addition, customized fragrance services in first- and second-tier cities have already formed a complete chain. At least half of the men and women attending the banquet have used caline's products.

It can be said that as long as you get your hands on this company, it will make money, and the money you make is not just a tiny bit.

Such a large company was not handed over to his son, nor to Song Jiayu's adopted daughter, but it was handed over to his biological daughter on the day of the marriage recognition. This shows how much Song Wanqian loves his daughter.

Under the stage, Su Wanqin's face turned pale.

They had discussed giving Qiao Ruoxing a wedding gift before.

Song Wanqian made this suggestion at the time, but she persuaded her. She said that the other lines were like mountains. Qiao Ruoxing was now focusing on filming, and it would not be appropriate to hand over such a large company to her. She suggested that a line in the DC area be transferred to her. The commercial street is given to Qiao Ruoxing. The rent in that bustling area is very high. The food and rent alone can cost tens of millions a year. The key is to save trouble and don't have to worry.

Song Wanqian agreed and drafted a store transfer contract early, preparing to present it to Qiao Ruoxing at today's wedding banquet.

Everything was discussed well, but Song Wanqian suddenly changed his mind at this moment and suddenly handed Caline over to Qiao Ruoxing without discussing it with her at all.

Caline's two major shareholders are Song Wanqian and her.

This company was originally run by her and Hanyalan. After Hanyalan's death, Song Wanqian originally gave Hanyalan's share of the shares to the Han family, but Han Shaozong gave it back after two years of management.

The Han family has a lot of property, and the old couple lost their daughter in their later years. Firstly, they have no intention to take care of it, and secondly, they are afraid of seeing things and missing people.

Song Wanqian paid a sum of money and signed an agreement with the Song family, and all the shares in Hanyalan's name fell into his name.

Therefore, even though Su Wanqin runs a lot of the company, her shares only account for 30%, and the largest shareholder is still Song Wanqian.

And now, he handed these over to Qiao Ruoxing, and his status in the company was equalized between the two of them.

Su Wanqin's heart was blocked.

She figured out almost instantly that this was Song Wanqian's dissatisfaction with the choice of hotel, and she was trying to compensate Qiao Ruoxing.

Song Jiayu's face became even worse.

She had mentioned to Song Wanqian more than once that she wanted to join Caline's management, but Song Wanqian refused because she was ill.

Now, Qiao Ruoxing was standing there. She didn't even need to open her mouth to ask for it. Song Wanqian held it in her hands. She felt in a daze that the person she had called her father for twenty years suddenly seemed to be unknown to her.

The people eating melons nearby also started talking in low voices.

Song Jiayu doesn't manage caline?

What's in charge? After she's in charge, can Song Wanqian be sent out again?

I heard from Caline's friends that Song Jiayu had always wanted to join Caline's management, but Song Wanqian didn't approve it. Unexpectedly, his biological daughter had just been recognized and given directly to her. After all, she was her biological child, not her adopted daughter. It’s comparable.”

Suddenly I felt a little pitiful for her.

Why pity her? She has also enjoyed the treatment of the daughter of the Song family for so many years. She is lucky enough. It is better to pity us.

Song Jiayu clenched her fingers and looked at the people on the stage, with an undercurrent surging in her eyes.

Qiao Ruoxing naturally knew the weight of caline. She hesitated and did not reach out to take it. Instead, she said, Dad, I don't know much about perfume mixing. Is it too hasty for you to leave it to me?

Song Wanqian smiled and said, You can learn if you don't understand. Just practice your skills. It doesn't matter if you fail. Dad has many companies. You can practice one by one.

Qiao Ruoxing...

Song Wanqian's love for children has no limit, and he actually didn't spoil Song Tianjun into a playboy who couldn't stand up to the wall.

She glanced at her brother, who gave her a cool look of understanding.

Qiao Ruoxing was silent and suddenly realized that her father might not dote on his son.

This gift was too expensive. If it were anything else, Qiao Ruoxing might not be willing to accept it, but when she thought that this was the company left by her biological mother, she felt something strange in her heart.

Caline is like a thread that connects her to her biological mother, whom she has never met.

Qiao Ruoxing pondered for a moment, took it with both hands, and said warmly, Thank you, Dad.

Song Wanqian was very happy, holding her hand and saying, Stand here all night, eat something and rest.

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