Bai Huizhu was stunned, turned around and ran away.

But it was too late.

She was pushed to the ground by a policeman, and cold handcuffs were fastened on her wrists. Bai Huizhu's cheeks turned pale, and she suddenly gave up her resistance knowing that the situation was over.

When she was sent to the police, she saw Bai Boxian looking at her expressionlessly around the corner.

She suddenly figured out something and cursed crazily.

People are selfish. Bai Huizhu is at the end of her road. There is no way for her to turn around. She simply cannot escape.

So what about a ten-year relationship? So what if she tried her best to push him to Mo Shiyun's side?

They may say they have deep feelings, but in fact they are still paving the way for her. Today is different from the past. He has successfully boarded the Mo family's ship, so naturally he can no longer risk his life for her.

Bai Huizhu goes in, which is good for everyone.

News of the arrest of the murderer in the suitcase dumping case spread like wildfire. Jiangcheng, which was panicked by the case, once again regained its former peace.

Bai Huizhu confessed to the murder of Li Tai. When the police questioned her about the reason, Bai Huizhu remained calm and claimed that she wanted to see her husband.

She thought that even if she was at the end of her rope, she still had to make arrangements for the children.

Li Tai had blackmailed and threatened her first, and he was holding a knife at the time. As long as Qiao Xusheng worked hard outside and found a powerful lawyer, it would be good to give her a defensive stance.

However, the police exposed Bai Huizhu's fantasy.

Someone reported that Qiao Xusheng was related to his ex-wife's car accident. When they asked Qiao Xusheng for questioning, Qiao Xusheng claimed that she was the mastermind of the case.

He completely ignored himself and insisted that Bai Huizhu was jealous and eager to get the upper hand, so he planned and planned the car accident.

Bai Huizhu was stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

She was laughing so wildly, her voice was getting louder and louder, her eyes were red and she was almost crying.

When the disaster comes, they all fly away. Qiao Xusheng doesn't miss the old feelings at all.

For more than twenty years, I had been a lowly person and obeyed everything, but in the end I ended up like this.

She suddenly thought, why did she fall in love with Qiao Xusheng?

At that time, she was in her prime, coming out of that remote place in the countryside. Even though she went to a little-known medical school, she was always very energetic, and she was always thinking about changing her destiny through the college entrance examination.

With He Yurou's support, she could concentrate on her studies without being burdened by life. She was only one step away from being admitted to college.

Qiao Xusheng showed up. He tricked her into sleeping with her, made her pregnant, and made her lose the only chance to change her destiny. He pulled her into the lies he had weaved for herself, and she dreamed of cross-class dreams all day long.

In order to turn her dream into reality, she endured the humiliation and even drew a sword against her benefactor, but in the end she became the scapegoat for his wife-killing.

From the beginning, she trusted the wrong person.

She vaguely remembered what He Yurou said when he helped her.

She said not to place your hopes on anyone. Only when you become strong can you stand fearlessly in the world.

She laughed inwardly at that time.

Sure enough, a young lady who has never experienced the ravages of life can tell such a joke.

On their own? She is poor and has nothing. How long will it take for her to climb up on her own? If He Yurou wasn't from a wealthy family, how could she accumulate wealth at such a young age?

She mistook He Yurou's message. What He Yurou taught them was the way to survive and to have a choice of retreat at any time.

Therefore, when He Yurou divorced, it was Qiao Xusheng who was afraid, and Qiao Xusheng was afraid.

And once she was separated from Qiao Xusheng, she was like a dodder flower separated from a parasitic tree, without the ability to survive in the world.

After laughing enough, Bai Huizhu finally raised her eyes. Her face was calm, her eyes were resolute, and she said in a slow voice, The car accident that year was indeed not an accident. It was all a conspiracy...

Bai Huizhu told everything.

Ever since she was seduced by Qiao Xusheng and became his underground lover, she has had nothing to hide from her grievances and resentments for more than 20 years.

What Bai Huizhu explained is basically consistent with the evidence provided by Qiao Ruoxing.

She even told the details of how Qiao Xusheng took advantage of the chaos to put antidepressants at the scene of the crime.

He was always a participant, never innocent.

He Yurou had a chance to wake up back then, but he arranged many vehicles on the rescue road, causing congestion and delaying the treatment time.

In the first three years when He Yurou was in coma, he didn't even sincerely try to kill her. He only had people put on the good medicine recommended by the doctor when Qiao Ruoxing went to visit, and he didn't give it to He Yurou at all other times.

If Qiao Ruoxing hadn't married Gu Jingyan and transferred He Yurou to Nanshan Hospital, making it inconvenient for him to take action, He Yurou probably wouldn't have survived that year.

These are not empty words. She has evidence. She has evidence for all of He Yurou's medication records.

Perhaps subconsciously, she didn't trust Qiao Xusheng at all.

A man who can abandon his wife like a broken shoe will one day draw his sword against her when she has outlived her usefulness.

With the testimony and evidence provided by Bai Huizhu, the police soon interrogated Qiao Xusheng again.

Qiao Xusheng was very stubborn and still refused to admit it in the face of so much evidence.

He screamed that he was wronged, and at one moment he said he wanted to see his daughter Qiao Siyao, and at the next he said he wanted to see Qiao Ruoxing.

The police were very sympathetic and conveyed his thoughts to his two daughters.

Beating up a drowned dog is Qiao Ruoxing's favorite thing to do, so she naturally goes there happily.

Qiao Siyao was eager to control everything in the Qiao family and to pay off Xiao Xu's money. She needed Qiao Xusheng to entrust a lawyer to authorize her, so she brought a lawyer with her.

The two groups met outside the police station.

Gu Jingyan had to meet an important client today, but he was worried about Qiao Ruoxing going alone, so he arranged for Lin Shu to come and see her off.

As soon as the two got out of the car, they bumped into Qiao Siyao and the lawyer she was bringing.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

Of course, the only one who was jealous was Qiao Siyao, but Qiao Ruoxing was very indifferent and didn't want to talk to her at all.

Qiao Siyao followed up with a cold face, Qiao Ruoxing, please show some respect. This is our Qiao family's business. What does it have to do with you? What? Do you still want to come here to recognize yourself and get a share of the pie?

Qiao Ruoxing paused and looked at her as if she was crazy, You really know Qiao Xusheng's true heritage. Your parents are in jail, but what you are thinking about is worrying about others dividing the Qiao family's property.

After talking for a while, he added, I almost forgot, Qiao Xusheng was able to go in all because of your righteousness. After all, my mother did not raise you in vain all these years, and you have repaid her kindness. Sorry, I passed by Zhizha when I came here. Shop, forget to buy some paper money, otherwise I will have to give you a red envelope for my mother.

Qiao Siyao's mouth twitched and she said with a dark face, What right does an illegitimate daughter with an unknown biological father have to scream here? Dad didn't go in before, and he wanted to take you in as an adopted daughter and give you an identity to facilitate your remarriage. Now he Once you go in, your identity as an adopted daughter will be gone, do you think the Gu family will let you in that door?

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