Vincent looked at Qiao Ruoxing. This was the first time since he reached his current position that someone used his own language to take the lead in talking to him. He found it quite interesting.

What you said makes sense, he said very directly, Is it because you are not proficient in English that you asked me to speak Chinese?

Others looked at Qiao Ruoxing.

English is almost nothing, but Vincent said so much, she asked, Do you know Chinese? Later, she gave a bunch of reasons for people to use Chinese, which made people feel that she didn't understand but was pretending to understand.

Especially when there is a Song Jiayu who is fluent in English next to him for comparison, one cannot help but think that what about his biological son, who has been living abroad for many years, and is not only lacking in upbringing, but also in education and vision.

Song Wanqian opened her mouth to help her daughter, but Qiao Ruoxing admitted directly, My oral skills are average, but there is no problem listening to you.

English is something that needs to be practiced in a familiar language environment. After Qiao Ruoxing completed CET-6, English had long been thrown into the back burner.

But there was Gu Jingyan beside her. This guy usually used English when making calls and communicating with overseas customers. Qiao Ruoxing listened a lot, and her listening ability had improved a lot, but her spoken language was average.

I can barely communicate, but when it comes to long talks, I inevitably stumble.

And Vincent... Gu Jingyan did a strategy guide with her last night.

This person didn't like the Chinese people's roundabout way of speaking. Since the other party asked, she didn't need to make excuses.

After all, this kind of thing can only be known if a mule or a horse is out for a walk. It would be really embarrassing if you don't pretend to understand and are exposed.

As soon as Qiao Ruoxing finished speaking, Su Wanqin explained to her, We haven't raised Ruoxing by our side since she was a child. Unlike Jiayu who has been abroad for a few years, the quality of domestic education is limited after all. If the child can understand, it is already very good.

Qiao Ruoxing paused and looked at her stepmother.

These words seemed to help her out, but listening carefully, the gap between herself and Song Jiayu was faintly highlighted.

She smiled and said softly, Aunt Su, you may have stayed abroad for too long, and many of your impressions of China are from more than ten years ago. Now that living conditions are better, parents pay great attention to the second-class care of their children. For language training, you can pick up any elementary school student on the street and help foreign friends find their way. It’s just that I don’t put too much thought into English. It doesn’t mean that the quality of domestic education is low.”

Su Wanqin paused and smiled, It's true that I don't understand it well enough. China has changed too much in recent years.

Vincent was more interested in Qiao Ruoxing's frank confession.

Although his girlfriend is Chinese, his impression of Chinese people is not very good. This is not because of racial discrimination, but because of a Chinese partner he met when he was starting a business.

The partner was still his classmate in college, and the two started a business together. However, at the beginning, they were not very lucky. It was difficult to sell their products and they could not find investors.

The two of them scrimped on food and clothing every day, and every penny they saved had to be invested in the business. During the most difficult time, the two of them lived and ate in the office, sharing a bag of bread every day. Even so, no one gave up.

After the first two years, the business started to take on some momentum. Just when he was full of joy and thought that all the hardships were over, he, the partner, took the results of their plan and joined a large company at that time.

He came to the door to argue, but was kicked out.

He couldn't accept this result no matter what. He spent two years at home and his wife divorced him with their daughter. However, the partner, relying on the achievements of the two of them, became prosperous in that company. .

At a class reunion, the two met again. Instead of feeling guilty and understanding, the partner sneered at him, denied his contribution to the achievement, and reduced him to nothing.

It was also this incident that inspired his inner fighting spirit, and he began to pick himself up and start all over again.

Although the process was difficult, when he thought about the past of being betrayed and abandoned, he would not allow himself to relax.

His current girlfriend, whom he met when he started his second business, stayed with him through the most difficult moments and gave him a lot of encouragement and help.

However, because of that partner, he had great distrust in the credibility and character of Chinese people. This is why he has never married his girlfriend after nine years of dating.

He didn't hate that partner for taking away the results and finding another job; what he felt was that after so many years of friendship, the other partner refused to recognize him as a friend and even stepped on him after using tricks to achieve success. In the face of interests, it is useless to belittle the friendship between the two.

It's probably like being bitten by a snake and being afraid of well ropes for ten years. After his business became big, he worked with all kinds of businessmen, but only the Chinese were unwilling to talk further.

His girlfriend is Chinese and is well-known in the Chinese circle. The other party knows Song Tianjun and introduced them.

Vincent had a good feeling towards Song Wanqian and his son, but the concern in his heart still made him unwilling to consider doing business with them.

In his impression, Chinese people are synonymous with hypocrisy, cunning, betrayal, and once they become enlightened, they will never be recognized by their relatives.

He had not originally planned to come to the Song family's recognition banquet. Last night, a teacher who had helped him in college suddenly called him and asked him to come over and take a look at him. A Chinese named Gu Jingyan student, so he came.

Whether it was chatting with Gu Jingyan or the newly recognized daughter of the Song family, it was very comfortable. Both of them were straightforward.

Vincent smiled and said to Song Wanqian, Your daughter is very honest.

Song Wanqian looked at Qiao Ruoxing with loving eyes, This child is sensible, well-behaved, and has no evil intentions.

Vincent sighed, My daughter is the same way. I asked her if she liked me or my mother. She took the gift I bought and told me that she liked my mother. It was heartbreakingly honest.

Song Wanqian laughed, and the two daughters chatted animatedly.

Su Wanqin grabbed the time and reminded Song Wanqian, Wanqian, take Mr. Vincent to the table. The food should be cold.

Song Wanqian stopped talking and said, Mr. Vincent, please come this way.

Of course, VIPs in the business world cannot be ignored. Mrs. Chen prepared a banquet by herself, and the decoration was extremely high-end. When people came, she said warmly, Everyone, please.

Vincent sat down and said casually, Mr. Song, your daughter has been missing for more than 20 years. The wedding banquet can be made bigger. You have invited so many guests, and it seems that there is not enough space to sit there. Gotta go.

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