Gu Jingyan was stunned, laughed very unkindly, and said coolly, You deserve it. If you can't chase people properly, you have to do some crooked ways. This is retribution.

Shen Qingchuan cursed, You bitch! Why do you have the nerve to talk about me? Your method of chasing Qiao Ruoxing was just above board?

Gu Jingyan was naturally not aboveboard.

He was no less scheming than Shen Qingchuan. He knew that Qiao Ruoxing had been drugged and could not control himself, but he still wanted to take advantage of that moment to seduce her and make her take the initiative to embrace him.

But Gu Jingyan would never admit it in front of Shen Qingchuan.

He said calmly, We are in love.

Shen Qingchuan wanted to hurt him very much, but when he thought that he wanted this bitch to make suggestions, he swallowed the hurtful words and whispered, Stop showing off to me, help me think about what to do?

Gu Jingyan thought for a while and said, Otherwise, find an old Chinese medicine doctor and make a prescription to neutralize the fire and eliminate sexual intercourse.

The corners of Shen Qingchuan's mouth twitched, Are you fucking kidding me?

Is that medicine, is that a chemical reagent? Still neutral?

You bastard, you deliberately teased him!

Then just show your cards right and say that the medicine is very powerful and it will cure you all at once.

Shen Qingchuan said, Can this medicinal diet cure me? The little bandit is not a fool.

Food supplement?

Gu Jingyan suddenly thought of something and asked in a low voice, You just said, when did you start drinking this soup?

A week ago, you just complained to me about your wife prescribing aphrodisiac soup for others and testing the poison on you——

Shen Qingchuan paused suddenly and suddenly said fuck, his face turned green, Gu Jingyan, your wife is so warm-hearted!

Gu Jingyan...

After searching around, the adulterer turned out to be next door.

Gu Jingyan's heart suddenly became less blocked, his anger became smoother, and his smile became wicked.

She has always been very warm-hearted, especially to her friends. You see, she is not willing to use me to test poison for you.

Shen Qingchuan gritted his teeth and said, If I get drunk, you two will have to pay for it!

After saying that, he hung up the phone with a dark face.

Please go to the culprit’s house for help. Is there anyone who can’t help me more than he does?

Just after hanging up the phone, the security guard in the guard room downstairs called, Mr. Shen, the takeaway you ordered has arrived.

Shen Qingchuan frowned, I didn't order takeout.

Your girlfriend ordered it.

Little bandit?

Shen Qingchuan felt soft and whispered, Send it to my office.

He took off his suit and got up to go to the shower room in the lounge.

He would just spend the night in the office tonight. He really couldn't bear to go back.

After a brief shower, he put on a bathrobe and came out.

As soon as I went out, I saw an extra person on the sofa.

He was stunned and whispered, Little bandit?

Tang Xiaoxiao turned his head and showed a smile. The pear dimples flashed at the corners of his lips, which made Shen Qingchuan's mind wander.

Then when Tang Xiaoxiao opened his mouth, his heart was suddenly shattered back to its original shape.

She said, I'm here to deliver takeout to you. After that, she shook the thermos box in her hand. You finish the soup I made for you so you can sleep well.

Shen Qingchuan...

What should I do if I have a girlfriend who is too caring?

Shen Qingchuan tried his best to squeeze out a smile and whispered, I can just go back and drink tomorrow. Why do you go all the way?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, It's best not to recook this soup, otherwise the effect won't be that good. Anyway, I have nothing to do, and your company is not far away, so I will make a trip to deliver it to you.

Shen Qingchuan showed a fake smile and said, You are so considerate. It's so dangerous for a girl to go out at night.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, It's okay. Ah Xing sent me here. She went to deliver supper to Gu Jingyan. She will take me back after delivery.

Shen Qingchuan...

He smiled and gritted his teeth, She is really helpful.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, Axing has been very kind to me. She specially asked a doctor to prescribe this medicinal diet for you. She paused as she spoke, Axing said that Gu Jingyan drank this and it has a great effect. You have been drinking it for a week. Yes, is it effective?

I've been wanting to ask you these past few days, but you ran away as soon as you finished drinking, so I didn't even have the chance to ask. Axing said, we'll see the effect after a week of drinking. If it doesn't work, let's go to the hospital for a test. A systematic review.”

Shen Qingchuan thought to himself that if he didn't run away, the effect would be visible to the naked eye.

I'm asking you something.

Tang Xiaoxiao pushed him.

Shen Qingchuan could only lie and said, It seems to have some effect. After drinking it, my body temperature feels a bit high.

Is it just a high body temperature? Nothing else?

Shen Qingchuan shook his head, No.

Tang Xiaoxiao frowned, worried.

Shen Qingchuan said, Traditional Chinese medicine is inherently different from person to person, and what is suitable for others may not be suitable for me.

His original intention was to tell Tang Xiaoxiao to stop cooking for him because it was useless.

It turned out that Tang Xiaoxiao had misunderstood. She nodded and said, What you said makes sense. I will ask Ah Xing to give me the doctor's phone number later, and I will take you to have a good look and prescribe the right medicine.

Shen Qingchuan vomited three liters of blood.

However, Tang Xiaoxiao wasn't done yet. She said, This soup is ready. Didn't you say that you will feel warm all over after drinking it? This is also an effect. Don't waste it. I'll pour it for you.

Shen Qingchuan...

Looking at the soup that was handed to his mouth, Shen Qingchuan couldn't express his pain, so he could only bite the bullet.

After finishing the soup, Shen Qingchuan returned the thermos box to her, You should leave quickly. It's too late. Don't you have to go to work tomorrow?

Axing hasn't come yet, don't worry.

She put the thermos box on the table, got up and looked around in his office.

Shen Qingchuan is very playful. His office is not like Gu Jingyan's office. In addition to books and documents, there are many game figures in his office, as well as many small toys with mortise and tenon structures. At a glance, they are all things that are not doing business.

Tang Xiaoxiao took a Luban lock, pulled out his office chair, and sat there to play with it.

Shen Qingchuan looked at the time. Was Qiao Ruoxing delivering food or cooking?

It’s been a long time, where are the people?

If you keep waiting like this, you will definitely be exposed soon.

Shen Qingchuan cleared his throat and said, Little bandit, don't wait for Qiao Ruoxing. She must be with Jingyan. I don't know how long I want you to wait. I'll ask the driver to take you back.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn't even raise his head, Axing said he would pick me up, and he won't break his promise.

Shen Qingchuan...

Then why don't you go downstairs and wait?

Tang Xiaoxiao paused and looked up at him, What? I can't stay in your office?

Shen Qingchuan pursed his lips, I have to work, and you are here. I only care about you, so how can I have the time to work?

Tang Xiaoxiao was not that easy to fool.

She stood up, walked to Shen Qingchuan, and looked him up and down with squinted eyes.

Shen Qingchuan felt his whole body crawling at the sight of her, and he forced himself to calm down and said, What are you doing?

Tang Xiaoxiao said, There's something wrong with you!

Shen Qingchuan's face didn't change, What's wrong with me? Stop thinking nonsense.

Tang Xiaoxiao said, I'm here to bring you soup. You pretend to be happy, but your smile is not sincere at all.

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